Thursday 10 September 2020

DIABETES NEWS AMERICA : Top health insurer to launch lifestyle-based program for controlling type 2 diabetes

Franziska Spritzler RD CDE at Diet Doctor Site writes

"Top health insurer to launch lifestyle-based program for controlling type 2 diabetes. 

A lifestyle-based program dedicated to improving type 2 diabetes control — and potentially achieving diabetes remission — will soon be offered to hundreds of thousands of Americans insured with UnitedHealthcare.

As reported in a recent article by diabetes advocacy group diaTribe, UnitedHealthcare members who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes within the past 24 months are eligible for the Level2 program. Those who enroll in Level2 will be provided with a Dexcom G6, a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) that tracks blood sugars in real time, along with a FitBit device that records daily activity.

In addition, participants will be given an app that allows them to receive personalized remote coaching from dietitians, nurses, and other diabetes specialists at no additional cost.

In a press release discussing an unpublished pilot study of 790 people who completed Level2, UnitedHealthcare reported that some participants achieved diabetes remission, which the study defined as an HbA1c below 7% without taking medication. According to that press release, to date, the program has helped eliminate the need for more than 450 prescriptions among participants.

At Diet Doctor, we view this as another sign of the paradigm shift away from diabetes medications and toward a lifestyle approach that not only improves blood sugar control but may in fact lead to diabetes remission.

Although insurance companies often cover CGMs for people with type 1 diabetes, they do so far less often for those with type 2 diabetes. So we think it’s exciting that a leading healthcare insurer is providing CGMs to people with type 2 diabetes so they can learn how different foods and activity affect their blood sugar.

With their CGM data, along with personalized coaching and support, they’ll be able to figure out what they need to do to keep their blood sugar well controlled at all times — not just first thing in the morning or two hours after eating. For most people with type 2 diabetes, blood sugar control improves when following a low-carb lifestyle.

We applaud UnitedHealthcare for taking this major step, and we hope that other health insurers will soon offer similar programs to their members with type 2 diabetes."
Words and picture above from here

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This blog brings a variety of articles and recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use a reliable meter.

All the best Jan


  1. ...I think that United Health Care is quite progressive!

  2. Good for United Health Care. I hope the program is successful.

  3. Who knew that a Health Insurer could be a force for good. Ours seem to be much more focused on raking in profit. All praise to United Health Care.

  4. Thank you, Jan. Most intereting.

  5. I wonder if my blue cross of Idaho has anything like this

  6. Gracias por tan buena información.
    Buen fin de semana. Cuídaros.
    Un abrazo.

  7. Good news. Hope other health insurers jump onboard.

  8. I remember when I was told in 2012 that I was diabetic my number putting me there was one thing as I worked to get it lower the numbers changed to a lower number. Made me mad, I was working so hard to get it down but I felt like (they were targeting me..haha) and saying she has that number lower, lets make her work more and lower the number that says you are diabetic....Mine has been controlled since my gastric by pass and my last check my number was 5.2. I see on commercials that they have this new way of checking where you have this patch like thingy attached to your body and it reads your number sending it to your phone. The guy talking about it says it reads his every 5 mins....that would drive me NUTS. Phone going off every five mins. I am sure that can be adjusted, at least I hope so.

  9. Wonderful post. Thank you for sharing info about diabetes.

  10. It's good to see the focus on Diabetes management broaden like this.

  11. Hello Pam, many thanks for your comment.
    So pleased that your blood sugar readings on your last check were 5.2.

    'he patch like thingy' you mention sounds like a a continuous glucose monitor (CGM).
    People with diabetes, particularly those with type 1 diabetes, may choose to use CGMs. These devices measure your blood sugar every few minutes using a sensor inserted under the skin.

    More to read about blood sugar testing and the various monitors can be seen here

    All the best Jan

  12. I will have to talk to my brother and see if he will be able to take advantage of this with his health insurance.


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