Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Happy Low Carb Christmas Tips

Food and drink play an important part in Christmas traditions, which can sometimes encourage people to stray from their diet (lifestyle) plan during the festive period.

The most wonderful time of the year is upon us. Tinsel, baubles, and fake snow are out in full force as Christmas and the festive period is well underway.

For many of us, gaining a few lbs during the holidays and then making a New Year’s resolution diet is a yearly event. However, it doesn’t have to be that way this year and you can still enjoy all the festive food and treats with low-carb living. So, how do you cope with all the goodies that the festive period brings, yet still maintain a balanced lifestyle? 

Find Alternative Recipes  
With every holiday season comes the tasty treats that go with it – whether it’s Christmas, Easter, or the spooks of Halloween. You don’t have to swap out those indulgences completely, because using alternative recipes means you’ll never have to feel left out of the holiday feasts. 

Typical Christmas Feast  
Luckily, the traditional Christmas dinner is very low-carb-friendly. So don’t be shy in piling that turkey up on your plate. Get those vegetables stacked high (watch for any falling Brussels sprouts), and tuck in to the meal you’ve been waiting for all year. To stay on the low-carb living track, try swapping out the potatoes for delicious roast turnips instead, and the naughty-listed stuffing for cauliflower stuffing. 

Pre-Work-Party Snack 
Not only is this time of year filled with delicious treats, but it’s also the time to go out with your fellow colleagues and your work office. Whether you’re going for a sit-down meal or a buffet, a top tip is to have a pre-party snack. This way you won’t be tempted to overindulge in high-carb hors-d’oeuvres or meals with starchy sides such as potatoes or rice.

Usually, work Christmas buffets are full of antipasto foods to choose from, which are always tasty and won’t ruin your low-carb efforts. If you’re choosing set meals, then try to opt for protein-rich options such as steak, salmon, or chicken. Now, we know it’s hard when it comes to the dessert part of the night. But, guess what? That cheese and olive platter is calling your name, plus it’s low-carb – what a Christmas winner!

Christmas Tipple 

We all like to celebrate the festive period with a toast and clinking of glasses. Trying to avoid alcohol or keep it to a minimum can be tricky. If you like the odd tipple during the holidays then try using mixers such as diet tonic water or a splash of sugar-free cordial.
Sticking to red or white wine, and spirits such as gin and vodka, will let you celebrate the holiday season along with maintaining your healthy balance. Remember: stay hydrated and have a glass of water for each alcoholic beverage you drink. 

Throw Some Shapes 
Once you’ve finished eating, take a step away from the food table and take a step towards the dance floor. Time to let loose and throw out some dance moves – not only will you be letting your hair down, but you’ll also be losing some calories along the way. 
Words above (and more) from an article here 

Some lower carb recipe ideas:

Roast Turkey:
cooked to perfection, see more details here

Stuffing - it's Low Carb and Gluten Free

see more details here

Brussels Sprouts
see more here

The Best Low Carb Christmas Pudding Ever …. well probably !
please see details here

Mince Pies
The Low Carb Way, more details here

Fruit Cake
A Low Carb Alternative - learn more using this link here 

Alternative Vegetarian and Vegan Thanksgiving / Christmas recipes

have a look here but please note not all shown in the link are low carb

This blog brings a variety of articles and recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. ...Christmas is a tempting time of year.

  2. Lots of great ideas here! Valerie

  3. Wonderful suggestions for Christmas ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Christmas 2017 on our campground in Perth they offered Mince Pies.
    I thought they were sweet and I did not take one (for in case I don´t like it).
    Well. turns out I was right ;-)
    We had a lot of fun anyways!

  5. Very generous of you, Jan, to make the effort to offer such a helpful post! Thank you so much!!

  6. Thanks for the great advice and suggestions.

  7. Gorgeous photo and some wonderful hints...thank you Jan~

    Happy Holidays!!!

  8. Some good tips and advice. It's so easy to stray from the straight and narrow at this time of year with so many temptations about.

  9. Thank you.
    And all the very best of the season to you and yours. With a healthy, happy New Year to follow.

  10. Lots of good tips, thanks for sharing, Jan.

  11. Thank you, I've taken a copy of the fruit cake and hopefully will get round to making it - if I can work out the cups measurements into grams. Shops don't sell things in cup measurements so its difficult to know how much to buy of a particular ingredient.

  12. Very interesting reading.

  13. well, I´m not much for Christmas but I hope you will have a great one :)

  14. Hello Jan!
    So great ideas and lovely recipes!
    Mince pies and fruit cakes sweet memories from my childhood in Australia!
    Happy Christmas and a happy New Year to you and your beloved ones!

