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Sunday 9 December 2018

There's a Mousse in the Housse, and it's Low Carb !

Did you like my play on words?
There's definitely low carb mousse in our house!
With quite a selection of mousse's to choose from!

Chocolate Peppermint Cheesecake Mousse : Low Carb
see recipe details here

Chocolate Mousse : Made The Low Carb Way
see more details here

Chocolate Mousse à la Paleo
made with coconut milk, more details here

Raspberry Mousse : LCHF
see more details here

Crunchy Berry Mousse : Low Carb
see more details here

Orange Mousse - Low Carb
see more details here

I wonder which of these mousse may be your favourite?


… but whatever you do, please don't confuse Mousse with Moose

Readers - you will find a variety of recipe ideas within this blog. It is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

As always thanks for reading.

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...these Mousse look wonderful, but I'd love to see a Moose in the wild someday!

Jo said...

It's the chocolate mousse for me please, though I wouldn't turn my nose up at any of these. Yum yum.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, a low carb mousse, yum! I would love the chocolate.

The real moose is cute. Enjoy your day, have a great new week ahead.

DIMI said...

Hello Jan!
Wow! Such a great selection of mousse’s!
My favorite is the Chocolate and peppermint mousse and the Raspberry mousse!
Thank you for sharing all those wonderful recipes!
Have a lovely week!

mxtodis123 said...

Mousse is one of my favorite desserts. These look so yummy.

Christine said...

Nice wordplay and these mousses look delicious!

Lady Caer Morganna said...

Oooh these look so delicious they just make my mouth water! YUMMY YUMMY GOOD, YEAH!

Chris Lally said...

One for (almost) every day of the week :)
Thank you, Jan!

Crafty Green Poet said...

delicious mousses, I'd probably go for chocolate!

In the novel I'm currently reading (The Snow Child - which I'll review before the end of the year) they eat moose steaks

Gloria Baker said...

Love all these desserts look delicious I love orange mousse !! hugs xo

JFM said...

All I can say is YUMMMMMMMMM!!!

Happy and Blessed Sunday

Ygraine said...

Wow, these look absolutely scrumptious!
My favourite will have to be the raspberry mousse...which is coincidentally what we are having for dessert tonight!😉
After visiting here now, I will have to try all the others...what a great excuse!! Lol
Thank you so much for sharing.😊😊

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...


but personally, I don't get that 'complete' feeling without a crunch

Valerie-Jael said...

They all sound delightful. Thanks, Valerie

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Wow, what a treat!

Mary Kirkland said...

I love mousse. Those look so good.

Elephant's Child said...

Lowcarb certainly doesn't mean boring. Or flavourless.

Sue said...

Oooh these look delicious, I do like a nice mousse (and moose) xx

William Kendall said...

They look quite tempting.

Martha said...

Oh my gosh, they all looks so delicious! Thank you for sharing these treats.

Anonymous said...

They all look and sound delicious.


The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

These all look wonderful, Jan! Thanks for posting so many varieties. I must make the chocolate one during the holidays. ♥

Sandy said...

LOL, very cleaver. Love how pretty some of those are. Particularly the pink one. Looks very festive and would be nice to add to a Christmas meal.

Snowbird said...

How attractive they all

New Release Books said...

They all look so amazing! Yummy!

John M said...

They look so delicious.

Sandra Cox said...

Oh my, do these look good, especially the chocolate, peppermint cheesecake.
Loved your play on words;)

Margaret D said...

They look delightful.

mamasmercantile said...

They all look yummy but the orange one appealed.

R's Rue said...

I want.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Yum. Those desserts look downright decadent. And yes, I loved the title of your post. It made me think of my grandmother, who's been gone for sixty years now. She was from Scotland and had a lovely brogue, and I could almost hear her yelling at my cousin and me, "Get that moose out o' the hoose!" NOT a real moose... a mouse. :) Thanks.

Benita said...

Gorgeous recipes and gorgeous photos!! YUM!!! Have a great one! Hugs!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I would have to try them all Jan, just to make sure I make the right choice 😀

Out on the prairie said...

I will eat them all, yummmmm

Tanza Erlambang - Every Day Issues said...

I love chocolate and ice cream.
have a great day

HappyK said...

Sure looks good!!!

Miss Val's Creations said...

Oh yum! I love a basic chocolate mousse!

Sami said...

They all look delicious, orange might be my favourite.
I enjoyed the title which at first I took to be a "mouse", lol.

DMS said...

Chocolate mousse- yes, please. Sounds delicious. I am curious about the peppermint with it- but it seems perfect for this time of year. I'd love some right now. :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That makes my mouth water...well all of it except the MOOSE! heehee! Thanks for the great recipes! Holiday hugs!

Anonymous said...

Spoilt for choice, will have to try them all!


Lady Fi said...


sandy said...

I love the Moose in the house, lol...and also the mousse.

Bob Bushell said...

My fave is the last picture, ha ha. Yum yum yum, to the rest.

Magic Love Crow said...

I love your play on words! LOL! And, I would love to eat all of these! LOL!

Linda said...

Yum, mousse! (Perhaps it's a cross between a moose and a mouse?)