Saturday, 6 March 2021

Should You Wear an Apron While Cooking ?

Do you wear an apron while cooking or cleaning? When preparing food, cooking, washing up etc. my apron is always on. I was gifted a new one for Christmas and delight in wearing it. I like my aprons to have pockets, and tend to choose ones that have flowers, butterflies, spring like patterns on them. When you start looking at the variety of aprons available there really is a large choice, so many styles, in fact something to suit everyone and all ages.

My dear mum always used to wear an apron while in the kitchen, it used to hang behind the kitchen door always ready to be slipped on. My Gran used to wear a wrap-around apron, I seem to recall they were always a blue shade ... funny what memories stay in your mind.

But onto the title of this post and Why Should You Wear an Apron While Cooking!

"Cooking is known as an art that results in delightful foodstuffs. It is the only science that saves one from hunger and satisfies our cravings. One needs several kinds of gadgets to efficiently cook. Among many other kitchens’ handy gadgets, the apron also falls in this category.

Since the old ages, the apron has been used as a great protector against spills and stains. It is considered as a uniform and a mandatory tool for home cooks and chefs who spend most of the day in the kitchen; these individuals understand its application clearly. But many of the beginners second guess and avoid the use of aprons and it is due to a lack of information

In this article, we will exhibit major important reasons to wear an apron while cooking.

It Protects from Stains
While cooking or baking, staining of your clothes is common. This mostly happens when we are in a hurry and end up in a mess. But here the apron acts as a guard that saves one from spoiling the clothes and of however is using it. An apron also facilitates the user with a way to clean their dirty hands. So this means, it is not only a protector but also a handkerchief. Wearing funny aprons also helps to bring a smile to someone’s face when they enter your kitchen. You can buy funny aprons and other styles and colours you want according to your taste or your mood. This characteristic will keep one’s interest in cooking alive.

Protection from Germs
One importance of apron is regarding health point of view. Many of the working individuals prefer cooking soon after arriving from the job. The worn clothes from morning till evening stock numerous germs due to the interaction with the outdoor dust. Due to the increased possibility of coronavirus, the clothes can’t be considered as a safe option for direct cooking. If used directly, the quality of the prepared meal can be affected. The prepared meal can’t be safe to eat both at home and in a restaurant.

The washed and cleaned apron shields you from the direct interaction of food with germs on clothes. Moreover, either your hair or the hair of your cat or dog can be stuck in your clothes and therefore can fuse with the food, becoming a source of embarrassment in front of guests or family members.

Provides a Safe Working Environment
Besides the protection from stains, security is also one of the goals aprons sustain. While cooking directly, many clothes fabric can catch fire. Most of the aprons are made of fireproof materials that can avoid the likelihood of these unpredictable circumstances. Further, wearing an apron is the safest option to avoid dust, dirt, heat burns, oil spatter, and spill-over of hot soup and curry, etc.

Aprons with Handy Innovations
The basic philosophy of an apron is to maintain hygiene, but it also ensures trends and ease. Many of the latest designs allow pockets that make everyday working easy. One can efficiently clean the sinks with the sponge, and the counters can be quickly scoured through the mitts present in the pockets. This reduces the hassle of moving from one place to another in a rush. This way, the hygienic environment can be sustained within minutes.

It is the Practice of Professionals
Many individuals plan a food business or dream of becoming a professional chef. One of the basic rules starts with wearing an apron soon after entering a kitchen. This casts an impression of professionalism on others and determines how much you value the basic principles of cooking and hygiene. It is recognized as a costume of the chefs, and every master cook wears this uniform with pride.

Kids get Inspiration
It is a common practice that kids follow their elders. With the current trend, kids love making snacks and enjoy baking. Parents always scared for their kids regarding kitchen accidents and frustrated for the mess and stains they make in the kitchen and also funny text aprons will be the perfect gift for your children. Parents can encourage their kids by setting an example of wearing an apron. Through awareness, kids can adopt a good habit of wearing an apron, it will not only save them from the kitchen hazards, but they also develop the habit of cleanliness.

Aprons Help in Free Movement
From culture to culture, the dress codes vary. From Asia to Europe, some of the dresses are common such as frocks and skirts. While working in the kitchen with these dresses, the chances are higher to lower down the free movement as women get irritated of frequently grasping them. They remain uncomfortable and keep on protecting their outfit. While the apron makes a woman free to increase her movement and can prepare the meal. This state of motion can also support her to burn calories that represent a good sign of fitness.

In the market, various quality and design of aprons are available, but it is crucial to select the apron according to your requirement. There is a need to distinguish between the fabrics and stuff. Many heat resistant, waterproof or plastic aprons can be obtainable which are not costly on your pocket. You must not forget the selected apron can bear the heat of your kitchen. As an apron is used as a daily attire and has a high chance to be soiled, so the user must take care to wash it regularly, else the basic principle of hygiene will die out."
Words above from article by Marie Singer here
Read more about Aprons including their history here

 now why not pop your apron on and 
Ginger Cake
you can see the low carb recipe here

This blog brings a variety of articles and recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Yep ... aprons make you look professional.

    God bless.

  2. I have aprons but never seem to wear them. Good post. I enjoyed it. have a great weekend.

  3. I'll wear anything that has pockets, including aprons.

  4. I should wear an apron much more often than I do - as the stains on my clothing will testify.

  5. Both my grandmothers wore aprons but not my mother and I don't either.

  6. ...I guess that it depends.

