Thursday 21 September 2017

Low carb diets are taking my patients off diabetes medication

Carbohydrates have been seen as an essential part of our diet for some time. Recently however, some research has challenged our thinking, and this has made some healthcare professionals a little uneasy.

We need carbohydrates for energy, there is no doubt about that, but do we need the amount of carbohydrates most of us consume?

Okay, so what is this new research suggesting? A pilot study was conducted and published in 2013. This demonstrated that it is possible for people with type 2 diabetes, when given a carefully controlled diet of 800 calories a day for eight weeks, to improve their diabetes control radically.

Professor Roy Taylor (who carried out the original pilot study) is now conducting a huge research study, with the backing of Diabetes UK, to find out whether the outcomes of this pilot study can be replicated across a wider diabetes population.

Michael Moseley wrote a book called the ‘8-week blood sugar diet’, which explains the science behind this diet and makes this type of diet accessible to the average person with type 2 diabetes. Although it is not recommended by NICE for type 2 diabetes, Diabetes UK is currently backing this research.

Some colleagues feel that because we don’t know what will happen long term, we should not encourage people to try this. Their concern is that a reduction of carbohydrates may mean loss of fibre, vitamins and minerals through reduced fruit and vegetable intake. They also feel that a higher intake of fats may be promoted in the form of dairy foods and coconut oil. They prefer a more measured approach, with reducing portion size a key factor.

I think they feel that the 'blood sugar diet' is really just a current version of the Atkins-type diet, but this very low carbohydrate diet comes from a far more scientific approach.

People with type 2 diabetes feel empowered to try this diet. Several patients I work with have tried this diet under supervision. Some have reduced their HbA1c, lost weight and been able to come off all diabetes medications. Others have reduced their HbA1c significantly, reduced their medications and lost weight. All were at different stages with their diabetes. As an aside, I have spoken to far more men than women who have been interested to try the diet.

If we look back at the drive over the past 20 or more years to reduce fats significantly from our diets in the western world, do we see a leaner and healthier population? No, with the reduction of fats and increase in intake of carbohydrate foods, our waistlines have increased and there has been a huge increase in numbers diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and obesity. It is surely not by chance, that all this has happened during the same time period.

Dr Taylor may be providing a huge service to the world with this research, especially if the findings show that for some with type 2 diabetes they may go into remission by this dramatic reduction in carbohydrates over the course of eight weeks.



  1. Hi human, Eddie,

    Thank you very much for this most informative pawst. I'm going to make sure that my human dad reads this article. Even though he tries to maintain a healthy lifestyle, extra input is always welcome.

    I shall take the liberty of sharing this enlightening story.

    Thank you.

    Pawsitive wishes,


  2. I think the tried and true Mediterranean Diet is a good path to follow...with detours...we all must take a detour, not a drastic detour, once in a while. :)

    The trouble is over the past few decades so much, too much focus has been put on "fast foods". What I can never understand is buying fast foods/take-away is much more expensive that preparing home-cooked meals using fresh produce. It continues to baffle me.

    And one doesn't have to prepare fancy restaurant-style meals...simple and fresh, is best...and most times, quick! Faster and better than fast foods!

    I'll step down, and put away my soapbox now. :)

  3. That sounds like a better way to cope with diabetes than taking medication! Hugs, Valerie

  4. An 800 calorie diet may be a little rough at first, but most of us who are determined to better in controlling the diabetes, may be willing to give it a try. Taking medicines can be so expensive for many. Thanks for the tips. Hugs...

  5. My doctor told me to ty and keep the carbs to 50 mgs a day. I'm taking medicine along with the lower carb diet and my A1c went from 11.1 to 9.3 in 5 months.

  6. As I said recently in a comment here my husband and I went low carb six years ago. We were both pre-diabetic and I certainly would be a diabetic by now if I'd not changed my diet. My sister is an insulin dependant diabetic as was my grandmother. I am not super low carb but have now had normal HbA1c readings for over five years. The latest last week was 34 (5.3) and I'm very happy with that.

  7. Hello, I will let my diabetic hubby read this post. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

  8. Excellent info for my mum who is diabetic since more than 20 years. Have a happy weekend Jan, thanks for sharing and please, enjoy a fantastic autumn season my friend!


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The best of health to you and yours.
