Friday, 24 January 2020

Consumption of bat soup could be behind the coronavirus outbreak.

Very low carb but not a meal we will be promoting. More on this true story here.



  1. Someone told me it came from snakes. Goodness me!

  2. Eeewww, that looks horrible! I've never heard of bat soup before. Thanks for taking time to inform us.

  3. Oh my gosh! That looks so UNappetizing.

  4. Oh, Dear God.

    I wish you hadn't shown a picture! 🤢

  5. Frightful and a bit terrifying........I hope this can be dealt with so it doesn't spread!

  6. I knew they had closed the market, but didn't realize it was over bat soup and other live animals like RATS. Some people have no sense at all in what they put in their bodies.

  7. Thinking I will definitely pass on this soup..
    I wouldn't mind some recipes for lowering blood sugar if you have any...

  8. Bats, snakes....not my idea of food! Valerie

  9. I once had parrot soup. It kept repeating on me.

    Any views, Jan?

    God bless.

  10. uhuh, bat soup does not sound or look good

  11. I thought I heard on the news, they thought the source of the virus was snakes. Either bats or snakes. 😱

  12. Uhmmm - bat soup? Really? Think I'll just take a pass.

  13. Good! Because it is not a meal that I will be eat at any point in my life!!!

  14. Victor S E Moubarak said...
    I once had parrot soup. It kept repeating on me.

    Any views, Jan?

    God bless.

    Hello Victor, many thanks for your comment, which made both Eddie and I laugh :)

    When you ask have I got any views? I thought I wonder if there really is such a thing as parrot soup?

    Well, would you believe it 'The Old Foodie' has got an interesting article about Parrot Soup and a cocktail called 'Yellow Parrot' which you can read here

    There is also the Parrot Repeater Pocket Watch, more details here

    Wishing you an enjoyable weekend

    All the best Jan

  15. aussie aNNie said...
    Thinking I will definitely pass on this soup..
    I wouldn't mind some recipes for lowering blood sugar if you have any...

    Hello there and many thanks for your comment.
    There are many recipes within the blog that can help to lower blood sugar.

    If you start by reading this post
    Diabetes : Diabetic : Simple Tips to Lower Your Blood Sugars

    and also read all the links (in green) and the other related posts which you will see at the bottom of the article, it should give you a good guide.

    Hope this helps, do please come back and ask any questions.

    My good wishes

    All the best Jan

  16. I do eat meat but I don't think I could eat soup with the creature on the side of the dish.

  17. Thanx for the info, Jan. I was of course joking.

    God bless.

  18. We have our first case in Melbourne today, not a lot of bat soup being eaten around here, I don't think. I have my masks!

  19. Well, people eat dog meat, horse meat,and all kinds of rather unusual meats.
    Perhaps certain types of eating habits should be banned by law and regulations before we get some frightful outbreaks that might erase the world.

  20. eeeuuuu! That must definitely be a cultural delicacy that I'm not going to partake.

  21. can't imagine eating this.

  22. In China there are streets full of what look like to Western eyes, pet shops. They are of course food supermarkets.

  23. i just knew this one dear Eddie
    thank you for sharing
    i agree that rough eating or careless life style must be the reason


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