Monday 11 January 2021

Let's Take N E W and Year Will Follow !

Hello there, this post is my take on New Year!
This means I give a food take on words.
As we are in the early stages of the New Year these are the two words I have chosen!

So we have N E W  YEAR !

Starting with 'N'

Nutmeg - a winter spice - perhaps an old fashioned spice - conjuring up memories of
warm cosy kitchens, log fires, drawing the curtains, opening a book.
Goes well in a broccoli and stilton soup,
seasoned with salt, freshly ground black pepper and a pinch of nutmeg.

Read more about Nutmeg and see the recipe here

Next we have 'E'

Eggs - perhaps one of the few foods that should be classed as 'superfoods' 
as they are loaded with nutrients some of which are rare in the modern diet.
There are so many wonderful recipes that use eggs
here is a breakfast casserole, a tasty vegetarian recipe.

Read more about Eggs and see the recipe here

Continuing with 'W'

Watercress - With deep green leaves, and crisp, paler stems, watercress is related to mustard and is one of the strongest-tasting salad leaves available. It has a pungent, slightly bitter, peppery flavour and is highly nutritious, containing significant amounts of iron, calcium, vitamins A, C and E. 

The recipe I've chosen is
Cod Roasted with watercress sauce and roasted cherry tomatoes

Read more about watercress here and see the recipe here

Well that's my take on N E W
What would you have chosen for these three letters?
Do please share your thoughts in the comments below.

My take on Y E A R coming soon!

Dear reader, you will find a variety of recipe ideas and articles within this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. ...I've never had watercress.

  2. I was grating some nutmeg over the holidays and what a fabulous smell. Thanks for this article.

  3. Aaahhhh... watercress. We haven't had that in such a long time. I am going to have to look for it.

  4. First time I have actually seen Nutmeg before it has been grated.
    I haven't had watercress as far as I know.
    I can't think of three words for New, it is too late in the day here, LOL!

  5. Neufchatel cheese with an elk burger and some wine. Then I'd add Yukon gold potatoes (raw), endive, aioli mayonnaise and a ripe tomato.

  6. I love - and use - all three. Great idea for the New Year!!! Looking forward to what´s next!

  7. I like all three N E W ingredients.

    God bless.

  8. I have three N E W foods that I enjoy at this time of year - nectarines, fresh and juicy - eggs, hardboiled with salad - and watermelon, well chilled :))

  9. I've never ever bought nutmeg, never cooked with it. I love eggs. I've grown watercress, it's a nice addition to a salad but have never added it to a cooked dish.

  10. I am a great fan of watercress but sadly, it is rarely available here.

  11. Hello,
    I have never bought nutmeg or watercress. I do love eggs!
    Take care, have a great week ahead.

  12. Ooh I love nutmeg, it's the taste of my childhood and my grandma's rice pudding! Have a great week Jan and Eddie xx

  13. Anything new are good! Right?

  14. Fun idea. I wonder if Himself could grow the watercress in his hydroponic garden.

  15. There of my favourite things...nutmeg, eggs and watercress!😊😊
    And I really love the recipes that use them. Can't wait to try them...thank you so much!

    Do hope you're keeping warm. It's just been too cold this past week here, hasn't itπŸ™„
    I say, roll on spring!!πŸ˜‰

    Have a lovely day...and stay safe!

    Hugs xxx

  16. Fun post
    Watercress, I wish I had room to grow it indoors.

  17. Nutmeg in Broccoli Stilton soup sounds delicious! What a fun post.

  18. I struggled to find things that fulfill the N-E-W criteria ... nuts, eggs, wensleydale! goodness only knows what they would taste like together though

  19. Yum.. and nutmeg has been a new favorite of mine. :-)

  20. Fantastic way to share new recipes dear Jan :)

    i enjoyed learning nutmeg which is unfamiliar to me
    loved the eggs recipe most i hope kids will love it
    grass cress is also new thing to me so i have to learn more about it
    blessings and peace!

  21. Eggs are a good basic ingredient whilst nutmeg and watercress are great ways to add flavour to
    a dish. It's not easy to get fresh food at the moment, but watercress is one to look out for.
    All the best to you and yours Jan.

  22. I do like a small dash of nutmeg, but it's strong!

  23. Nutmeg and eggs, yummy. I've never bought watercress in the grocery, but I've had it in restaurants.

  24. Thanks for all the great recipes and info Jan!

  25. This reminds me to start using nutmeg more often. I do love watercress, such a vesitile

  26. This is excellent Jan!
    I would have chosen, Nectarines, Eggs and Wasabi. Big Hugs!

  27. Wow! they are sound wonderful ~ I am love soups and stews this time of year ~ namely vegetarian ~

    Moment by moment......

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  28. Siempre dejas buenas recomendaciones.
    Un abrazo.


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