Tuesday 19 February 2019

Ring any bells?

We rarely watch the news these days, and the newspapers are just as bad.
 Whatever happened to real journalists and honest reporters?



  1. ...it piling up higher and higher every day.

  2. En la actualidad la televisión venden muchos programas basuras, que a mí particularmente no me interesa. Si me gustan ver los programas musicales y aquellos que promocionan personas con talento, tipo la Voz y Operación Triunfo.

  3. VENTANA DE FOTO said...
    En la actualidad la televisión venden muchos programas basuras, que a mí particularmente no me interesa. Si me gustan ver los programas musicales y aquellos que promocionan personas con talento, tipo la Voz y Operación Triunfo

    Google translate:
    Today television sells many junk programs, which I am not particularly interested in. If I like to watch the music programs and those that promote talented people, type the voice and Operation win.

  4. I scan the paper occasionally, but quit taking it a long time ago. Listen to the weather but that is hard to fathom sometimes

  5. Exactly. I don't watch the news or read newspapers either. My husband watches enough for both of us.

  6. HAHAH, i'm the same way - never news on TV - a little on the internet and all the newer shows are definitely keeping up with the times ...in other words... everything on this whole planet is a reason to be upset...I'm afraid to speak a work about anything at all in public or on the internet for fear of what I will be called if it is the most innocent words. So many new shows are dealing with all the latest topics usually gender or race related or politically incorrect related ..ugh

  7. Such a waste of time to watch TV and read newspapers! It's an entirely new world nowadays, and we have to move forward, wherever that means.

  8. I listen to news occasionally on the radio.

  9. Good point well made. Often there is a hidden bias in the way the news is reported.

    God bless.

  10. No news programs on in this house. We do watch the weather on the computer and read an occasional story or two but try not to delve too deeply into the world at large. I think that if everyone just worked to make their own community the best it can be then we all would blend together like a beautiful patchwork quilt of humanity.

  11. It's getting deeper by the day, Eddie.

  12. Well, first television cheapened the news by making it all about selling commercials. Then the internet came along and TV had to compete, so they had to hurry hurry and get a story on the air. No more time to double-check the facts.

  13. the news channels are about the only channels i watch on tv. of course i don't take them seriously. the look on the presenters face when they try to look as convincing as possible can be funny. when there is a discussion panel the opinions are usually full of bs and can be entertaining when you don't believe them.

  14. I don't watch very much television these days. The media paints such a dark picture of the world, it leaves one thinking that there is little good in humanity.

  15. Good question. We have 2 major networks here that are complete opposites in views. It is entertaining to watch a little of both and how wacky each gets. Them being so biased, we can't seem to get the actual news.

  16. It depends on one's viewpoint, I guess. I am honestly thankful for good journalism that does not let politicians get away with indiscretions and illegal activities.

  17. hehehehe, i agree!! we watch a little t.v. at night, mostly movies!!!

  18. I agree, here in the states, if you watch certain channels they always slam republicans and other channels that slam democrats, you just never can believe anything.


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