Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Nicky Nook and Victoria Sponge Cake !

Regular readers will know that, on many occasions, we have enjoyed visiting the Lake District and nearby Forest of Bowland 

Of course in the present times of Covid, travel has been restricted/banned, but hopefully sometime later this year things may change.

We have family/grandchildren who live 'up North' as they call it and talking to them recently they were telling us about their wonderful visit to Nicky Nook, Bowland. It is practically on their doorstep thus enabling the visit! Grandma you would have loved it, the view from the top was wonderful. They even mentioned the delicious Victoria Sponge Cake they enjoyed once they got back home, I think it was a Mary Berry recipe but if you would prefer a lower carb version see here

Victoria Sponge Cake : Low Carb : Keto : Details here

These two pictures and more to read about Nicky Nook here and here

Let's hope we can all start travelling and visiting loved ones soon.

All the best Jan 


  1. That Victoria sponge cake looks delicious, might give it a try with the almond flour.
    Lovely photos, can't wait to be able to travel again, the Lake District is one of my favourite places.
    Avril x

  2. Beautiful photos, I love the lake District it seems so long since I visited, and I love Victoria Sponge.😊

  3. What a beautiful place. I am really not a fan of sponge cakes - I don't like the texture. Which puts me firmly in the minority I suspect.

  4. ...it's easy to see why you enjoy your visits.

  5. Amen to that! I adore the Lakes, we've had to cancel twice but are booked in for September. Third time lucky? Lovely sponge cake.xxx

  6. I wish I had traveled to the Lake District when I lived in the UK a long time ago. It looks so pretty there. And the cake looks delicious. Such a long time since I had cake. I have been dreaming of lemon cake. I may have to buy some soon.

  7. What a beautiful green area and amazing views. The sponge cake looked like a wonderful treat--I will look at both versions--thanks!

  8. Beautiful landscape. Ken and I hiked in the Lake District back in 2005 with the Wayfarers. A favorite holiday for me.
    Cake looks delicious.

  9. Victoria sponge is a favourite here. With or without the jam filling.

    God bless.

  10. Gosh that cake looks delicious! I will visit Mary Berry thanks. Maybe next year you can visit that lovely place with your grandkids.

  11. Very beautiful landscape, and the recipe is yummy!
    Thank you!

  12. I hear you. IT's been really tough for so many people.

  13. I would like to visit the Lake District sometime. Maybe one day travel will be normal again. Your photo is really beautiful. And Victoria sponge is yummy. I make it at home even though it is not really an American dessert. I like the way you made it making it lower in carbs.

  14. Gracias por la receta, adoro los bizcochos por lo general los de yogurt. Siempre he querido visitar el distrito de los lagos. Te mando un beso

  15. I love the name "Nicky Nook." It looks wonderful -- I've never been to the Lake District and wonder if my next trip (assuming we can ever get across the pond) will include time there. I love your country so much!

  16. Beautiful photos and tasty cake!

  17. I miss my visits to the Lake District these days, always so beautiful. And the Victoria sponge looks wonderful! Valerie

  18. Sometimes a slice of Victoria sponge cake is just what is needed.
    I hope you will be able to visit the Lakes again very soon. X

  19. We used to visit Bowland when I was a child, I've never been back there, though I have very fond memories. I have been back to the Lakes as an adult, though (given travel restrictions) not recently.

  20. Certainly do hope you can travel to see family and friends soon...must be so hard not being able to.
    The cake looks enlisting and lovely scenery.

  21. The low carb version looks just as delicious 💜 What are your thoughts on intermittent fasting Jan?

  22. Wow that cake looks good!Also fantastic nature photoes.I like them alot!

  23. Hello,
    Gorgeous views from the lake district. The cake looks delicious!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  24. The cake looks delicious. Great photos of the area.

  25. Beautiful scenery and the cake looks delicious, too

  26. Espero que pronto esté todo bien. Besos.

  27. Oh my-your photos are gorgeous-including the cake! I'm a huge fan of the country you live in-starting from reading "Lark Rise to Candleford" and watching the beautiful BBC production of that book. Thank you for your blog visit!

  28. Thank you for the virtual St. Patrick's Day outing. The cake looks delicious!

  29. Dearest Jan! That view is amazing! Plus the Keto sponge cake looks so enticing! I once did Ketogenic diet and it worked for me so so well! It did not just helped me lose 40 pounds (which I unfortunately gained back now) it also made my cholesterol levels normal and my skin a lot more glowing. I tried to get back but I think I shocked myself and got very dizzy in just 24 hours but I'm planning to start back again gradually and hopefully will turn it into a lifestyle and not just a periodic diet.

  30. Gorgeous pics.
    That sponge cake looks mouthwatering.
    Take special care.

  31. The cake seems delicious.

    All the best,


  32. Boa tarde, a matéria ficou linda e gostosa parabéns pelo seu trabalho maravilhoso.

  33. I love ths kind of "untamed" nature. :)

  34. Wonderful area! Thank you very much for the links. I enjoyed exploring. I hope it won't be too long before you can see your family again. The Victoria Sponge is one of my favorites that my mother used to make. I haven't had a piece in years. I think I will make one for my husband's birthday :)

  35. PerthDailyPhoto said...
    The low carb version looks just as delicious 💜 What are your thoughts on intermittent fasting Jan?

    Hello Grace
    Many thanks for your comment and question.

    Intermittent Fasting has become more popular recently, however, it does not suit everyone.
    There is a good guide on Diet Doctor site which I think you will find interesting.


    I hope this will help you decide if Intermittent Fasting may be something you would like to do.

    Take care,

    All the best Jan

  36. Hi Jan, really enjoyed the photos in your post, love Mary Berry the Sponge looks delicious. TC

  37. it will be wonderful to travel again, we are very hopeful to see family this July, we should all have the vaccine by then, hoping to see some great new places too, hope you can be with your grandchildren soon!

  38. Nice pictures Jan.
    And the cake looks so well.

    Greetings, Marco

  39. Wow these are wonderful photos and that cake looks good too. Have a nice day.

  40. What a breath taking area! Wow! Thank you for the recipe!! Big Hugs!

  41. I always enjoy your photos.
    And the cake! I would love a slice.

  42. lovely images!! i am fully vaccinated and hope to get back to traveling a little and hugging my loved ones!!

  43. Oh loving the cake recipe, I must try it. Jeez not been to the Lake District since high school when we went a trip there in the mid 90s!

  44. wow she seemed so neat and accurate in her cooking :)
    loved her recipe ,thank you for sharing !

    i hope you be able to visit that breathtakingly beautiful area with family soon :)

  45. First off, that sponge cake - yum. I would love a piece of that.
    I followed the link and saw the photos real quick. I love readin about places I"ll never seen and looking at photos. I spend a lot of time over at Instagram following people from all over the world.


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