Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Eating Full-Fat Cheese Won’t Raise Chance Of Heart Attack, Study Finds

CBS Local — Pass the cheese, please. While it may not be the healthiest thing in the world, a new study claims that full-fat dairy products is not as bad as once thought. Eating full-fat cheese, milk or yogurt does not increase the risk of a heart attack or stroke, according to a study published in European Journal of Epidemiology, via Guardian,

The study was an in-depth analysis of 29 prior studies that looked at the link between dairy products and risk of cardiovascular disease or heart problems. Their findings were such that these dairy products have a “neutral” effect on those areas.

“This meta-analysis showed there were no associations between total dairy, high- and low-fat dairy, milk and the health outcomes including all-cause mortality, coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease,” the report reads.

Experts from Europe coalesced for this research. A pair from England, one from Denmark and one from the Netherlands were in on the study.

“There’s quite a widespread but mistaken belief among the public that dairy products in general can be bad for you, but that’s a misconception,” said Ian Givens, one of the researchers. “While it is a widely held belief, our research shows that that’s wrong. There’s been a lot of publicity over the last five to 10 years about how saturated fats increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and a belief has grown up that they must increase the risk, but they don’t.”

The government, though, still suggests watching dairy consumption.

“Dairy products form an important part of a healthy balanced diet; however, many are high in saturated fat and salt. We’re all consuming too much of both, increasing our risk of heart disease,” a spokesman for Public Health England told Guardian. “We recommend choosing lower-fat varieties of milk and dairy products or eating smaller amounts to reduce saturated fat and salt in the diet.”

The researchers stand by their report.

“Our meta-analysis included an unusually large number of participants,” said Givens. “We are confident that our results are robust and accurate.”



  1. It’s hard to know what or who to believe these days; one study always outweighs another and so on. I’m sure moderation in all things is the right way to go.

  2. Thank God.....what would life be without old nippy cheddar?

  3. I never know what to think! It seems we hear one thing and then another. I think it probably makes the most sense to have everything in moderation. :)

  4. C’est plein de gras fromage dans le réfrigérateur pour moi,

    Marie C

  5. I am glad I read this, thanks so much. I love most cheeses but still eat in moderation.

  6. Anything in moderation for some of course.
    So called experts change 'food' as in what not's good and what is good to eat for whatever condition...gets confusing.

  7. That's good new, low fat cheese is just not the same! Hug, Valerie

  8. Marie C translation:

    It's full of fat cheese in the fridge for me,

  9. This is really interesting, isn't it!
    I've been eating large quantities of cheese for ever, and have always eaten butter, not that ******* margarine stuff and have been very healthy. Low fat cheese is dire, have you ever tried to toast it? Of course everyone is different and different people process food differently, but this latest "finding" is good news for us cheese eaters.

  10. another, eat this - don't eat that, then eat it!! i am a cheese lover, it is my drug of this is great news for me!!!

  11. It's interesting because EVERY single food can have a book written in terms of alll the pros or alll the cons. Also important to note who pays for what study. Right now, the dairy industry is pushing HARD for studies, promos and to have the word milk removed from soya milk, almond milk and so on. Follow the money.

  12. I will have to say I have a bit of cheese every day, as in everything I have cut back on the amount I eat but got to have my cheese :)


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