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Monday 21 January 2019

Golden Goat’s Cheese Tomatoes with Spinach

Such a lovely, easy dish ten minutes to prepare and fifteen minutes to cook - then sit down and enjoy.

Serves Two
250g spinach
4 slices prosciutto
3 large tomatoes, halved
1 heaped tbsp. crème fraîche

50g goat's cheese (from a log with rind), chopped

1. Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Put the spinach in a colander, pour over a kettle of boiling water until the spinach wilts, then drain and squeeze out as much liquid as you can (you might need to do this in two batches). Put the spinach in the bottom of a gratin or baking dish, season, then sprinkle with nutmeg.
2. Drape the prosciutto over and around the spinach, then sit the tomato halves on top, cut-side up. Dot the crème fraîche over the whole dish, scatter with the goat’s cheese, then season with more pepper. Bake for 10-15 mins until the cheese is melting into the crème fraîche and the edges are starting to bubble. Scoop out of the dish and serve with low carb bread and a green salad.

Nutrition per serving:
Fat 17g Carbs 10g Fibre 5g Protein 16g

Ricotta and / or Mozzarella cheese could also be used.
Herbs such as basil may also be added if wished.
Low carb bread suggestions, can be found  here, here and here

From an original idea here but easily amended to suit your dietary preference

A variety of recipe ideas/articles are found within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...looky creamy good.

carol l mckenna said...

My kind of recipe ~ except goat cheese ( not fond of it anymore) ~ Great post ^_^

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Ygraine said...

Sounds really tasty...and nutritious too!
I will have to give this a try. Thank you so much.😊😊

Have a great day!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Unusual, but sounds quite interesting.......Be well!

It's me said...

Mmmmmmm...i am hungry now....)) time for the kitchen have a Nice Ria 💕

Valerie-Jael said...

Sounds wonderful, so yummy! Valerie

Debbie said...

oh man, this looks and sounds so good. i am so happy to join you on this prosciutto journey!!

DMS said...

My mouth is watering. This sounds amazing to me. I hope I can make it soon- would be so delicious on a freezing cold day like today. :)

Jo said...

Fabulous, it looks tasty, and so quick and easy too.

Lois said...

Now that looks good!

Out on the prairie said...

I stuff those mini sweet peppers with the goat cheese and spinach

Christine said...

lovely recipe, thanks for sharing!

This N That said...

I wish I like cooked tomatoes. That looks really good. Have a wonderful week..

Sue said...

Oooh all of my favourite things together, yum! x

Elephant's Child said...

Hold the proscuitto and I am in. When our weather cools down.

sandy said...

this is a keeper - my sister made something like this last time we visited and it was great!! thanks.

Susan Kane said...

Looks delicious.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, That looks so good and so healthy!!!! Thanks for the recipe.

Hubby and I started the Keto Diet this past week.... It's different from any diet I have ever been on....We're doing well so far ---and getting enough healthy fat, few carbs (Just those in veggies which we need), and no sugar.... The only thing I need is more protein... SO--I need to work on that...

I'll go through some of your posts and pick out some new things to try.... (We're already using some of your ideas.)


Martha said...

A wonderful recipe. Thank you!

Sami said...

Not fond of prosciuto, but I suppose I could substitute that with sliced ham or maybe even canned tuna. Will give it a try as I love anything with cheese :) Thanks Jan.

Amy Purdy said...

I will have to make these for my husband. I know he would love them.

Bill said...

That looks very good and delicious.

HappyK said...

That looks very good.

magiceye said...


Conniecrafter said...

It's funny that I don't care for raw tomatoes but I do like them cooked in meals and in salsa

peppylady (Dora) said...

Some how tomatoes and cheese go nicely together.
Coffee is on

DIMI said...

Hello Jan!
Sounds wonderful! Like mozzarella and prosciutto!!
A perfect recipe for Summer ! Have a happy Tuesday!

Iris Flavia said...

And now I know what to do with my tomatoes, the left over mozzarella and my new mini-oven just before we go on holiday - perfect :-)

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Hummm mas que coisa mais deliciosa, aproveito para desejar uma boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

Nadezda said...

I think this recipe is very good, Jan. I love all types of food with goat's cheese, even sandwich with goat cheese at breakfast :-)

Beca said...

This looks heavenly.
xx Beca

Lorrie said...

This looks like a beautiful dish, easy to prepare and good to eat. It will be especially delicious in the summer with local tomatoes. I avoid purchasing the cardboard tasting variety currently available.

Maria Rodrigues said...

Hi Jan
It looks delicious, I'll do it over the weekend.
Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

Laurel Wood said...

Easy and delicious sounding. Thank you.

Magic Love Crow said...

Yes, yes, yes!! I could eat this all week long! LOL!

baili said...

thank you for the recipe dear Jan as it is new to me
will definitely try

while cooking spinach though we used the method of squeezing to draw chemical out of it as much as possible

Stephanie said...

Hi, sweet Jan! Oh, doesn't this look tasty! Thank you for the wonderful recipe as it's one I would like to try.

And thank you for the incredibly kind comment on my blog last week. You are such a dear! Enjoy the remainder of your week. Hugs!

William Kendall said...

That looks good!