Friday, 19 April 2019

The World It's Full Of Rubbish !

Well here in the UK, we have recently enjoyed some Spring-like weather, and yes, the weather can still be mixed but with the Easter weekend here many have more free time and perhaps have plans to share special time with family and friends. This could be a visit to someone's home or maybe a walk ... for others it may mean some retail therapy, and a trip to the shops has been planned. Whatever you plan to do - enjoy your time.
I do however have a small request, as a public awareness slogan says 'please take your rubbish home with you' and leave the place you may have visited a cleaner environment for us all to enjoy, thanks.

Valerie Dohren has written about rubbish, she has some valid points I think !

The world is full of rubbish
I see it all around
Strewn along the pavements
And scattered ‘cross the ground

It hangs on outstretched branches
Like washing on a line
Dumped into the river
Oh, aint it such a crime

You'll find it in the gutter
Amassed around the trees
Tangled in the hedges
And carried by the breeze

Blown around like tumbleweed
You'll find it everywhere
It wraps around my feet
Then flies into my hair

So if you are responsible
For putting it about
Shame on you because its clear

You're just a litter-lout! 

And hence, my friend, I ask you
What should we do with it -
Put it in the dustbin
But make sure it will fit

There's also verbal rubbish
That rolls right off the tongue
The stuff that's made of words
That rattle all day long

You'll hear it on the telly
Which isn't very good
I'm sure you will agree
It's just a heap of crud

Some politicians spout it
And those who have no brains
Writers even write it
When nothing else remains

So, all my fellow poets,
If what you have to say
Amounts to simply rubbish
Then put your pen away

Methinks the time is coming
To take my final bow
Terminate this nonsense
And end it, stop it now

I know what you are thinking
(Some words I can't repeat)
This rhyme's a load of rubbish

Which PH should delete 

Enjoy your Easter weekend, and if you are planning a walk hope you enjoy it. 

If you think ... that's unusual Jan hasn't posted a recipe, why not have a look at these recipes:
Roast Lamb with a pea and mint pesto sauce - find it here
Rolled Pork Fillet with healthy herbs and mustard - find it here
Parmesan Herb-Crusted Fish - find it here
Fish pie with a celeriac crust - find it here 
Vegetarian bean and artichoke crown - find it here
Posh Roasted Vegetables, the Mary Berry way - find it here
Lemon Yoghurt Cheesecake, the low carb way - find it here
Orange Mousse, low carb - find it here

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues please take these into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Oh RUBBISH you say! haha....I have often thought I might make a compost bin and dispose of rubbish that way but have yet to do that. I do however recycle stuff....not my rubbish of course. HAHA...hopoing you have a great Easter.

  2. When I was growing up my father taught us to leave a place looking better than it was we we got there, so we were always picking up others trash (rubbish). Thanks for visiting my blog!

  3. There are some interesting recipes there..thanks for sharing..Have a Happy Easter..

  4. A very Happy Easter.
    Take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints was a phrase we grew up with.

  5. I fght hard to keep rubbish out of my area. I pick it up as I walk and recycle much of my rubbish by turning it into art.

    I did want ti ket you know, for reasons I won't go into, I have been locked out of blogger. This is a devastating problem for me, especially since I am in the middle of my recycle campaign. However, I have set up a HOPEFULLY temporary blog to get me through until I can reclaim mine. Please tell everyone you know, and please visit me starting tomorrow (April 20) at:

    Even if you don't normally visit me daily, I could use the support right now.

    Have a blessed Easter, too.

  6. Jan I hope you have a great weekend and loved the poem about rubbish - we especially here in the mountains where the ski resorts are would love if people would pick up their rubbish instead of leaving it all over.

    anyway looks like lots of links for good food!

  7. We must keep our home clean! Happy Easter!

  8. Happy Easter! Rubbish, physical and verbal, is so sad.

  9. I live in an developing country dear Jan where government and people both care less about keeping the public places clean ,still i do my part of the job honestly and each time i go to picnic i put all the peelings or wrappers in shopper and bring it to home back with me unless i find to dustbin to throw in

    enjoyed the poem :)
    Happy Easter my friend!

  10. Sometimes I tell people to pick their rubbish up and put it in a bin if I see them dropping it here. Mostly it works, they are so shocked they do it! Valerie

  11. You should think it´s the normal way to go - with your rubbish! But, no, we see it here, too.
    Wishing you a clean Easter!

  12. Happy Easter to you and yours.

  13. Too bad everyone wouldn't take the words of the poem to heart.

  14. It is the same here in New Hampshire as our winter snow melts, there is so much rubbish. Happy Easter.

  15. An excellent, well stated and very reasonable request!

  16. Wonderful reminder and delightful poetry ~ Enjoy your Easter ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Nice poem. I can't understand the mentality of some people who leave their litter all over.

  18. Living so close to the coast as I do, it is amazing how much rubbish there is amongst the daily tides that is then deposited on the local beaches and marsh. Very, very sad that we disfigure our landscapes in this way.


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