  7. No suelo utilizar delantal cuando cocino, aunque es muy util ya me acostumbrado a no hacerlo. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso

  8. That ginger cake looks amazing. I do wear an apron to catch spills.

  9. I used to wear an apron all the time, but now that we're just wearing grubby clothes during the pandemic, I haven't been using it.

  10. we have a very spacious family apron, oil cloth so it wipes clean - whoever cooks wears it (it's red with blue and yellow spots).

  11. I have to say I usually forget about my aprons :)

  12. I am messy, I need an apron! Valerie

  13. I used to wear one all the time but got out of the habit, it makes perfect sense though I'll have to dig mine out and start using it again.

  14. It is a dilemma that I have many times, however it is the most comfortable and after reading the report I sure decide to use it more often, because the kitchen I like and defend in it.
    Thank you for the recipe and the convincing comment about the apron.
    Best regards.

  15. Mmmm, that cake!
    Nope, never wear an apron.

  16. I should wear an apron during the preparation and eating of food far more often than I do! xx

  17. I don't wear an apron. I think because my mother wore one, I can't. But I wear "house clothes", so if they get dirty they just get thrown into the wash. I did enjoy reading about the positives of an apron.

  18. My Grandma always wore an apron-always. she lived on her farm, but my Mom never wore one when I was growing up so I never wore won either

  19. I love looking at aprons on other people, but have never worn any myself(lol) I need to do that for sure. Hugs, RO

  20. I used to wear an apron. My mother was a seamstress so she used to make me cobbler's aprons with pockets and a snap front. Somewhere along the way, I got out of the habit of wearing an apron.

  21. Nope!! I don't wear matter how many good reasons one has.
    But I sure would love a taste of that cake!!!

  22. I don't usually war one. If we are having family over, we try dress up a tad. Then, I might. My SIL is in charge of the turkey, usually.

  23. I hadn't thought of the germ aspect. Good idea.
    Take special care.

  24. Hello,

    I do not even own an apron! The cake looks delicious!
    Take care, have a great new week!

  25. I have a Demin apron that is sturdy and practical but I hardly ever use it. I wonder why.

  26. Depends on what you are cooking.

  27. Ahh Ginger cake - yum.
    I'm wondering if one's mother wore aprons than daughters are more likely to wear one. I don't recall ever seeing my mom wear one. I'll have to ask my sister. I remember making an apron in Homemaking class in high school and I was really proud of it but never wore it. Because to me cooking is a chore and not fun - I just want to get out of the kitchen fast and never thought about an apron. I'm so glad I have a live in chef, lol who likes to cook. Maybe I'll get him an apron.
    Just thought of an idea - you could do a picture a week of your favorite aprons you are wearing. That would be fun.

  28. I sometimes apron up -- depending on what I'm wearing when I'm cooking. But it looks like a lot of good reasons to do so!

  29. Hi Jan, Excellent recommendation for wearing an apron while cooking. After reading all of the reasons for doing so, I resolve to try to do better about wearing one every time I cook. You do a great job of giving us suggestions in your blog. Thank you for sharing. Take good care of yourself and have a fine week ahead. John

  30. I always wear one so I don't splatter grease on my shirt.

  31. What a fun post and some good points made for wearing an apron. I have always worn an apron in the kitchen, putting it on is the first thing I do.
    My Nana loved her aprons. She said clothes were difficult to wash but could be kept clean by using an apron. I have a photo of her in the 1920s wearing a special apron she kept for feeding the hens.
    My mother used to wear her apron out into the garden and it would double as a bowl to carry freshly picked produce back to the kitchen.
    I love aprons :) xx

  32. I sometimes wear one, but I can guarantee that when I don't I'm bound to splatter myself with something and then wished I'd put one on.

  33. Yes I do wear a apron and enjoy the process of putting it on. Ginger cake yummy!

  34. How very interesting - everything you want to know about wearing an apron.
    I never wear one when cooking but yesterday evening I discovered a white splodge on the front of my jumper - so maybe this will change. I do have two aprons resting in a drawer.

  35. I do wear an apron especially when baking as I tend to get flour everywhere! Plus I have a cat and don't want the cat hair to end up in the food! I love ginger so I must try this cake! Thanks again for all the wonderful information!

  36. ooooh ginger cake, something i would LOVE!! i do not wear or own an apron and i always get food stains on my cloths while cooking. AND...i always say, i need an apron. i would get one with butterflies or flowers too!!

  37. Very enjoyable reading! I do wear an apron sometimes. I have a nice collection

  38. I wear an apron. :-) My sister usually gifts me a new one for Mother's Day each year.

    You are right my dear friend, you did comment on my quiche recipe, but I had forgot to publish my comments the evening I read them. Thank you so much for commenting again. I do appreciate your blog friendship.
    xx oo

  39. You know I have a couple aprons that were given to me but I don't wear them, I really could have used one today though I made a mess all over my shirt.

  40. Aprons are fun and protective too ~ Bread looks delicious!

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  41. absolutely wonderful sharing :)

    yes apron is something essential during cooking and since i got newly renovated kitchen i wear it more often :)

    i so enjoyed the reminder post which provokes to do it on regular bases dear Jan :)

  42. I have aprons but don't use them. That cake looks tempting :)

  43. I have aprons but don't use them. I actually rarely spill stuff when cooking and I cook while wearing clothes that I don't wear outdoors. Still, I often think it would be a good idea to wear an apron, thanks for the encouragement!

  44. Mom says thanks for the ginger cake and for her apron! LOL! Excellent post! Big Hugs!


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