Monday, 25 September 2017

Lemony Lamb Chops - Grilled

Lamb is usually a very tasty meat, but can be expensive. We don't eat it too often - perhaps a lovely Roast Lamb Sunday Lunch or a recipe like this below. I often look out for special offers at my supermarket, Farmer's Market or butcher ... depending on where I maybe shopping! If you are not too familiar with the different cuts of lamb, have a read here

If you'd like to give this recipe a try, here is what you will need.
Using 12 small chops
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp. fresh thyme - or rosemary if preferred
1 pinch salt
1 pinch black pepper
12 lean lamb loin chops
cooking spray

1. In small bowl, mix olive oil, lemon juice, and thyme. Season with salt and pepper.
2. In shallow baking dish, place lamb chops and brush with seasoned olive oil. Cover and refrigerate 1 hour.
3. Preheat grill to high. Lightly coat grill grate with cooking spray. Place lamb chops on grill, and discard marinade. Cook 10 minutes, turning once, until internal temperature reaches 145°F. (Meat is cooked through)

Nutrition Information:
Per serving (x12)
173 calories; .5g carbohydrates; 0g fibre; 3g saturated fat; 14g protein; 46mg sodium

Obviously amend amounts to suit your needs.
If you require help with measurement conversion etc. look here

Taken from an idea here

All the best Jan


  1. Not for me - even when I ate meat.
    Lamb is wicked expensive here too.

  2. Hi Jan... aw, snap! Hubby did the shopping this morningand I told him I had a hunger for some chops - no matter the price lol :D)
    Lamb's expensive over here as well. The lemony recipe sounds nice! Cheers

  3. Yum. I'm having lamb chops for tea so I may very well go with this recipe.

  4. ...I've never cared for lamb!

  5. Hello, I have to say I have not eaten much lamb in my lifetime.
    Thank you for sharing the recipe. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  6. I confess that I've never eaten lamb but your picture looks delicious. Happy Monday.

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    I cling to your website like a life preserver. Love and hugs, Margaret from Vermont

  8. I have to admit, I hardly ever eat lamb...but coincidentally, I did have lamb in mint sauce yesterday.
    I am a "guilty meat eater"...wish I were a vegetarian, but still get cravings for meat!
    I have never thought of lamb and lemon before...but now I have seen your recipe, it looks wonderful!

    Love & Hugs xoxoxo

  9. It looks delicious, not something I have often.

  10. I love lamb chops!
    This dish looks really appealing!!

  11. My mother would often slice lemons and add them onto lamb while cooking, rather than use juice.

  12. Like the wool, not a fan of the meat lol.

  13. I have some lamb in the freezer that I was lucky enough to get on special, so I think I'm going to try this one for dinner. Thanks so much for the awesome recipe. Hugs...RO

  14. Wonderful ideas, but salmon and lamb are mostly out of my budget! Hugs Valerie

  15. Hard to beat lamb chops but we're a bit "meated out" after so much lamb in Greece.

    Enjoy your weekend Jan and Eddie.


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