Saturday, 16 June 2018

Take These Five For A June Harvest !

Romaine (or Cos) Lettuce

Romaine*, or Cos lettuces as they are also known, have a long, oval head of tightly packed crisp leaves.
Little Gem is a miniature version.
Cos Lettuce is believed to have originated on the Greek Island of Kos.
*In the US there has been serious problems with Romaine Lettuces, read more in this article 'Is it safe to eat romaine lettuce now?' here
See recipe suggestion here


A member of the summer squash family, courgettes are harvested when young to ensure a stronger, sweeter flavour. Choose small, firm courgettes and store them in the fridge.
See recipe suggestion here


Back in the 1800's, hawkers in London sold bunches of watercress, which were bought and eaten as snacks.
Like its cousin mustard, watercress has a strong smell and a bold peppery taste, as hinted by its Latin name, Nasturtium officinale - Nasturtium means nose twister !
Both the leaves and the stem are edible - just remove (or finely chop) any thicker stems, which can be tough.
See recipe suggestion here


Broccoli is thought to have been introduced to Britain from Italy in the 1700's, when it was sometimes called 'Italian Asparagus'. It's name translates as 'little arms'.
Like kale and cabbage, broccoli is a brassica, and is high in Vitamin C and folic acid. Although the stalks are tough, they are still edible. Best stored in an airtight bag in the fridge.

See recipe suggestion here


These wonderful berries are at their best from now until September.
Store fruit un-washed in the fridge but bring to room temperature before eating to maximise their flavour. Strawberries have the highest Vitamin C content within the berry family.
See recipe suggestion here

Idea for article from Tesco Magazine.
I wonder … have you a favourite among these?

All the best Jan


  1. You've got all of my faves here. Hugs, Valerie

  2. I like all five but strawberries have to be my favourite. The Pick Your Own farm nearby has just opened so I'll be having a trip soon.

  3. ...the harvest is beginning!

  4. Dina and I trekked to the farmers market and loaded up on green carbs we don't normally eat...while I was typing Dina returned from the regular grocery. Bought plain Greek yogurt...think we'll be trying that broccoli-cauliflower recipe from the other day. Hm...never have tasted plain yogurt. You may be changing our lives.


  5. Never thought mustard and watercress are related! Our cress... again! looks different, or is! Broccoli, big yum!

  6. these are some of my favorites. We are enjoying the strawberries right now!
    Enjoy your day and weekend!

  7. Cos lettuce is my fav in summer Jan, the leaves work well shredded or as the perfect wrap for something delicious ☺ Enjoy your weekend ✨

  8. Have you made zucchini pasta?

  9. Sandi said:
    "Have you made zucchini pasta?"

    Hi Sandi
    Many thanks for your comment.
    Yes, we enjoy eating courgettes/zucchini and have got quite used to them within our menu plans. Of course it is different from actual pasta but we like the substitute/swap … especially as husband Eddie is a Type 2 diabetic.

    Some recipes can be fiddly but I always think them worth doing, just have to make sure I allow time.

    This recipe

    and this one

    are well worth trying.

    We also enjoy eggplant/aubergines as a lower carb alternative to lasagne.

    All the best Jan

  10. What a selection of vegetables, I love them all, thanks Jan.

  11. Just to say, strawberries in England are just amazing!

  12. Lovely and colourful post. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  13. I have never tried watercress. I will have to do so soon.

  14. We are starting to get fresh garden vegetables. The zucchini and strawberries are my favorites of these, but love them all.

  15. Strawberries for me.


  16. We enjoy all of these. The strawberries are at their top just now. So sweet and juicy.

  17. Our winter has finally arrived. I am in soup mode at the moment, and made a huge batch yesterday which included some of these gems. No strawberries in my soup though.

  18. I'm very lucky, I do love my fruit and veg, and strawberries are close to the top of my list! xx

  19. So healthy! And even the photos suggest health with the green items ~

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. I love Strawberry salad..I'lll have to find a substitute for the Zucchini...;) Our Strawberries are at their peak now so I have been taking advantage of that. Enjoy the rest of your weekend..

  21. Not a big strawberry fan unless they are dipped in know....CHOCOLATE! haha and I will eat Broccoli if I can hide it in some other food. Yep, I am not a big fan of that either.But I do love Brussel Sprouts! Cabbage, green beans and my fave is the worst one for you...corn! Oh, well I do get some greens in and I love oranges and bananas.

  22. Love fresh veggies and fruits...even their colors are good for you...cheerful :)


  23. I purchased some romaine the last time I was at the grocery store. I made sure it was NOT from Arizona before I purchased it.

    I love strawberries just like they are. They should never be mixed with anything, but eaten with their little hats still on them.

    In the past, I have grown zucchini with great success. This year ALL my veggies have died, so there will be only those purchased in a store for me. I love everything you shared today, with the possible exception of water cress which I am not sure I've ever tasted.

  24. I eat all of these and love them ---especially in Summer when they are SO fresh.... Thanks for sharing.


  25. I think all five would go well together in a nice salad.

  26. We have some strawberry plants in the garden, they are at their best now!

  27. I'm a piggy when it comes to all of these five. It was a huge relief when the romaine got the "all clear" to eat again.

  28. Mi favoritos lechuga y brocoli. Un beso.

  29. I like to make a cream soup with the cress, it grows in many of the streams I fish in for trout.

  30. YES!! Strawberries are ripe here in Wisconsin. :-)

  31. The band has lifted for the Romaine here but I still decided to grow my own but the problem is you have to pick it and it won't last forever and so it will only help for a short time, the weather is getting too hot now for it to last in the garden.

  32. Helpful tips about storing and enjoying these treats. I love strawberries! :)

  33. The romaine lettuce contamination has scared me. It's sad because I ate it almost daily.

  34. Love them all! Great post, thank you!


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