Saturday, 20 July 2019

Swede / Rutabaga : Seven Health and Nutrition Benefits, and Seven Recipe Choices

"Swede/Rutabaga is a root vegetable that belongs to the Brassica genus of plants, whose members are informally known as cruciferous vegetables. It’s round with a brownish-white colour and looks similar to a turnip. In fact, it’s commonly referred to as a cross between a turnip and a cabbage. The rutabaga is a staple in Northern European cuisine and also known by the names “swede” and “Swedish turnip.” They are extremely nutritious and well known for their antioxidant content.

Here are seven health and nutrition benefits of swede/rutabaga.

Nutritious and low in calories
Swede/Rutabagas are a rich source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins C and E. They are also a good source of folate and provide small amounts of phosphorus and selenium.
High in antioxidants
Swede/Rutabagas are a good source of glucosinolates and vitamins C and E. These are disease-fighting compounds that help protect your body from oxidative stress.
May prevent premature aging
Rutabagas/swede are naturally high in vitamin C, which protects your skin from UV damage and promotes collagen synthesis. Other antioxidants in rutabagas/swede may also play a protective role in skin aging.
Promotes bowel health
Rutabagas/swede are a rich source of fibre, which feeds healthy bacteria in your gut and may decrease your risk of colorectal cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
May help with weight loss
Consuming swede/rutabaga may aid weight loss by increasing fullness and helping prevent overeating.
High in potassium
Rutabagas/swede are naturally high in potassium, a mineral that regulates fluid balance, nerve signalling, and blood pressure. A potassium-rich diet is associated with a lower risk of stroke and heart disease. 
Easy to add to your diet 
Swede/Rutabaga can be prepared in many different ways and is available throughout the year, making it an easy vegetable to add to your diet. You can enjoy rutabagas/swede raw or cook them similarly to how you cook potatoes, but be sure to peel the skin, as these vegetables usually have a protective wax coating. Meanwhile, its leaves can be added to salads or soups. Rutabagas have a pleasant sweet and slightly bitter flavour.
You can add them to meals in a variety of ways, including:
boiled and mashed
cut into fries and fried
roasted in the oven
added to a soup
thinly sliced and added to a casserole
grated raw into a salad
Due to their versatility in flavour and preparation methods, rutabagas can replace potatoes, carrots, turnips, and other root vegetables in most recipes.

The bottom line 
Rutabagas/swede are a hearty vegetable packed with fibre, vitamins, and antioxidants. They promote feelings of fullness, which can prevent weight gain. Furthermore, they contain powerful compounds that help fight inflammation, prevent premature aging, and are associated with a reduced risk of various cancers. If you want to get creative in the kitchen, swede/rutabagas are a great ingredient to experiment with. They’re delicious and easy to add to many recipes."
Words and picture above taken from a recent article by Katey Davidson, MScFN, RD, to read her article in full, with all related research links, please see here

* Here are seven recipe choices *

have you tried Cream Roasted Swede (Rutabaga) Soup, see recipe details here

or a Lamb and Swede/Rutabaga Hotpot, see recipe details here

or Oven-baked swede /rutabaga wedges, more details here

or swede / rutabaga simply mashed, see more details here

how about swede / rutabaga rosti, more details here

this Oven-Baked Paprika Chicken with Swede / Rutabaga is nice, see more here

you might like, Sweet and sour swede (rutabaga) with bacon, see details here

Thanks for reading ... we bring a variety of articles and recipe ideas to this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Swedes, turnips and parsnips are all wonderful. Valerie

  2. I love the idea of that creamy soup. At the markets here, the French never differentiate between turnips and rutabagas. They say they're the same thing so you never know what you're really getting if you shop there! This year I planted turnips and some of them are ready to harvest already, though they are in containers and are probably considered "baby" turnips, they aren't very big!

  3. I have not had rutabaga. It must be tasty. Do you like wasabi?

  4. I don't think I've ever had this vegetable. Looks versatile.

  5. Interesting.
    Not a lover of swede but do put it in soups i make..

  6. Love these recipes and there's always something healthy to read, cook and eat.x

  7. I have never tried rutabagas but that is about to change.
    Thank you Jan 💮

  8. roughterrain crane said...
    I have not had rutabaga. It must be tasty. Do you like wasabi?

