Thursday 12 July 2018


1 The total f**kwit

These dullards wade into a thread containing great news, from people who have reversed terrible health problems, by way of a low carb higher natural fat lifestyle. They proceed to tell us we are dead men walking. While forgetting to tell us, they are on the run from a secure mental health facility. Very often body builders, out of their heads caused by steroid and insulin abuse, and very often flogging supplements to their misguided followers.

2 The Mercenaries

Mercenaries are very often Scientists and Academics, who have received eye watering amounts of money from junk food companies and or big pharma. Arguably these people are the leading cause of the obesity and type two diabetes epidemics. Following closely behind, we have the Dietetic Associations, also on the junk food payola treadmill, with many of their most high profile dietitians morbidly obese, go figure that point. But whatever you do, don't mention fat shaming.

3 The Trolls

Very often nameless, faceless, anonymous, misfits. Life has treated these people badly, they blame everything for their misfortune on others, it's never their fault. Their favourite target is happy people who have regained their health by eating real food. Nothing sticks more in a trolls throat, than an enlightened person who took a leap of faith, went against the diet of slow death, and regained their health.

4 The Goons

These people are very often educated way beyond their level of intelligence. Typically PhD's, we know that because it appears in their signatures, as if that makes us gasp in admiration, and we will accept their every word. Their fall back position is to link to science papers, the more technical and convoluted the better. It seems never to dawn on them, most people do not ever read the papers, including most hard pressed medical professionals. But hey, quoting the Krebs cycle can make a man look very clever. I suspect most think the Krebs cycle is some sort of mountain bike.

5 The nice but dims

Mostly people on a ludicrous diet, who try to flog it to a low carber, very often Vegans. These well meaning souls, remind me of the Jehovah's witnesses who bang me out of bed early on a Saturday morning, informing me they can save me. I ask them why me, have you run out of human beings?


Well, you didn't think my Jan would post a rant like that, surely!


  1. wow,, thats an eye opener!!!

  2. But which one is the most irritating?

  3. HA! I love it!I laugh at many who dispel my ideas with nonspecifically used data. I just listen and always hope for the best health in me, loving any new ideas to try that sound good or fun. Just got out of the hospital and wonder how well all that cared for me really are with their bodies.I enjoy all you offer here and wait for the next idea.

  4. And now that you've got THAT off your chest lol...........

  5. Hah! I'm sick of the gluten-free stuff. People don't really know what they have. It makes it hard to find good food!

  6. ...there are a lot of nice but dim folks out there.

  7. Great post. I have never even heard of those....guessing I will need to go to Aldi's and pick some up.

  8. Oooh we all know some of these lol x

  9. Yes, we meet these people online. Enjoyed your descriptions.


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