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Monday 15 February 2021

Having trouble sleeping - a new pillow may help!

We all have trouble sleeping from time to time, but have you ever thought it may be down to your pillow? 

"Replacing your pillow is important to enhance your sleep quality, reduce aches and prevent a build-up of allergies. But what are the tell-tale signs you need a new one?

According to The National Sleep Foundation, you should replace your pillow every year or two as they 'absorb body oil, dead skin cells, and hair' which can create the perfect breeding ground for dust mites.

Much like mattresses, pillows don't last forever and will need replacing over time to support your head and neck properly.

'We all know that getting a good night's sleep is important for our wellbeing and so even something as simple as choosing a pillow needs to consider more than just price.' 

Not sure what to look out for? These signs may mean it's time to replace your pillow...

Your pillow is stained or discoloured
You wake up feeling achy, particularly around your neck and shoulders
You have started to get tension headaches
The pillow is lumpy or uneven
If you fold your pillow in half and it doesn't spring back

When replacing your pillow, 'there are several different options available for the fill of a pillow, each changing the weight, firmness and overall feel to suit different preferences. The most important factor is that your pillow is comfortable, breathable and offers a good amount of support."
This handy guide may help, see it here
Words above from article here

sleep well

and after a good nights sleep
enjoy this vegetarian breakfast casserole
it's packed with protein, more details here

You will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


My name is Erika. said...

I've been saving a new pillow I received until I thought I needed it, and I guess I am long overdue. That casserole looks and sounds like a good way to start the morning. Happy new week.

William Kendall said...

Time to replace my pillow then.

Tom said...

...having trouble sleeping has never been a problem for me.

Martha said...

I know one thing, I definitely won't be buying a new pillow from My Pillow Guy! The casserole sounds delicious :)

Christine said...

Nice casserole, thanks for the sleep tip.

DVArtist said...

2 weeks ago we got a new bed and pillows. What a difference.

Elephant's Child said...

I probably do need to replace my pillow. And the mattress. I need to be able to test drive them both and won't be buying them online. Later...

Little Wandering Wren said...

It makes me smile in some hotels the pillow menu has become quite the thing. But you are so right! When I finally get back to Australia, I think it is time to have new pillows! Have a great week and sleep well!

Jo said...

I do replace my pillows fairly regularly and I'm due to do so again very soon. I do enjoy a nice plump pillow to lay my head on.

Himawan Sant said...

I strongly agree to replace pillows every two years because the material for pillows has diminished its function.

The vegetarian casserole breakfast menu looks absolutely delicious. Thank you for the recipe.

Have a super week!.

Valerie-Jael said...

I bought a new mattress, pillows and duvet last year, what a difference it made! Valerie

Ella said...

Thanks for the tips, Jan!
Wishing you a nice week!

handmade by amalia said...

I'm in the market for a new pillow - I threw mine into the washing machine in a fit of manic housekeeping and it came out very lumpy.

Flowermouse Design ❀ Lone said...

Thank you for that post Jan. So easy to forget those important things like a good pillow.
That breakfast looks delicious🥰 All
The best and wish you a good week. Lone

baili said...

what a wonderful post dear Jan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you so much for always bringing to notice things that might we all keep avoiding in life time the better ,

thank you for sharing that affects life for better such good job you doing here ,and thank you for the link either

more blessings to you and your family!

JFM said...

Thank you for the reminder.
I am off to buy new pillows this week.

Jeff said...

My wife made me get rid of my down pillow that I had for a coupe of decades. I'm not sure it helped me sleep any better. At the risk of getting political, don't buy a pillow from "My Pillow Guy"

Christine said...

Never thought about my pillow being the reason for lack of sleep!
Saving my pennies for a new mattrace.

Always interested in breakfast recipes...thanks!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I try to replace our bed pillows at least every two years. They do get flat with use. That breakfast casserole looks good!

Maria Rodrigues said...

Hi Jan, interesting and informative post. Fortunately I usually sleep well.
What a delicious breakfast.
Hugs, Maria said...

I got a new bed, mattress and pillows last year and it didn't make any difference, I still have problems sleeping.

John's Island said...

Hi Jan, It is always a pleasure to stop by your blog and see excellent suggestions for ways to improve our daily lives, be it diet, or in this case, sleeping. Very good information here about pillows and how they may be the source of poor sleep. Thank you as always for sharing. Sending you and Eddie wishes for a fine week ahead. Take good care, stay safe, and be well. John

Sue said...

I'm ridiculously picky about my pillow. It has to be feather, and my pillowcases have to be cotton. Whenever we travel in the UK (remember when lol) I always take my own pillow with me. Take care and have a great week Jan & Eddie xx

sandy said...

helpful article. I'm still trying to find the "perfect" pillow which I haven't yet in all my years. By the time I'm through placing pillow(s) around me I end up looking like I have an eagles nest, pillows all around, its ridiculous, lol

Magic Love Crow said...

I need a new pillow! LOL! Thanks for the recipe! Big Hugs!

HappyK said...

Don't have any problem sleeping but do think its time for a new pillow. I've had mine for years!

Jeanie said...

I can never find pillows right that work for me! Such a dilemma!

DUTA said...

Thank God, I can sleep on whatever I have, but I prefer a buckwheat pillow filled with buckwheat seeds.. It gives good support and eases tension.

Rose said...

We have the hardest time finding pillows that we like. Specially Roger. I think I have bought every brand in the book...from cheap to expensive...and nothing ever pleases him for long.

Snowbird said...

I seem to go through pillows every few months, the quality isn't there these

Conniecrafter said...

I can't seem to be able to find a decent pillow the last few times, but I guess since we are supposed to change them so often that I have plenty of chances to find a good one!