Thursday 21 September 2017

Chicken with mushrooms & peas : A recipe that suits my LCHF lifestyle

Eddie and I have been living the low carb lifestyle for nine years now. Eddie is a Type 2 diabetic. This lifestyle has enabled him to lower and control his blood sugar numbers. I am not a diabetic, nor do I have any underlying health issues, but I choose to live this lifestyle. I have found I feel healthier for it, my energy levels increased and also in the back of my mind …both my dear mum and Gran developed Alzheimer’s in later life…..I think this runs in families. I also believe cutting down on starch and sugars may well help the fight against this disease, so rightly or wrongly, my choice is to eat low carb, high fat, moderate protein. Both mine and Eddie’s carbohydrate intake is no more than 50g per day, and often less. We have enjoyed many low carb meals over the past nine years, this recipe suggestion included! It's a quick and easy chicken dish with bacon, peas and a parsley sauce - use chicken thighs for extra flavour and juiciness - very tasty.

Serves Four
2 tbsp. olive oil
500g boneless, skinless chicken thighs
a little flour, for dusting
50g cubetti di pancetta
300g small button mushrooms
2 large shallots, chopped
250ml chicken stock
1 tbsp. white wine vinegar
50g frozen peas
small handful parsley, finely chopped

1. Heat 1 tbsp. oil in a frying pan. Season and dust the chicken with flour, brown on all sides. Remove. Fry the pancetta and mushrooms until softened, then remove.

2. Add the final tbsp. oil and cook shallots for 5 minutes. Add the stock and vinegar, bubble for 1-2 minutes. Return the chicken, pancetta and mushrooms and cook for 15 minutes. Add the peas and parsley and cook for 2 mins more, then serve.

Tastes great served with a mix of cauliflower and broccoli florets, or some buttery mashed swede.

Chicken can make a tasty meal and is usually very reasonably priced, it's also one of the most popular meats around. It has a high level of good quality protein, as well as B vitamins, iron, copper and selenium, I hope you may enjoy this dish soon.
Original recipe idea is here

You can read our 'Introduction to low-carb for beginners' post here

All the best Jan


  1. ...another nice chicken dish.

  2. That's my kind of meal. I'd have to leave the mushrooms out for Mick.

  3. This looks so good and you have made the right choices. You make a good point about the link between Alzheimer's and sugars.

  4. This looks absolutely divine! I would have to leave the peas out if I was making this for my hubby but I love them! Thanks!

  5. You are seriously making me hungry!!
    This looks absolutely irresistible...:))

  6. This is a meal we enjoy too. Love chicken and I'm always looking for new ways to fix it.

  7. This is a great meal! Your dishes are so delicious.

  8. This will definitely be on our dinner table next week. I love all the ingredients. We have taken to eating more chicken thighs after years of always using breasts. Thighs are ever so much more flavorful.

  9. That looks so good - I'll put that on my list to try!

  10. Not for my vegetarian self. I love that you are eating more healthily AND enjoying the benefits.

  11. Thanks for the recipes you post Jan - I'm always after ideas.

    Regarding low carb, I've been low carb now for six years after being pre-diabetic. I just had my blood tests done and my HbA1c is still only 34 (5.3) which is normal. If I'd not changed my diet I have no doubt that I would now be a full blown diabetic. I'm so glad I discovered this way of life before it was too late.

  12. That looks delicious. I'm having fish and salad for lunch today...and now, after seeing this my appetite has heightened! :)

  13. I'm glad this diet has worked for you and your husband. I've added quite a few of your recipes that transform easily to vegetarian options to the que. I appreciate your many helpful recipes.

  14. I will have to put this one on the to try list as Savanna has decided she doesn't mind mushrooms now.
    With the chicken and peas which she loves I think this is an ideal one to try that new theory out on.
    Lisa x


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