Monday, 18 September 2017

Handbags at dawn anyone?

Sixty-year-old woman is shoved to the ground as fists fly in a punch-up between transgender activists and their extreme feminist rivals in Hyde Park!

"The transgender issue is the most sensitive in Britain today, sparking passionate debate among equal-rights campaigners.

But now that passion has erupted into the sort of outright violence normally associated with football hooligans.

Two factions – the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists (or so-called TERFs) and their bitter enemies Trans Activists – clashed in an unseemly bust-up that ended with a 60-year-old woman being bundled to the ground and punched in the face. The incident was caught on video and is now being investigated by the police.

Mother-of-two Maria MacLachlan, who describes herself as a ‘gender critical feminist’, was attacked at Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park at about 7pm on Wednesday."

Full article here.

Jeez I thought I had lead a pretty interesting life, clearly I have  no idea how the 'real' world works. Anyone want to try and convince me, we are not heading for oblivion. The worlds gone nuts I tell thee. 



  1. The world around us gets increasingly harder to understand. All you need is love....and tolerance. Hugs, Valerie

  2. They have lost sight of decent behaviour in pushing their cause, gives me less respect for their cause on both sides.

  3. ...the world is filled with hooligans.

  4. The mind boggles...really.....I can't keep track of all the issues we are supposed to be passionate about. I just want to live. Can't we all just get along and, you know, live?

  5. It's all ME, ME, ME. What I want, what I am, what I' need. There is no empathy anywhere.
    Quite frankly I don't give a toss for anyone's sexuality, I shouldn't even know. Be whatever you want to be, just don't rub my face in it.

  6. If people had the common sense to concentrate on the things we have in common, instead of picking at every scab of "difference" until it bleeds, this would be a heckuva lot better place to spend our lives.

  7. That's so awful. Here in Australia there's such a lot of hatred being stirred up in regard to the same-sex marriage issue at the moment.
    Valerie's comment that "All you need is love....and tolerance" is so true.

  8. Oh my I feel that everyday, the world just seems to be going down hill and very quickly, so sad

  9. So sad!! Love people!! All we need is love!!


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