Sunday, 17 September 2017

Raspberry Cream Cheese Mug Cupcake : Low Carb and Delicious !

Are you a fan of mug cakes?  They're very popular in the low carb, keto world. In about five minutes you can mix a few basic ingredients and have something that tastes very close to a cake.  A single serving of sweet, low carb goodness. 

No oven needed for this recipe, it's 'cooked' in the microwave!

Raspberry Cream Cheese Mug Cupcake
Serves One
1 tbsp. melted butter, cooled
2 tbsp. almond flour
1 egg
1 tsp sugar substitute
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp almond extract
1 tbsp. cream cheese, diced into small bits
5 raspberries
1 tiny pinch salt
For the Frosting
(4 servings, so you'll have enough for extra cakes)
4 oz. (1/2 brick) cream cheese
4 tbsp. butter, softened
1 tsp sugar substitute
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Nutritional Information:
51 grams fat, 9.9 grams carbohydrate, 4.1 grams dietary fibre, 5.8 grams net carbohydrate, 14.8 grams protein.
For preparation/cooking instructions please see 'Modern Low Carb' site here

Did you know, Raspberries, are a member of the rose family, and have a wonderfully intense, sweet taste, and many consider them to be the finest flavoured of all the berries.

Raspberries grow well in cool, damp climates, and the red varieties, such as Heritage and Malling Jewel, are the most commonly sold, though you can also find black, yellow and golden types.

They are an essential ingredient in the classic English dessert, Summer pudding, and their flavour combines well with that of other berries.

Late June to early September. If you've got a garden or allotment, raspberries are quite easy to grow.

Choose the best:
Look for bright, evenly coloured and plump berries, with no mushy or mouldy examples. If you're buying a punnet, check that the underside isn't stained - that means the lower level of berries has been crushed.

Avoid raspberries with their hulls still attached; that indicates that they were picked before they were ripe, so their flavour will be tart.

Prepare it:
As raspberries are very delicate, try not to wash them unless absolutely necessary. Just pick off any bits of stalk or leaf. If they must be washed don't put them directly under the flow of the tap, as they'll disintegrate. Gently pat them dry with kitchen paper.

Store it:
Arrange them on a layer of kitchen paper on a plate, so that they don't crush each other, and store them in the fridge. Take them out of the fridge an hour before eating, so that they're at room temperature. They are best eaten on the same day they were bought or picked.

I do hope you may enjoy some raspberries, and perhaps this recipe suggestion soon!

All the best Jan


  1. ...looks mighty refreshing.

  2. Am I a fan of mug cakes?!! I am a fan of any kind of cake!!
    This one I will make the moment I buy cream cheese which I rarely have.
    My file is getting bigger with all these great and healthy recipes!
    How can I thank you?!
    Sending you lots of hugs.
    : )

  3. I adore raspberries, and like them best just 'as it'.

  4. Looks and sounds delicious Jan!!!
    Thank you for the extra info, too!
    Have a lovely evening~

  5. Looks wonderful, thanks for sharing! Hugs, Valerie

  6. I've made those mug cupcakes before. I like that you shared this one, because it is also vegetarian, something I can enjoy. I've never grown raspberries, but I have a huge blackberry bush I grew from a small planting I purchased three years ago. I'm going to put raspberries on my grocery list and will try this. It's still so warm here, I hate to run the oven, so microwave food is always good this time of year.

  7. Mug cakes are a miracle!
    These one looks lovely with the addition of raspberries.
    Lisa x

  8. I've never tried making a mug cake but Eleanor has and it didn't come out very well so it's something neither of us have tried again. I think we should give this one a go and see how well this one turns out as it looks delicious.

  9. It looks delicious but I rarely eat cake of any type. Not for any other reason than it just does not wet my appetite.
    I would rather just eat the raspberries straight from the bush :)

    I am sure there will be many that will delight in making these :)

  10. I've never had a mug cake but I'll have to remedy that.

  11. I have never made a mug cake but my younger daughter has. I should try it one day and this one would be a delicious one to start with!

  12. This would make for great portion control. Thanks Jan :)

  13. You know I have saved a few recipes for mug cakes but have yet to try them, I will have to write down what I need to buy and give this a try it sounds wonderful!
    Thanks for all the info on the raspberries too, my family use to have a patch out in our back garden when I was growing up :)
    Hope you are having a wonderful week!!

  14. This looks and sounds tasty. I love raspberries. :)

  15. Oh My Goodness this looks so good. I Japan we used to make cakes like this but them cam already made except we needed to add an egg mix well and wa laa we had cake wrapped with a pokemondesign on the cup !
    I will try this soon.

    Happy Easter and be well.


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