Sunday, 22 November 2020

Thankful for ...

Like many other Families, and Grandparents, Covid 19 has kept us apart. Yes, we have been fortunate to be able to use the internet to keep in touch, to enjoy and share each others news to laugh and smile together on screen. Virtual hugs and kisses are good but they are not the same as the real thing. We wonder when we will be able to meet up again? Will it be sometime this year, or may we have to wait until next year? Time will tell ... In the meantime we are thankful for photographs and the internet.

Homework time for Grandson,
busy making a Saxon shield.
History and Design Technology Lessons merge

Dad was on hand to help with some of the tools used

I'll play you a tune on my recorder Grandma

Grand-daughter looking good in her Children In Need top
the charity raised over £37 million this year

The best things in life
are the people we love,
the places we've been,
and the memories we've made 
along the way.
(even if these memories are from photographs and via the internet)

All the best Jan


  1. Lovely photos so sorry you are missing out on all these precious times. Well we all are.

    1. Jan do you usually celebrate your British Thanksgiving with family dinner parties?

  2. Lovely photos Jan.
    Must be hard not seeing family at all in person.
    We are fortunate in this household as we have grandchildren who come to live for 3 days, and our youngest son lives here too - the other son his wife and little ones are only 15 minutes away by car..
    Take care.

  3. I think the covid would be harder with the computers and such. But in 1918 flu I guess people would write letters.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

  4. So many of us are very, very thankful for the internet.

  5. It's good to be bale to keep contact via the net! Lovely photos of the kids. Valerie

  6. Good post, Jan. Whilst we're waiting for better times, let us keep hope alive and pray.

    God bless.

  7. It's always better to be in person, but I agree that the Internet has certainly come in handy for so many. Stay safe and be well! Hugs, RO

  8. Thank goodness for modern technology. Your grandchildren are precious!! Hope you get to hug 'em soon.

  9. Hello,

    Wonderful photos of the grandchildren. I am hoping for better happier times ahead.
    Take care, stay safe! Happy Sunday, wishing you a great new week!

  10. Beautiful photos😊😊
    Yes, it is sad that we have to remain separated physically... without any clear idea of when the restrictions will end🙁
    Still, as you so rightly say, at least we have the internet. Imagine how this dreadful time would be without it!

    Stay safe and happy, my friends👍

    Hugs xxx

  11. Yes it's a hard time for everyone, thank goodness now there is light at the end of the tunnel, I can't wait to give my little grandson a big cuddle and hug all my family. Have a peaceful Sunday.xx

  12. Great photos of the kids, thanks for sharing them with us! :)

  13. Let's continue to take necessary actions against the virus. Our careful behaviors will be able to prevent the medical system from the fatal collapse and to buy time for vaccine development. Hopes are not outside but will grow up on the field of our minds.

  14. It's great to have the internet to stay in touch, even though I'm sure it isn't the same as hugs. You have a LOT to be grateful for, at least and some beautiful photos to show for it, too. Staying safe will get us there.

  15. Espero que pronto los puedas abrazar. Besos.

  16. How beautiful and a gentle reminder of what we have to be thankful for 💮

  17. Christine said...
    Jan do you usually celebrate your British Thanksgiving with family dinner parties?

    Hello Christine
    In Britain we don't seem to celebrate Thanksgiving, so wait until Christmas for our family gatherings, Covid restrictions permitting of course!

    All the best Jan

  18. Wonderful photos of your grandchildren. A blessing to be thankful for.

  19. Photos do help and internet contact is nice. Maybe by next Thanksgiving things'll be better.

  20. It does seem kind of weird that the best way to take care of those we care about is to stay away from them, but here we are. It is good that people can keep in touch via the internet.

  21. Your last comment, about the best things in life, is so true. We have much to be thankful for :)

  22. Your 'the best things in life' sure is true.

  23. Your granddaughter is so cute... and your grandson looks like he is really concentrating.

  24. So wonderful to see the grandchildren via technology. It really helps with the connection.

  25. They're adorable. I am happy, like you, at least we have all kinds of technology to keep in touch, but it isn't the same. Not at all.

  26. Cute kids! I don't have grandkids to entertain me.

  27. Yes, glad we have the internet, especially now.
    Cute kids, too!

  28. So glad we have all this modern technology! Definitely not the same as seeing each other in person, but at least we have some options to keep in touch.

  29. It is sad times we live in ~ you are blessed with beautiful grandchildren ~ Glad you can connect online even though it is not quite the same at all ~

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  30. Yes thank goodness for the internet and the phone. I hope we all get to see our loved ones very soon xx

  31. yes internet is a good thing when it comes to connect.
    In 1997 I visited Peru. It was some years before the internet BOOM. It still was in the future but the idea was clear. I remember talking to a fellow traveller about the possibility to live in Peru and still be able to read bedtimestories to future grandkids in Sweden online :)
    That future is here since a few years back. Not needed though as my grandkids are now grownups. :)
    Take care!

  32. I think it will be quite awhile. But I am thankful for these things as well. And that we are still here to enjoy and be grateful for what we have.

  33. Luckily, all our five grandkids live quite close, a couple of miles. So all through we have been able to see them, albeit it sparingly. I hope you get to see your grandkids for real soon Jan and Eddie. It is very, very important that you do so and I wonder if our "experts" and politicians have grandchildren of their own.

  34. oooooh your grands are so adorable!! and i could not agree more, i feel so lucky to have my son here. he works from home and stayed at home for 10 days or so before he drove here. he usually flies, but did not want to risk it!! an 8 hour drive, i am so grateful he was willing to do it!!

  35. Ahhh, just look at those little angels. Here's to huge hugs

  36. Very thankful for the internet to keep us together!


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