Sunday, 14 October 2018

Thai Pumpkin Soup : LCHF : Dairy Free

Deep orange. Wonderfully spicy, exotic and fragrant. Rich and satisfying. A low carb high fat Thai pumpkin soup for cold, rainy days. And it’s dairy-free, too!

Makes 6½ cups
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh ginger root
2 teaspoons crushed garlic
2 tablespoons Thai red curry paste (The heat of different brands of Thai red curry paste vary in heat, so if unsure add less curry past to start off with. You can always add more later.)
2 cups chicken stock (or vegetable stock)
2 cups water
500 g pumpkin cubes, cut smaller (perhaps buy the packets of cubed pumpkin, but to speed up the cooking process, cut each cube into three or four smaller pieces. Choose the brightest orange pumpkin you can get.)
2 tablespoons tomato paste
400 g can coconut cream
1 tablespoon Thai fish sauce
1 teaspoon lemon juice
salt to taste
milled black pepper to taste
toasted pumpkin seeds to garnish
chopped chives to garnish
cayenne pepper to garnish

1. Heat the coconut oil in a large pot and sauté the onion and ginger. Add the garlic and red curry paste; stir-fry for 30 seconds.
2. Add the chicken stock (or vegetable stock), water, pumpkin and tomato paste. Stir well. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer partially covered for 25 minutes. Stir occasionally.
3. Add the coconut cream, fish sauce and lemon juice. Simmer partially covered for a further 5 minutes.
4. Remove from the heat. Liquidise until smooth (you can use a stick blender). Add salt if need be (taste first – the fish sauce is very salty) and black pepper to taste. Reheat if necessary.
5. Spoon into bowls. Sprinkle with rows of pumpkin seeds, chopped chives and a little cayenne pepper.

You can keep this soup covered in the fridge for several days. 
Recipe idea by Dalene Crafford, see it on Sugar Free Revolution site here

If you should need help with measurement equivalents see here

This warming soup is just right for the cooler months, hope you may enjoy some soon …

Thinking about pumpkins, I couldn't resist once again sharing this old photograph of one of our grandsons! I know at the time I wrote … "Wow, well done that's a lovely pumpkin!" …
"Pumpkins can fit into LCHF menu plans quite well ... in fact it can be enjoyed by all." 

"Here’s a riddle: What can weigh 100 pounds, is full of vitamin A, has 9.3 grams of useable carbs, and a twinkle in its eye? Did you guess pumpkin? I hope so. Fresh pumpkin is available for only a couple of months in the autumn, which is a shame. It’s wonderful! Please read more in this post/article here 

Dear readers, you will find a variety of recipe ideas and articles within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Soup sounds tasty. Love the picture of your grandson.


  2. The photo of your grandson and the pumpkin is priceless!

  3. Yum! My husband and I just tried a newer Thai restaurant downtown here yesterday. So tantalizing for the taste buds. Adorable photo of your grandson!

  4. Absolutely beautiful, I love it Jan.

  5. I imagine it could get quite spicy.

  6. ...I just saw a sign for pumpkin spice pizza!

  7. Wonderful pumpkin recipe dairy free ~ and what a handsome young man with the pumpkin!

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Love your cute little grandson and the soup sounds rather lovely too xx

  9. I love pumpkin, it's good to find a soup that is made without the milk... it sounds tasty :)

    I have missed writing and I am hoping to get back to it more... it is a good outlet for me xox

    Thank you for visiting xox

  10. Awesome recipe! This does sound delicious!!! Your grandson was such a little cutie pie. :)

  11. Sounds great, if it could just get cold enough here for soup... but my turnips are coming in strong!

  12. I bought a BIG bottle of Thai fish sauce this spring. I'm heading to a pumpkin patch next weekend, so this fish sauce will finally come in handy. Thanks for the recipe, Jan, and the photo (old) of your grandson is so cute. We're having something called "Halloween Wars" on tv in the states. There are pumpkin carvers who are amazing and come up with the most unique and incredible designs. Too bad these pumpkins only last a short period of time.

  13. I love pumpkin soup will have to try the curry paste and ginger.
    Your photo of your grandson is adorable !

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  14. Pumpkins are wonderful, so thanks for sharing the recipe and the lovely photos. Have a great week, Valerie

  15. Cute picture :-)
    Hmmm sounds easy but I think, come the time, I´ll leave out garlic and especially the fish sauce...

  16. I love pumpkin soup any time of the year, but my husband always complains how sweet it is. I think that if I put curry paste in it will more to his taste.
    Thanks Jan

  17. That soup recipe is perfect for this time of year. Love the photo of your grandson, he looks very pleased with his choice of pumpkin.

  18. What great photo of the little man with his pumpkin! Yummy soup too, one of my favourites!

  19. What a super photo of your grandson with his pumpkin. The soup sounds delicious:)

  20. Lovely recipe, looks wonderful. Beautiful photos too! Thanks for your sweet visit.

  21. Pumpkin is a favourite Jan.. could your grandson possibly be more adorable ✨

  22. This sounds perfect for cold weather.

  23. yummy! Love that pic of your adorable

  24. What a great sounding recipe. I love soup, could eat it every day! Your grandson was adorable and so excited about that pumpkin!

  25. that's a lot of ingredients but it does sound good. and what a cute picture of the little one, they do love to pick pumpkins!!!

  26. Halloween has its uses. All those pumpkins for sale. Bargain prices soon too.

  27. I love pumpkin soup, along with it, I also have some sweet potato soup in my freezer.

  28. I love the picture of your grandson! My brother says thanks for this recipe! Big Hugs Jan!

  29. Such a happy face!
    I made pumpkin pancakes at the weekend and they were delicious.
    Lisa x

  30. Your soup looks and sounds amazing. Thai pumpkin - great choice.

  31. Sou fã de sopas de abóbora, amo de paixão.

    Me apaixonei pelas belas fotos da plantação, uma paixão! bj


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