Sunday, 1 December 2019

December is here !

Well, here we are, December!
It's the 12th and last month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars. And one of seven months with the length of 31 days. December starts on the same day of the week as September every year and ends on the same day as April every year. It is the month with the shortest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest daylight hours of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. December in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent to June in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa. 

The month of December gets its name from “decem” the Latin for 10, as December was the 10th month in the ancient Roman calendar. 

December is the month when most proposals of marriage are accepted. Most proposals happen in the week leading up to Christmas. 

In the UK the month of December brings the least sunshine! 

December’s traditional birthstone is turquoise. It is considered a symbol of good fortune and success. Zircon and tanzanite are also considered to be December birthstones.

December’s birth flowers are the holly and the paperwhite - a relative of the daffodil with lovely white blooms. 

“Men are April when they woo, December when they wed,” (Shakespeare, As You Like It).

The only film with “December” in its title to win an Oscar was December 7th, a 1943 documentary about Pearl Harbour directed by John Ford. 

International Free Hugs Day is celebrated on December 4th. Give all your loved ones hugs this day.

Human Rights Day is celebrated annually across the world on 10 December. 

Monkey Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated internationally every year on December 14. The holiday was started in 2000, since then, Monkey Day has been celebrated internationally, across countries like the U.S., Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

Using the meteorological calendar, the first day of winter is always 1 December;
however, in 2019 the astronomical winter (Northern Hemisphere) begins 22nd December.

Christmas Eve is the evening or entire day preceding Christmas Day, the widely celebrated annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It occurs on December 24th in the Western Christian Church, and is considered one of the most culturally significant celebrations in Christendom and the Western world.

Christmas is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Also, it is a widely observed holiday, celebrated generally on December 25 by billions of people around the world. Christmas is a civil holiday in many of the world’s nations, is celebrated by an increasing number of non-Christians, and is an integral part of the Christmas and holiday season.

In the Gregorian calendar, New Year’s Eve, the last day of the year, is on December 31st.

I'm sure there are many other interesting things about December. If you know of some others, please include them in the comments.

The above taken from here, here, here and here

All the best Jan


  1. ...time sure going quickly when you are having fun!

  2. Monkey day is a new thing for me.

  3. Merry Christmas!

  4. Thanks for the fun facts, Jan! Hard to believe it is December already:(

  5. What interesting information about the month :) Thanks! I know that December 1st is National Pie Day, and I have pie left over from Thanksgiving so I'm all set. I'm afraid the holidays are harder for me to maintain low carb habits....

    Happy Meteorological Winter!

  6. Gosh, can't believe holiday time is here. All the preparation for and Thanksgiving was gone in a flash.

  7. Thanks for this timely information, happy December!

  8. Interesting information about December. I just hope it doesn't get too cold, as my flat is never warm - except in summer! Have a great month, Valerie

  9. I think it might be our least amount of sun too - not sure. That rose was beautiful with the ring. Happy December!

  10. It's hard to believe that we're in December already, this year seems to have flown by.

  11. Rabbit, rabbit. White rabbit. And just in time for meteorological Winter, my area is in for the first snowstorm (hopefully, the last) of the season.

  12. Have a Happy Christmas and a great new year.

  13. Happy December.
    I do envy your winter.

  14. It seems like a fast sprint all year and here we are once again at the last month of the year. Happy December!

  15. Happy December. Thanks for all the things that go on in Dec. Didn't know about monkey day.LOL

  16. Well I didn't know some of that! Have a very happy December, Sue xx

  17. Interesting post..never heard of Monkey Day..Happy Sunday

  18. Lots of interesting facts there that I didn't know.

  19. Happy December. Time is flying by this year!

  20. You always come up with the best bits of info about a month and I love this one. I had no idea there was only one film with December in the title. You'd think there would be a lot of them!

  21. never heard of Monkey day, but it seems like fun :)

  22. Free hug now that right up my alley.
    Coffee is on

  23. Muy interesante todo. Feliz mes de diciembre.

  24. Wonderful and informative post about Dec ~ ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  25. It sure is...and so is summer!!! Down this way, anyway!

  26. Christmas Day and New Years Day always fall on the same day of the week...

    I enjoyed reading all of these.

  27. I love the light in December, especially up north, where there sun seems always low on the horizon and by 3 PM there are long shadows of trees that lie across the snow providing a contrast of white and dark with the warm red of the low sun.

  28. What amazing facts. I had NO idea about the proposals. That's a new one to me.

  29. Soon be Christmas Day...time does go very quickly at times.

  30. wow
    such a wonderful post filled with interesting knowledge dear Jan :)
    thank you for making December more familiar to me ,i really enjoyed it
    blessings to your December my friend!

  31. I had never heard of Monkey day before, that's a funny one. And didn't know either that most proposals are during the month of December.
    Our Summer has officially started yesterday :)

  32. Thank you, lots of infos! Lots of good things to do this month.
    What I love - despite of the darkness - are the Christmas lights.
    January tears me down then.

  33. How can it be December already? In my city we have an annual Festival of Festivals where we celebrate the three major religions. They each have a holiday during the month of December.

  34. Fun post filled with interesting facts about December.

  35. I think it is the month that goes faster than any other! Happy December!

  36. Thank you for these fun facts.


  37. Lots a fun December facts, many of which I didn't know!!

  38. Interesting facts, thank you for sharing!


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