Tuesday 29 September 2020

The Rise Of Childhood Obesity

You only have to type in childhood obesity in the search engine of your computer and you will find many articles about it. In fact it would seem that Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. 

I came across one such article from Christine Fallabel and I share part of what she has written, the link to her full article is given below, but she writes:

"September is National Childhood Obesity Month in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Currently, about 1 in 5 American children (19%) is obese, and the numbers are startlingly and steadily rising. Bringing awareness to this health crisis can help educate parents and caregivers about warning signs for childhood obesity, and how to prevent it for their children and loved ones.

Causes of Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity can have many causes, most of which are behavioural in nature, although metabolism and genetics do play a strong role. Lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating patterns are some of the highest risk factors for developing obesity, as is a lack of sleep, and simply not having access to a safe place to exercise or the ability to buy healthy foods (living in a food desert, for example). Many social determinants of health play a role here. Children of lower socioeconomic status are at higher risk of developing obesity than children of higher socioeconomic status, who may have better access to parks and recreation and healthy foods.

Preventing Childhood Obesity at Home

There is a lot that family and friends can do to help to prevent obesity from affecting a child’s life.
1. Tracking a child’s weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) regularly can keep a child on track; if you see rapid weight gain, you can catch it more quickly and reach out to your doctor for a check-up.
2. Focusing meals on fresh fruits and vegetables, and eating foods in their most natural state prevents eating additional additives, preservatives and chemicals that won’t fill a child up, but are loaded with empty calories.
3. Make sure your child is active every day. Aim for 60 minutes of physical activity. This need not be a formal activity, like a soccer game. Walking the dog, helping to clean the house, and even walking around the shopping mall are all great forms of physical activity that gets a child moving and don’t cost any money.
4. Limit screen time. In 2019, the World Health Organization released new guidelines for the recommended amount of screen time by age, for children.
5. Make sure children are drinking water and not soda. About 40% of the calories consumed by 2-18 year olds comes in the form of these empty calories. Swapping soda out for water will save a ton of calories and will ensure that your child is filling up on wholesome, nutrient-dense calories instead.
6. Make sure your child has a healthy HbA1c. Keeping tight control on blood sugars and HbA1c can prevent overtreating lows and overeating, both of which can contribute to weight gain.
7. Eat healthy meals as a family. Children do what you model, not necessarily what you tell them to do. If you act as a role model with healthy meals, they will naturally follow.
8. Make sure your child is getting adequate sleep. When sleep patterns and circadian rhythms are off, children’s hormone levels become out of range, and they are more likely to overeat and not be physically active. They may also fall behind in school and suffer low self-confidence, resulting in overeating as a coping mechanism. Make sure your child is getting good sleep every night of the week.

Community and Societal Support

Preventing obesity may start at home, but it takes a village to raise a healthy child. Communities should provide safe and healthy playgrounds and parks accessible to all children, and local schools should provide free, clean, and safe drinking water and lunchroom cafeterias should provide balanced, healthy meals. Schools should also encourage physical activity, and provide robust physical education classes and electives for children and teens.

Additionally, your child’s health care provider should be conducting regular physical and mental health checks, to make sure your child is on track to enter adolescence and adulthood in a healthy mindset and at a healthy weight, especially if they are living with diabetes, which can make them more prone to disordered eating.

Together, with cooperation from parents, caregivers, schools, communities and engaged paediatricians and care teams, we can work to prevent childhood obesity and set the stage for healthy children and the future (healthy) adults we hope they will become."
The above is taken from Christine's original article, which can be read in full and with all relevant research/information links here

I read with interest the points Christine made about prevention, they all made good sense but it was point number two that jumped out at me.
Do have a read and please share any thoughts, comments, etc. with us.

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues please take these into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Great post and information. A child's health is always a concern for parents. I am sure it is hard now during these COVID times, staying active and eating healthy.
    Thanks for sharing! Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. This is a great reminder to everyone about what to eat and how to exercise.
    I agree about the second point being the most important.
    The kind of food we eat is what makes us fat - or not. Ask me how I know - haha!

  3. A lot of kids don't get healthy food anymore, more's the pity. Valerie

  4. Tough problem! The focus should be not on healthy or less healthy food, but on Food in general. Even healthy, fresh. products can add weight.Quantity and frequency of eating are crucial.

  5. It is troubling. Kids just don't run around and play outside like they used to.

  6. Interesting read.
    Not the same type of food I was brought up on these days.
    No where near enough walking, riding bikes km to school and back, totally different times now - can't compare.

  7. I see photo of people from different part world and us American are fat

  8. Huge problem (no pun intended). Here the "experts" seem to think that low-fat milk is a solution. (Eye roll.)

  9. This is insightful sharing dear Jan

    I know a family where problem seems generic sadly
    Everyone within family is fat including children. I feel for them
    I don't if such genetic problem can be fixed?

  10. Teaching, I tried so hard to educate kids. Their families were hopeless, for the most part.

  11. It's such a worry. I remember a childhood spent mostly outdoors and being active was the norm.
    Portion sizes tended to be much smaller than they are these days.

  12. my boys, 37 and 38 now, were so active when they were younger and we always ate well!! good information, for parents of young children!!

  13. A worthwhile topic, for sure..

  14. Todos tus reportajes son muy interesantes. Besos.

  15. Great info about childhood obesity ~ much needed today ~

    Live with love each moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Great advice. But how many times must the same messages be broadcast? People must take responsibility for themselves and not expect others to do it for them.


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