Monday, 29 May 2017

Mint ... and memories

We each have our own special memories, and as we grow and look back they become so cherished, well mine certainly seem to. One of the things I remember is picking mint for my dear Mum, as she would make a fresh mint sauce, or scatter some chopped up leaves in one of her favourite recipes. We had our own small patch of mint growing, and it was so lovely to be able to pick a few leaves and take them into the kitchen for mum to seemingly weave her magic as she prepared and cooked our meals. Her Roasts were amazing, the aroma that drifted from the kitchen into the hall and dining room as we would sit down and enjoy a family meal, our taste buds were working overtime! Family meals were so important and it seems to me that in more recent times some families do not sit down around a table as much, which is a shame ... 

But to get back to Mint - did you know:
"There are several types of mint, each with its own subtle difference in flavour and appearance. The most popular type is spearmint, with its pointed, serrated leaves and a familiar refreshing flavour. It is commonly used to make mint sauce or jelly and in tea.

Peppermint has longer, darker leaves and a stronger flavour and is popular in sweets and confectionary. Another popular variety is apple mint, which has a subtle, fruit-tinged flavour and is popular in summer drinks.

Mint is at its peak from May to September.

Choose the best:
Look for bright green, perky leaves that aren't wilting.

Prepare it:
Pull leaves from stem and run under cold water before shredding or adding whole to dishes. The smaller leaves at the top of the sprig are sweeter and great for garnishing salads and soups with.

Store it:
Store fresh mint in the fridge in a sealed plastic bag for up to 3 days.

Cook it:
Use mint in a variety of dishes including fruit salads, stuffings, tabbouleh and for Thai dishes including soups and curries."

The above image and information about mint from here

Roast Lamb With A Pea and Mint Pesto Sauce
see recipe here

Tomato and mint salad
see recipe here

Do you enjoy the flavour of mint, or adding it to your recipes?

All the best Jan


  1. I have never tasted lamb. The salad looks very refreshing.
    I enjoyed reading about your memories of picking mint for your Mum. Many years ago, I grew chocolate mint and it reminded me of a York peppermint candy.

  2. It's such a shame that we're losing the habit of sitting around a table as a family and enjoying a meal. We always sat to the table when I was a child and it's something I've always done with my own family. It's a time when we can all catch up with each other's lives and find out what's been happening to each other. I love popping mint in to cook with those first harvested potatoes of the season, it won't be long now, yum yum.

  3. I've never used mint in my meals... the salad idea sounds refreshing. I agree we have got away frim eating around a table and you're right, it's very sad... it's a good way to stay close with your family.

    Thanks for checking in with me while I wasn't blogging due to physical pain. I'm starting to feel more myself.

    Have a lovely day ♡♡♡

  4. I love mint, and your recipe suggestion once again have me drooling over the keyboard! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Hi Jan, I too love the smell of mint and always have some in the garden I keep it contained in a pot. I like to grab a few leaves as I pass and just scrunch them up for the fresh smell.
    Yes, my Mum always chopped up some mint for her mint sauce when we'd have roast lamb for dinner... that aroma brings back happy memories as you mention.
    In Summer I scrunch a few leaves into ice cold water as a refreshing drink, it's so nice.
    Cheerio now and I hope your week is full of joy :D)

  6. I love fresh mint and my favorite way to enjoy it is in a glass of ice tea! We used to have a big patch of it at our house in spreads like crazy. It was next to the garden and smelled amazing! Hugs!

  7. The tomato and mint salad looks amazing Jan. I do like using mint but don't eat lamb ☺ Hope the sun is shining and that you are enjoying your long weekend ☺

  8. I have mint in pots and love the smell too. I've never used it in food though, just use it in drinks or tea, so thanks for the ideas Jan.

  9. We recently bought a small mint plant from the supermarket for 75p and planted it in the garden to see if it would take. It's growing really well already and the smell is so good. I think a Tagine is in order. X

  10. I love mint too! I have quite a bit of mint growing in my garden in pots, as it is so invasive, I haven't planted it in the garden. My favorite use for mint is in ice tea or making hot tea. It sure grows prolifically here. How wonderful that you have such special memories associated with mint growing in your Mum's garden :)

  11. I love mint -especially with watermelon.

  12. I've never used mint in a dish. I'm not a big mint lover and don't really like it in dishes.

  13. Great minty information, Jan:) Thanks for sharing.
    Sounds like you have some wonderful memories to hold close to your heart.
    Mint always reminds me of a cat I once had, that I held dear. He loved mint.

  14. I love mint, it's so versatile, I love it in drinks in the summer. I always grow it, I keep it in a pot though as it romps everywhere. That salad looks lovely!xxx

  15. Scents are incredibly powerful at evoking memories aren't they? And mint is right up there...

  16. ...once you plant mint, you will be able to pick it for life.

  17. What a lovely tribute to your mom. These types of memories are what we cherish. I love mint. My mom used it all the time in many recipes; she still does. And now I do, too. Eating dinner together as a family was extremely important when I was growing up and I continued that with my own children. Not only did we enjoy a nice meal together, we got the chance to talk and share our day.

  18. I remember Mum having a large patch of mint growing and in summer fresh leaves would be crushed daily and placed in saucers beside open doors and windows to repel flies. Our mint was also chopped and used to make cups of tea with honey for after dinner digestion.

  19. What interesting mint facts, thank you very much!

  20. Jan, I absolutely love lamb, it is my favourite!!! Closely behind lamb would be chicken and salmon. And I love mint, too, and lamb and mint complement each other so well. Thank you so much for all you share, I really appreciate the hard work and valued information that goes into each and every one of your posts.

  21. I love mint! Thank you for this post!


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