Sunday 24 February 2019

A Complete Guide to Sugar ...

The complete guide to sugar
By Franziska Spritzler, RD, medical review by Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, MD

Franziska writes:
"Sugar has never been considered a healthy food, but it has still become a major part of our diet. Whether sugar is simply a source of “empty calories” or something more sinister has been an ongoing debate among nutrition experts. Learn all about sugar, the many ways it impacts health, and practical takeaways for decreasing your intake."

Her article gives a very good and in-depth look at sugar, covering such questions as:

What is sugar?
Is “natural” sugar better?
Sugar’s effects in your body
What is the recommended daily intake of sugar in the US?
Added sugar
Sugar and the obesity epidemic
The sugar industry
Sugar addiction
Visual and practical tools to reduce sugar in your diet
5-step action plan for reducing sugar intake

There is a lot of very good and interesting information with helpful tips, why not read the full article - you can find it here

All the best Jan


  1. This is important information. Valerie

  2. I came over at the perfect time to see this post. I can't eat sugar and always try to learn more about it. I've had to start a new blog lavenderdreamsnew dot blogspot dot com. I'm sorry I'm having to leave the link in a comment but don't know how else to get it to you. Please come and see what's happened to Lavender Dreams!!! Hugs, Diane

  3. ...there's a lot of hidden sugar out there.

  4. Thanks for this interesting link.

  5. sandy said...
    i love desserts...hmmm

    Hello Sandy, many thanks for your comment.
    You can still enjoy low carb sugar free desserts!
    There are lots to choose from but here are three ...

    Lemon Baked Custard - Gluten Free and Sugar Free

    Low Carb Cheesecake

    Blackberry Cobbler/Crumble - Low Carb, Gluten Free and Sugar Free

    Happy Eating :)

    All the best Jan

  6. A great link to have...thank you Jan~

  7. I am lucky I don't like sweets. It's sad, though, how much sugar is found on so many products!

  8. Thanks for sharing. Good article and helpful to learn more about sugar. :)

  9. Always good to learn smoething new.

  10. Hello

    Thanks for sharing the article! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

  11. the older I get the less I like suger. A good thing or not I don´t know. Getting older one might need the additional energy.

  12. Muito interessante este artigo sobre o açúcar, aproveito para desejar uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  13. Thanks for sharing the article, very interesting Jan.

  14. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    (what a depressing article)

    Never suggest to a Southerner un-sweet tea.

    That s&*^ is only good for unstopping the sink

  15. I went without sugar for over a decade. After I moved away from the city, it became too difficult. Sugar is added to so many things; it's crazy!

  16. A very interesting read. I tend to stay away from sugar, but I eat a lot of fruit. I knew fruit contained sugar, but not as much as the article suggests.

  17. Thank you for the link Jan! Very interesting!


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