Sunday, 22 November 2020

Ask me if I am worried!

And I'm in the high risk group. Never forget folks, death can be fatal. 



  1. Interesting..Roger is in the high risk group, too.

  2. I am 68 and high risk with lupus. But if you go by this chart we are all screwed.

  3. ...I just try to do the smart things!

  4. 2.1% chance of not making it... I'll keep wearing a mask and distancing and avoiding crowds.

  5. Interesting chart, haven't seen one comparing Covid-19 to age...not looking good.

  6. I am also in a high risk category and not taking chances. Cautious gives second chances. Careless may not.

  7. My spouse has a couple of risk conditions plus age. I only have age, but I fear going in the hospital.

  8. Yes, death is very fatal, I'm just trying to keep away from Covid as much as possible. Valerie

  9. Interesting, keep on being safe. First time today at the doctor's surgery we didn't have to wear a mask, one can never be to free though.

  10. it think Best immunity comes from within dear Jan,our brain play trick based on what we really really believe so believe in goodness has surrounds you ,you will get it for sure
    hugs and blessings!

  11. Hello,

    This virus is scary, my hubby is considered high risk.
    Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

  12. My father-in-law died of COVID. All alone in a hospital in ICU. Not something I'd wish on anyone or their family members. So I'll keep wearing my mask and following guidelines. You never know who will get it and what effect it will have on them.

  13. Scary times for all ~ Be well.

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. I'm trying to minimise the risks, my parents are in their 80's and as fit as fleas and I'd like to keep them that way. Take care you two, Sue xx

  15. It is so easy to get blase about it as the pandemic goes on and on, this reminder is timely.

  16. Be careful Eddie. You'll be getting a visit from the Covid Cops. Meanwhile eat properly and maintain a healthy immune system.

  17. Hooray! I've got a 99.8251% chance of surviving Covid-19. Thank you x

  18. Hooray! I seem to have a 99,8251% chance of surviving Covid! I like that chart.
    Thanks, Eddie


  19. it has been clear that men are at greater risk and do not do as well. i thought the numbers/%'s would be higher, we have had a lot of deaths in new jersey. i am still quarantining for the most part, i do not want to take any chances and for me, it is easy to stay at home!!


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