  15. Great ideas and tips. I like the Pre Work Party tip!

  16. Hi Jan,

    A most informative post with some good health tips. Greatly appreciated, my kind friend, Jan.


  17. Thanks so much for the links for treats and goodies! I was boohooing just a little today because we got 2 food gifts today and I can't eat either one. I can't eat sugar...not even a little bit. So cookies and candy are out for me. I can't even eat a crumb...I'm that allergic to sugar! I need to get busy looking at these alternatives!(and quit boohooing! heehee) Holiday hugs!

  18. sugar plagues me some, otherwise I eat well. Don't do a big meal over the holidaze, like to fix a little Matzo Xmas Eve

  19. Thanks so much for all of the info and tips! Much appreciated.

  20. Hi Jan thankyou for all the hints and tips i am going to check the perfect turkey out,thankyou.

  21. Linda Calverley said...
    Thank you, I've taken a copy of the fruit cake and hopefully will get round to making it - if I can work out the cups measurements into grams. Shops don't sell things in cup measurements so its difficult to know how much to buy of a particular ingredient.

    Hello Linda and many thanks for your comment.
    This link may be helpful to you for weight/measurement conversion.

    All the best Jan

  22. Great advice Jan. Thank you so much.

    God bless you and yours.

  23. Thank you for this Jan. For me it is the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  24. I think I will just hibernate throughout Christmas. No huge hot feast planned for me by me. I've not much of an appetite for anything other than fruit lately...with a few raw mixed nuts to mix it up a bit.

    A salad and ham will do me...perhaps cold chicken, too. With only myself and my two furry mates to worry about...I think that will suffice. I won't starve, neither will they. I've my Christmas cake, Liquorice Allsorts and a pile of fruit mince tarts...to ensure I don't.

    And, for my furry mates...they will have more than they need with fresh beef on hand, as always, along with packets and packets of prepared cat food in the cupboard as well.

  25. Great post Jan! Thank you! Big Hugs!

  26. Fantastic tips! Thank you so much!

  27. Wonderful advice and tips.

    Hugs Diane

  28. Your advice and all the wonderful recipes you share is always appreciated! Thank you :)

  29. Great tips, Jan. It's important to be mindful of what goes into my mouth at this time of year in particular.

  30. Thanks for the tips and links.
    Happy Christmas.


  31. Beautiful items for this time of year. Thanks Jan.

  32. Hello Jan,
    It is very difficult to not over eat during the Christmas season. I have tried to cut back each year because I have noticed that there is a lot more sugar added to those Christmas treats that we buy in the shops. I love the roast dinners though and I can eat plenty of those over the holidays! ;-) Thank you for stopping by at my place to say hello, I'm now following you here and I will add your lovely blog to my blog list so I can see any new posts. I only do one or two posts a month but I like to catch up with friends when I can.
    Happy Holidays,
    Jo and Zigsa. xx

  33. Preciosa imagen de Navidad. La Navidad está muy cerca y se nota por todos los rincones de la tierra.

    Son días que procuramos tener en nuestra mesa buenos manjares en las celebraciones de las comidas familiares. Los tradicionales dulces de Navidad como son los mantecados, turrones y mazapanes tampoco faltan en la mesa y eso hace que sean fechas muy propicias para aumentar de peso.


  34. Hello,

    Some times we have to treat ourselves, Christmas is a good time for some goodies.
    Great post and info. Thanks for sharing.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  35. Great tips! I try to fit in at least a 20 minute walk a day on days I am participating in festivities. If I can fit in longer- I do that. Doesn't make up for it all- but helps. :)

  36. Christmas is only once in the year - let's enjoy. And take a walk outside! Merry Christmas.

  37. these are some great tips!!`a lot of our traditions are connected to food, it is often the way i say "i love you", with food and special dishes and cookies!!!

  38. VENTANA DE FOTO said...
    Preciosa imagen de Navidad. La Navidad está muy cerca y se nota por todos los rincones de la tierra.

    Son días que procuramos tener en nuestra mesa buenos manjares en las celebraciones de las comidas familiares. Los tradicionales dulces de Navidad como son los mantecados, turrones y mazapanes tampoco faltan en la mesa y eso hace que sean fechas muy propicias para aumentar de peso.


    Google translate:
    Beautiful Christmas picture. Christmas is very close and it can be noticed from every corner of the earth.

    It is days that we try to have good delicacies at our table in the celebrations of family meals. The traditional Christmas sweets such as Butters, nougat and marzipan are also not missing on the table and that makes them very favorable dates to gain weight.


  39. Some great ideas here Jan, I did enjoy browsing the vegan menus too, thanks for including them.xxx

  40. It is usually hard this time of year for me but thankfully I am doing ok with not being tempted, probably because we have missed out on two parties already since my hubby and I have been sick during them.


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