Friday 8 May 2020

Stuffed Courgettes / Zucchini in Tomato Sauce : Moderate Low Carb

Get ahead with these healthy stuffed courgettes/zucchini in tomato sauce - perfect for stashing in the freezer ready for an easy midweek meal. Filled with tender spiced pork and roasted in a sweet tomato sauce, these simple courgettes will be a new favourite...

Serves Six
6 courgettes/zucchini
2 tbsp olive oil
1 red onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
½ tsp crushed chillies
½ tsp allspice
½ tsp nutmeg, grated
500g (12% fat) pork mince
1 lemon, zested
15g dill, chopped
50g flat-leaf parsley, chopped

For the sauce
1 tbsp olive oil
1 white onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
680g jar passata
pinch paprika
handful rocket (arugula), to serve

1. Preheat the oven to gas 6, 200°C, fan 180°C. Trim and halve the courgettes, then scoop out the flesh with a spoon; reserve the flesh. Roast the courgette skins on a tray with 1 tbsp olive oil for 10 mins.
2. Meanwhile, in a large, deep frying pan, cook the red onion in another tbsp oil for 2-3 mins. Add the garlic and crushed chillies, allspice and grated nutmeg; cook for 1 min. Add the pork mince; cook for 6 mins. Add the courgette flesh and the zest of lemon; cook for 3 mins, then add the chopped dill and the parsley.
3. Meanwhile, make the sauce. Heat the final tbsp oil in a pan, add the white onion and cook for 2-3 mins until soft. Add another garlic clove, cook for 1 min, then add the passata. Half fill the jar with hot water and add to the pan. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 10-15 mins, topping up with hot water if necessary.
4. Spoon the pork into the courgettes. Put the sauce in an ovenproof dish, sit the courgettes on top and dust with a pinch of paprika. Cover with foil; bake for 15 mins. Serve with rocket.

Freezing and defrosting guidelines
To freeze, leave the finished courgettes/zucchini to cool. When cold, wrap in 2 layers of clingfilm and then a layer of foil. Label and freeze for up to 3 months. When ready to use, defrost overnight in the fridge. Unwrap, cover with foil; bake at gas 5, 190°C, fan 170°C for 30 mins, or until bubbling and golden.

Nutritional Details Per Serving
Carbohydrate 13.1g Protein 20g Fibre 2.1g Fat 16g
From an original idea here

Some more Courgette (Zucchini) Recipes
Courgette / Zucchini and Feta Bakes, low carb recipe, see details here
Courgette / Zucchini Fritters, see details here
Courgette / Zucchini Gratin, a reduced carb dish, see details here
Courgette / Zucchini Boats, stuffed with smoked ham or curried chicken, see details here

As regular readers know, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, cartoons, music and recipes!

However, not all the food and recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Te courgettes look very good indeed. Hugs, Valerie

  2. ...this is something that we enjoy!

  3. Hubby was a bit iffy on this one but I think he may just come around in time.
    Thank you Jan...Stay Safe ☕🌷

  4. We haven't had these on the menu for a while, I shall rectify that soon as it's something we all enjoy.

  5. This looks great and nutritious too! Nice to have a dish that can be prepared ahead of time.

  6. A delicious looking recipe, thank you Jan :) The courgette is one of my favorite vegetables and we have them in the fridge ready to use. All the best to you and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  7. Ewww Zucchini..The stuffing looks pretty though..HAppy Mothers Day.

  8. These look so good. Easy to make too.

  9. That look good, minus the rocket which I hate. :)

  10. I prefer my zucchini to be babies, too small and tender to be stuffed. (Put like that it makes me feel a big cannabalistic).

  11. Looks good. I haven't ever made anything like this, but it'd be worth trying :) Thanks!

  12. That sounds like something I would like.

  13. Looks and sounds delicious!

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. The stuffed corgettes look tasty.

  15. These corgettes look really delicious. I have never tried them stuffed before, so many thanks for this fabulous recipe!😊😊

    Have a super weekend!

    Hugs xxx

  16. Thanks for the yummy recipes, Jan! Very timely - just planted some zucchini:)

  17. that sounds good, you know I didn't know you could freeze them, that would be good for making bread with them!

  18. I know I would enjoy the dish you posted.

  19. this sounds really good, something i would definitely enjoy!!!

  20. That looks quite complicated. No bish-bash-bosh which is often my style of cooking. We rarely buy courgettes or even pork mince. Perhaps we should give this a try as the ingredients of the stuffing sound very good. Roast lamb fillet for us tonight - parsnips, broad beans and roasties - yum.

  21. The stuffed courgettes look so delicious.
    I want that too!

  22. Looks so yummy! Thanks Jan! Big Hugs!

  23. Those courgettes look wonderful, I could easily adapt them to make them vegetarian! Thanks for sharing the recipe & that very appetising photo.

  24. These look delicious and are perfect for those of us who are vegetarians (easy to make the changes). Thanks for sharing!

    Stay safe!

  25. This looks delicious and could easily be made


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