Friday, 12 January 2018

Five Health and Fitness Tips For 2018

These are my five simple health and fitness tips, but please note I am not a medical person, nor do I have any underlying health issues. I can only share my experience with you, the reader, but by following these five simple tips for almost ten years now, my health and fitness has been good.

Eddie, my husband a Type 2 diabetic reduced his HbA1c from in the 12’s (at diagnosis) to the 5’s. By living this lifestyle, his blood sugar levels remain constant, and his only diabetic medication is metformin. Some Type 2 Diabetics, who have also followed this lifestyle, have reduced their dependence on medication too, which surely must be beneficial.

These five markers have become a ‘lifestyle’ and I certainly would not go back to eating ’carbage’. I do not eat more than 50 carbs each day but it is balanced by the amount of fat and protein I eat. You need to work out a balance that suits you, take your lifestyle, your work patterns etc. into account. This is not difficult to do but you have to make the choice and then put your choice into action.

If you are diabetic use your meter to keep a check on your blood sugar readings. If you choose to start out on this lifestyle take it one step at a time, it’s not a race and you may find that a gradual reduction works better for you.

So to re-cap for me - keeping my body healthy is following this lifestyle:

1) Eating low carb whole foods,
2) Eating high fat natural foods,
3) Eating moderate protein foods,
4) Taking exercise, that suit’s the individual,
5) Establish a good sleep pattern.

You only have to read around the many blogs and forums, read the various articles, look at who is talking about living this low carb lifestyle, to get a good indication of the many people this has helped.

Whether you are non diabetic, a Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetic. Perhaps your family has a History of other illnesses that could benefit from living this lifestyle, if you haven’t already given it some thought I would urge you to.

As always dear reader the choice is yours ...

Thanks for reading, the picture below shows the low carb food pyramid.

If you should be interested in reading a little more about the LCHF lifestyle then why not have a look at our 'Introduction to low-carb for beginners' post here

All the best Jan


  1. Thanks for always sharing your wonderful tips
    Hugs, Valerie

  2. Thank you for all the wonderful recipes and advice Jan and Eddie. As you have stated, we all must make choices and if someone wants more info or are concerned about what to do, they should always see their personal doctor.

    This is a great blog!
    Have a great day 💮

  3. Good, sensible advice - unfortunately many people want a "magic bullet" and do little to help themselves.
    I am not diabetic but do have a problem with High BP (unfortunately it runs on both sides of my family) and I do need to lose weight to help control it. My cardiologist has me on a low carb diet (he'd prefer that I be totally Paleo - no carb) but there is no way that I can be that strict. I had my doubts but have to admit, I have lost weight, feel better and rarely feel hungry. I do have a sweet tooth and find the most difficult part is passing on desserts & treats. I try to go days without anything and then have a small treat - or if I am really craving something I'll allow myself 1 shortbread - it gets me past the point where I want to stuff my face with umpteen servings of sugar! I'm lucky in that I love vegetables so that isn't a hardship.
    I have a couple of friends who are diabetic and they really are their own worst enemies. They've gone from - Control it by diet - to Metformin -to Insulin. One admitted that she can't take it seriously because she doesn't see or feel any of the affects of the disease.I guess she won't do anything until she starts to lose her vision or her kidneys fail - it's such a shame when even small changes would make such a difference.
    I am now looking through your wonderful recipes so thank you.

  4. Thank you for sharing, Jan and Eddie.

  5. Good advice we all should follow.

  6. Hello, these are great tips. We all need to stay healthy and eat healthy.

    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  7. Thanks for all the information you post here, Jan. Your ideas always make me think about another way to eat. ♥

  8. It says high fat organic food, i thought fats were as hard as carbs to process

  9. Some really great tips, Jan. Thank you for sharing them! You can never have too much advice about taking good care of ourselves.

  10. I have been eating less carbs since the new year started. I haven't eliminated them altogether, but I am trying to make better decisions. Thanks for sharing. :)

  11. Helpful information! Living a healthy lifestyle is so important and can help others things in life be easier.

  12. Excellent advice and I thank you for that. I did get somewhat overexuberant in my exercise regime. I've now reduced the exertion levels because I got real achy last week. As for a sleep pattern. If only.

    Thanks again.


  13. Super! Always such good stuff here....

  14. That was interesting to go back and refresh Jan. After the Christmas we had I was really pleased to get back to a healthy eating plan. I was interested to see you mentioned trying cream in coffee, I always use whole milk, but cream sounds even better ☺


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