    Hello there and many thanks for your comment.
    Both husband Eddie and I enjoy swede/rutabaga, we find it tasty, versatile and importantly does not raise Eddie's blood sugars (he is Type 2 diabetic) like some other vegetables do.

    I haven't tried wasabi. I do use horseradish which is similar, although fresh horseradish can be difficult to source. Sometimes a good farmers' market has it, otherwise I sometimes use a ready made horseradish sauce, being careful to check carb/sugar content.

    I believe Wasabi is most commonly used as a green-paste condiment for sushi and sashimi, but it is also added to a wide number of food products and Japanese dishes. It has a strong, hot flavour with short-lived burning sensations. It is extremely difficult to cultivate wasabi, so be on the lookout for wasabi imposters made of horseradish, Chinese mustard, and green food colouring. You can only get the potential anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-platelet, and anti-cancer benefits from the real deal!

    Having said that this recipe for Grilled Salmon with Wasabi-Ginger Mayonnaise looks nice, you can find the recipe plus lots more to read about Wasabi here:

    Once again, many thanks for your comment.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  9. ...and seven is a lucky number!

  10. I mash mine with cauliflower and then fry with onions to make a sort of bubble and squeak. Must try the rosti too.

  11. We all enjoy swede here, it's especially good in stews and casseroles in the slow cooker.

  12. Hay que tener en cuenta tus consejos y las recetas , aunqje hay amimentos que no he probado nunca.

    Feliz fin de semana!

  13. Each recipe looks and sounds yummy! and healthy too!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. I have never tasted a rutabega - have no idea what they are or how they taste but the photos look like they would be good. I also had never tasted Rhubarb until my son cooked a pie last year and wow, so good ...Speaking of R - ...I totally dislike radishes. I like Romaine lettuce however.. Hope u have a great "R"elaxing weekend.

  15. where I live, Rutabaga is one of the treats of winter (it grows well here in winter, along with turnips and radishes).

  16. i don't think i have ever eaten this but i think i should be. it looked so good in all of your images, i really liked the look of the soup for when it is soup weather!!!

  17. Yum. Another vegie I didn't get growing up and have discovered I like. Parsnips and pumpkin also fall into that category.

  18. I've never had rutabagas. Those wedges look pretty tasty.

  19. Sounds like I need some rutabaga in my life! All of those recipes sound terrific!

  20. I have to give this a veggie a try. I have seen it on occasion in the grocery store but always walk by. I am not a fan of turnips but I am of cabbage so it sounds intriguing now!

  21. Interesting ideas as to how to cook them...I would love to taste the soup.

  22. I've also never had rutabaga. I'm not sure I've ever seen it where I shop for groceries. Something to look for at least.

  23. Swede is something we hardly ever buy. We do see them grown for cattle feed and just left lying around the fields. After your information, I'm thinking we should try and buy one more often.

  24. I love Swede, it is gorgeous.

  25. oh my goodness! thank you for the info and the recipes, I'm definitely going to try them.

  26. Hello,

    I have never tried this veggie. I am always willing to try new things. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and wishing new a new week ahead.

  27. I do like the sound of the rosti!xxx

  28. we call it turnip dear Jan
    grow in abundance here in winters only
    back in my village grandma and mom grew it and we all LOVED IT

    but now for some reason they cause gastric issue when eat still i like them and never miss to eat raw either

  29. I love swedes...always have done since I was a little girl...and that is a long time ago, my friend!! :)

  30. We tried some last night, first time.

    Wasn't very tasty. Think the recipe was off...the paprika gave it an overly-bitter taste.

  31. Author R. Mac Wheeler said...on 20 July
    I've never had rutabagas. Those wedges look pretty tasty.

    Author R. Mac Wheeler said...on 24 July
    We tried some last night, first time.

    Wasn't very tasty. Think the recipe was off...the paprika gave it an overly-bitter taste

    Hello Mac
    I'm pleased that you tried the recipe but somewhat mystified why the finished result had 'an overly-bitter taste'. Swede/Rutabaga has a sweet taste and the paprika just gives it a little zap! I'm wondering because of the different names this root vegetable is called, although you bought what you thought and call a rutabaga, may have been what I would call a turnip and these are not as sweet tasting ... The swede/rutabaga I buy in the UK has a slight orangey look about it and what I call turnips are more pale/whitish.

    Sorry that you were disappointed, it's definitely a winner in our house.

    All the best Jan


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