Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Research : Kids and teens with depression should definitely be exercising !

"Research : Kids and teens with depression should definitely be exercising."

"Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses: Exercise Effects on Depression in Children and Adolescents


Background: Depression is a common threat to children and adolescents in terms of affecting psychosocial development and increasing their risk of suicide. Apart from conventional treatments for depression, physical exercise has become a promising alternative. This paper aims to systematically review the existing meta-analyses that focus on the impact of physical exercise on clinical and nonclinical depression in children and adolescents.

Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted using PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, MedLine, PubMed, and hand searching. Risk of bias analysis, effect sizes calculations, and evaluation of the methodological characteristics (AMSTAR 2) were carried out.

Results: Four meta-analyses met the inclusion criteria. After analysing the overlap, the total sample contained 30 single studies (mostly including gender mixed samples) and 2,110 participants (age range 5-20 years). The medium duration of the interventions was 11.5 weeks. The sessions had a medium length of 41 min, and the frequency of implementation was three sessions per week. The most implemented intervention type was aerobic exercise, while control groups mainly continued with their regular routine, among other related options. The overall mean effect of physical exercise on depression was medium (d = -0.50). The additional analysis in clinically depressed samples documented a small to medium mean effect (d = -0.48) in favour of the intervention.

Conclusion: The small to medium but consistently positive effects that were found in the present study place physical exercise as a promising and helpful alternative for children and adolescents with clinical and nonclinical depression. The limited literature focused on children and adolescents in comparison with adult samples points to the need for further research."

Original article here

I think we all benefit from exercise, being outside. Have you any thoughts? Please share them below.

All the best Jan


  1. ...depression is a hard thing to overcome.

  2. Exercise is an important key, agreed.

  3. Movement is important for everyone! Valerie

  4. Oh, exercise is a basic necessity!xxx

  5. Good article. I have a niece who suffers from depression - ...she is in her teens.

  6. Exercising is so good for everyone. The thing is to find something you really enjoy doing so you will keep doing it!! For me of course it is walking!! :)

  7. A healthy mind in a healthy body is an old adage that holds true.

  8. Last year I started walking daily. I've lost weight and feel so much better. There is no doubt that exercise has helped me. Thank you for an excellent post. Best regards from Seattle. John

  9. Exercise helps everything, or almost. It may not cure everything, but it is so good for you.

  10. Though I was in a big city I walked a lot as a teen. It really helped in those angst filled years.

  11. Evey day I try to make my two furry mates do some exercise...but they just scoff at me in return...and say they will...when I will! :)

  12. Goes for everybody, right? I´m glad my Nieces are always out and about and the Big One in sports after school, too!

  13. Gets them out from inside their rooms and should make them feel a little improved.
    Good advice in this post.

  14. Absolutely agree Jan, I think youngsters involved in team sports are more confident and learn the importance of working together 💜

  15. Question! With probably no answer:

    Did kids and teens in times gone by were as depressed as children today? Percentage wise?

    God bless.

  16. Definitely! Exercise and play are good mood boosters at any age. :)

  17. Victor S E Moubarak said...
    Question! With probably no answer:

    Did kids and teens in times gone by were as depressed as children today? Percentage wise?

    God bless

    Hello Victor, many thanks for your comment and question.
    There are quite a few papers available on the internet regarding your question, below I give a link to two.

    Increased level of teenage anxiety and depression as teenage experience changes over time.

    "The experience of teenagers has changed considerably over the last 30-40 years, including a significant increase in the level of teenage anxiety, depression and behaviour problems according to new research from the Nuffield Foundation."
    Read more here

    Why Today’s Teens Are More Depressed Than Ever
    "After a decline in the 1990s, the number of young people that commit suicide has been increasing every year. While no one can explain exactly why, many experts say adolescents and teens today probably face more pressures at home or school, worry about financial issues for their families, and use more alcohol and drugs. “This is a very dangerous time for our young people,” Kathy Harms, a staff psychologist at Kansas City’s Crittenton Children’s Center said".
    Read more here

    I think mental health and well-being is important for all, no matter our age, and anything that can help is of course advantageous.

    All the best Jan

  18. Good advice.. thank you for sharing.

  19. I so agree with this, when we had days of rain in a row we didn't get out, areas had flooding, but I started getting depressed, felt so good when I finally was able to get out and walk!

  20. agreed, awesome advice!! fresh air and exercise, perhaps the 2 best things in life!!


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