Monday, 29 June 2020

Late dinner is worse for your health !

I wonder, what time do you eat dinner? For most of us dinner is our main meal of the day. Eddie and I usually eat our dinner early evening but I know some people enjoy their dinner at lunch time, and many after a busy day at work call their dinner supper … it can get confusing. What made me think of the timing of dinner was an article I recently read, a few snippets of which I've copied below. 

"You’ve undoubtedly heard it many times by now. What you eat matters, and so does when you eat. 

Now, a new study suggests that eating dinner later is worse for your health than eating it earlier. 

This study adds to the body of literature suggesting that if you have a choice between eating later or earlier, choose earlier. Your blood sugar and triglycerides will thank you for it."

The above picture and words in italic are taken from a recent article by Dr Bret Scher at Diet Doctor site, if you'd like to read more, the article is here

All the best Jan


  1. My main meal is at lunch time, then I have a fruit and yogurt snack by 6pm at the latest. Valerie

  2. We eat dinner around 7pm.

  3. We definitely keep regular times for our meals. We eat lunch at noon and dinner at 6 pm. We cook big healthy meals every day and really enjoy them. We even like planning our meals. It's a big deal for us! lol Hugs!

  4. I eat one meal a day and it's usually around 4 p.m. However, I've been known to eat when I'm hungry.

  5. Hello,

    I have been eating early for years now, ever since my reflux started. I tend to go to sleep early. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  6. We have our main meal around 5pm, and we call it tea lol. Take care xx

  7. Lunch at noon and dinner around 5/6pm which is our main meal.

  8. Often we eat a large breakfast/brunch around 10AM and then a smaller dinner around 5PM. Two meals a day some days works great for us since I work from home and my husband is now retired.

  9. I much prefer an early dinner - and if there is only me to consider will have my main meal at lunch.

  10. I'll eat something light late in the evening in order to prevent waking up in the middle of the night or early morning feeling terribly hungry.I happened to me more than once, and it's definitely not desirable.

  11. Great post ~ never could eat late at night ~ ^_^

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. We call dinner supper and eat around 5:00.

  13. We don't eat lunch, as we enjoy a nice breakfast after we walk or exercise in the morning, so we like an early dinner and usually dine around 5PM. When we visited Italy they knew we were Americans as we would show up at restaurants at 6PM and they don't really begin serving dinner until 7 or 8PM!

  14. We do eat our bigger meal at lunch time, I feel much better when doing it that way

  15. I agree, the last few years we started eating a nice breakfast-yogurt-fruit and granola, or a couple of eggs, and then we eat our main meal at 2 pm and a light snack around 5 pm usually a little fruit or a dessert I have made we feel much better eating this way now and we now eat very few carbs

  16. WE call it supper, too, and usually eat between 4:00 and 5:00...but the seems like if we do eat later, we don't want to snack as much afterwards.

  17. I Would love to eat all my dinners early! As you say so much better for us, unfortunately, I don't always manage it.

  18. I don't like eating late that much. I know sometimes it is unavoidable but I hate going to bed so soon after. I usually eat around 6-7, depending on Rick's schedule. It was an adjustment when we were in Europe!

  19. I grew up with dinner at six but now I don't feel hungry until 7 or 8. I barely eat lunch so I will try to move it earlier.

  20. An early dinner and a walk after, whenever possible.

  21. We eat dinner around 6pm in Winter and later in summer as we are always outdoors by the pool.x

  22. We eat dinner about 6.45pm, sweets at 9pm that way we don't get hungry before we go to bed.
    Don't mind going to bed feeling full, it certainly hasn't done any damage to either myself or my husband and we are elderly.
    Afternoon tea is about 3.30pm to 5pm, just a drink of tea, no eats.

  23. we eat breakfast, lunch is just a snack, a small salad or some cut up vegetables. we eat dinner no later than 4pm, i like time to digest dinner and i do not like to go to sleep with a full belly!! i never get hungry again after dinner!!

  24. We eat our main meal about 2PM. Nothing after that.

  25. I agree. I use to eat dinner after 7:30.. no longer. An early dinner and a walk after.
    :-) Good tips, thank you!!

  26. Jan - we eat "dinner", and usually around 6.30. What is considered "late"? Thanks for visiting my blog, and have a great rest of the week!

  27. Angie said...
    Jan - we eat "dinner", and usually around 6.30. What is considered "late"? Thanks for visiting my blog, and have a great rest of the week!

    Hello Angie, many thanks for your kind comments and question.
    The study stated that late dinner was 22.00 hrs versus a routine dinner of 18.00 hrs, with a fixed sleep period of 23.00 - 07.00 in a laboratory setting.

    Happy July Wishes to you …

    All the best Jan

  28. I always have my main meal around two in the afternoon. It's good to know that's good for

  29. Yet Europeans eat far later that we do, and on balance are far healthier, so that's a bit of a puzzle. When I was in Spain a few years ago, most of the restaurants didn't open until 9:00 pm.

  30. 6pm without fail. I have never understood why the Greeks and Spanish eat near 10 to midnight but appear to suffer no ill effects. Their climate must help and being able to eat outdoors until midnight.


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