Tuesday 30 June 2020

June ... I like your recipes but where did you go ?

Where has June gone? I find it hard to believe that today is the last day of the sixth month - but it is!

I thought for this post I'd have a play on the letters that make up June, and choose a favourite food from each! So starting with:- 

J ... it's got to be jalapeño peppers

delicious in a Jalapeño Popper Chaffle, which are low carb / keto
more details here 

U … is for Upside-Down Low Carb Cake

this recipe uses fresh rhubarb and strawberries, more details here

N ... is for Nutmeg

some may think of nutmeg as the forgotten spice
it's delicious in these Mini Spinach and Cottage Cheese Frittatas
they are low carb and vegetarian, more details here

E ... is for Egg

I enjoyed poached eggs for breakfast today!
Eggs are packed with proteins, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and various trace nutrients.
However, did you know the way you prepare your eggs can affect their nutrient profile.
more details here

Why not share your favourite choice of J U N E foods in the comments ...

Dear reader, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, cartoons, music and recipes!

However, not all the food and recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a
diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Love your play on words. You always have the most good looking dishes! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. A lovely list, I am mourning the end of June!

  3. The month went by too quickly - time flies! Valerie

  4. Not easy to find food beginning with jam. Could only come up with jam! M was easier with nectarine.

  5. Everything looks delicious to me.

  6. I eat eggs every day. They are my favorite food!

  7. Hello,

    Everything looks delicious! Take care, Enjoy your day!

  8. The jalapeno recipe is a lucky fine because we're having a bumper crop of them and are putting them in everything we can. I wrote down the recipe for it. They are one of my favorite things of June too!

  9. It flew by for me, too. Oh, eggs. I love them. So much. Well done with the U of JUNE!

  10. A lovely (and varied) take on the month.

  11. Love your "JUNE" words.... Very creative... AND--you are correct---June, where did you go???? Mercy Me!!!!!


  12. I don't know if I can come up with a favorite food for each letter...but I love Jonalicious Apples. Jonagold are ok, but Jonalicious are wonderful.

    U is another matter...all I can think of is Uncooked cauliflower. (Raw in other words, LOL)

    N...Nectarines and nuts!

    E...Enchiladas...and I do like eggs, too.

  13. It all looks so yummy, but I'd personally go light on the jalapenos. Sounds like a good month!

  14. June did escape me, too. This strawberry rhubarb dessert sounds awesome. Am printing it up.

  15. Such fun a great play on words.

  16. Well-done... Congratulations ..

    Have a great week.. Cheers

  17. Good menu. The upside down cake with the jalapeño peppers would burn one's mouth surely!

    God bless.

  18. Fun post and love egg custards sprinkled with nutmeg. I just found a recipe I want to try soon. Nutmeg is on my shopping list :) The strawberry and rhubarb dessert looks wonderful too. I remember their huge leaves from when dad used to grow them in his garden. Very often we would have a stick of rhubarb broken off, washed of course and given a bowl of sugar to dip it in. A tart-sour taste going on that I love even now. I think that recipe went back to my grandparents' day :) Yes Jan, where did June go? All the best to you and yours in July.

  19. Her sabah iki tane haşlanmış yumurta mutlaka yerim.

  20. Yes, half of this crazy year has gone by!
    Can't remember anything for June but I do love eggs.
    The little frittatas look delicious and I love rhubarb, which I've seen in the supermarket, so will have to make this upside down cake. Thanks Jan

  21. That's a good idea for JUNE...

  22. Beyda'nın Kitaplığı said...
    Her sabah iki tane haşlanmış yumurta mutlaka yerim

    Google translation ...
    I must eat two boiled eggs every morning.

  23. July hasn't started very well - cold and wet.

  24. These all look so delicious. I need to look into the Keto diet since my glucose levels were climbing lately.

  25. How wonderful they all look.xxx

  26. We use jalapeño peppers quite frequently, but sometimes they are so mild they don't merit being included in the hot pepper category. Is there any way of knowing which ones are hot?

  27. David M. Gascoigne, said...
    We use jalapeño peppers quite frequently, but sometimes they are so mild they don't merit being included in the hot pepper category. Is there any way of knowing which ones are hot?

    Hello David, many thanks for your comment and question.

    Elise Bauer at Simply Recipes has a very helpful article called:-
    "How to Check for the Hotness of Jalapeños"
    you can find it/read it by using the link below

    All the best Jan

  28. When we lived up north my favorite food in June was strawberries because that is when they were ready to be picked but here in the mid country they are out in May.

  29. June just flew right by! Happy July.


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