Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Pork and Pepper Sunshine Casserole ... cheers up a dreary day !

Has it been dull and grey where you live? This time of year can often feel grey and drab. There is also the added pressure of getting things all done and ready in time for Christmas!
How about cheering yourself, and your dining table up, with this recipe idea - I call it 'Pork and Pepper Sunshine Casserole' because I thought for a change I'd pick some bright and cheerful colours to put in with the meat. This is what I used and how I made it - I can also tell you it didn't hang around on the plate long either … delicious was the word used when the meal was complete!

Serves 2 / 3
0.450kg diced leg (or shoulder) of pork
1/2 large red pepper
1/2 large orange pepper
1/2 large yellow pepper
1 carrot
1 onion (you can use white or red) sliced
mushrooms, a handful 4 - 6
salt and black pepper for seasoning
mixed herbs
gravy / stock (of choice) about 3/4 pint (to cover meat etc)

Wipe / wash meat and all vegetables with water before using
Put oven on to warm up. Gas 4, Electric 180
Dice up meat into approx. 1 inch 'chunks' and place in oven proof casserole dish
Remove skin from onion and slice, add to casserole dish
De-seed, as appropriate all, peppers and cut into square pieces, add to casserole dish
Peel and slice carrot and add to casserole dish
Slice or quarter mushrooms and add to casserole dish
season with salt and black pepper
add herbs of your choice - I used dried mixed herbs
Make up your stock and pour over meat and vegetables to cover
Put lid on casserole dish, place in warmed oven, cook for approx. 1 1/2 hours until meat is tender. 

Tip - I usually gently stir all ingredients at least twice during cooking 

Whilst casserole is cooking prepare any accompanying vegetables 

Serve on warmed plates and enjoy

How about this tip for preparing onions:

First slice off the top of the onion (leave the root on for the moment), then remove the papery skin and any brown outer layers.

To chop the onion, cut in half from top to bottom. Put the cut side down and make a number of horizontal cuts towards, but not quite reaching, the root. Then make as many vertical cuts through the onion, again not quite reaching the root. Holding the onion very firmly and with the knife blade at right angles to the first set of cuts that you made, slice down vertically - the onion will fall away in small pieces as you go. Continue cutting until you reach the root, which you can now discard.

To slice, trim the root off, then cut in slices moving from the root end towards the top. Leave as slices or separate each one out into rings.

All onions are best prepared just before you use them.
Read more about onions here

You will find a variety of recipe ideas within this blog. It is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. This looks sooooo good! Thanks, Valerie

  2. This looks like something I would have enjoyed when I ate meat. Now it still looks good- but I would have to skip the pork. :)

  3. Wow...just the thing for a dreary day like today. Wonderfully wholesome and hearty!
    Thank you so much for sharing!😊😊

  4. Desejo-lhe um Natal cheio de bênção e alegria. Feliz Natal!

  5. It's definitely been dull and grey here but this recipe would certainly brighten it up.

  6. We can all use a little sunshine on a plate. Thanks, Jan!!

  7. Very nice dish, Jan! I'm sure to give it a try. We have sunshine today, but tomorrow will begin another rainy round for us! ♥

  8. sounds yummy and sunshiny!! i really enjoy one pot meals like this...tomatoes would be a nice addition!!

  9. what a nice variety of flavors, miss going out and picking sweet peppers and tomatoes

  10. Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...
    Desejo-lhe um Natal cheio de bênção e alegria. Feliz Natal!

    Google translate:
    I wish you a Christmas full of blessing and joy. Merry Christmas.

  11. Lots of colour indeed. Which is always welcome.

  12. Making my mouth water...looks delicious Jan 💮

  13. That sounds delicious. We have had a lot of grey days as of late.

  14. I will print this recipe out. It is perfect for our health.

  15. Actually, there are none of the ingredients in this recipe that I do not like. So we shall try it. Thank you.

    God bless.

  16. Don't recall last time I did a cassrole.
    Coffee is on

  17. Hello Jan!
    It looks delicious! I like pork and peppers!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!
    Enjoy your holidays!

  18. Hummmm tem muito bom aspecto, aproveito para desejar um Santo e Feliz Natal. 🎄

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  19. It is a drab day today and this sounds delicious! That is an interesting way to cut an onion.

  20. Very colorful 'dish' and looks yummy too!

    Happy Holidays to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. Looks so yummy! Thank you Jan! Big Hugs!


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