Tuesday, 13 April 2021

It's Scrabble Day !

Today is the 13th April and that means it's Scrabble Day (yesterday it was Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day and tomorrow is Reach As High As You Can Day). Who knew!

So get the Scrabble Box out and enjoy a game! Do you play, have you ever played?

Scrabble is a word game in which two to four players score points by placing tiles, each bearing a single letter, onto a game board divided into a 15×15 grid of squares. The tiles must form words that, in crossword fashion, read left to right in rows or downward in columns, and be included in a standard dictionary or lexicon.

The name Scrabble is a trademark of Mattel in most of the world, except in the United States and Canada, where it is a trademark of Hasbro. The game is sold in 121 countries and is available in more than 30 languages; approximately 150 million sets have been sold worldwide, and roughly one-third of American and half of British homes have a Scrabble set. There are approximately 4,000 Scrabble clubs around the world.
Details (with further references) from here and here

Of course one important thing to remember when playing Scrabble is to enjoy a cuppa - tea or coffee is good. Some may also like a biscuit to chew on when thinking up words. Word of warning do take care not to spill your drink or leave biscuit crumbs on the Scrabble Board!

Low Carb Chocolate Chip Cookies
only 2 net carbs per cookie biscuit for this low carb version of chocolate chip cookies,
you may like to give this recipe a try, more details here

Dear reader, this blog offers a wide variety of articles and recipe ideas, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. ...there's a day for everything.

  2. I have enjoyed Scrabble since I was a child.

  3. Scrabble is the only game I am allowed to wing against the grandkids. They can't really cheat you see! Our games are often accompanied by coffee and biscuits as a bribe for letting granddad win something,

  4. I've never played scrabble but I could go for a cookie :-)

  5. Now milk and cookies would go great with scrabble and yes I love to play. One of my favorite games.

  6. Happy Scrabble!
    The games to install on the computer can take up several hours for fun. After a while though you can notice, some common words aren't on every program's dictionary. lol

  7. I make sugar free chocolate chip cookies now that I've found Bake Believe chocolate chips. What a treat they are. Sounds good right now! Enjoy your day!

  8. Scrabble is always fun! :)

  9. Who would have thought it seems like there is a day for everything, however cookie day is everyday as far as I'm concerned they look yummy.

  10. I love playing Scrabble, but my two furbabies can't spell, so I have no one to play with while in lockdown.

  11. Scrabble is fun, the cookies look good, too. Valerie

  12. Love Scrabble..used to play it all the time..Cookies would be great right now..all these days are driving me crazy.What are we supposed to do with them?? Enjoy it no matter what day it is..

  13. My grandmother taught me how to play Scrabble and we enjoyed many great games together. Wonderful memories :)

  14. Growing up Scrabble was a very competitive and sometimes acrimonious family game. I no longer play.

  15. i always enjoyed scrabble!! now we play bananagram which is similar, but i like it better!!

  16. Rick and I always love Scrabble and play often. He almost always beats me -- he's a more tactical player than I am. But it doesn't matter -- I love the words and letters and when I win, I feel very important indeed! I also have a French scrabble board, which is fun because the point system is completely different!

  17. I play online with my daughter. I find it fun!

  18. Didn't know scrabble had its own day. :)
    Yes we play.

  19. And they should have a National Send Rose a yard of Cotton Fabric day...LOL I just heard about grilled cheese day earlier today for the first time.

  20. My maternal grandparents played it in Dutch.

  21. No sabia que era el día del scrable acá es el día del maestro. te mando un beso

  22. Scrabble is game I love to play, it been a while.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  23. Jan - no idea that it was Scrabble Day! I like to play, but I can only convince my family to play occasionally! The last time was the cabin trip my husband and I took earlier this month! He beat me :-(

  24. I haven't played scrabble for years! on the radio I heard they have removed 400 words or something ridiculous - that might be considered offensive - even Scrabble has got politically correct it would seem!

  25. I like Chocolate Chip Cookies more than Scrabble.

    God bless.

  26. Hubby and I enjoy a game of scrabble! We are missing the cookies, maybe next time.
    Take care, have a great day!

  27. I love Scrabble but Neil won't play. He likes strategy games 'cos he knows that I have the attention span of a gnat! Take care and have a great week xx

  28. Goodness, indeedy, who knew about all these days! You have got it sorted though.xxx

  29. A scrabble day? Great idea. I haven’t played in ages. My mother loved to play and we would play all together when my sister, brother, and I were young. Never ate while playing, though. That was the era of 3 meals a day, no grazing.

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  30. Today...Thursday...is Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day here. I've just made and eaten a grilled cheese sandwich, with extra grilled cheese on the side, for lunch. I love grilled cheese..in sandwiches or otherwise!! :)

  31. I am not very good at it! The cookies look good but I cannot find low carb chocolate chips that are milk free!!! I made peanut butter cookies that were about 2.5g carbs per cookie. Getting used to baking with almond flour too!

  32. i think i need to buy a new scrabble game. i saw this and thought wow, we can change it up at night, instead of playing rummicube every night after dinner. I use to love scrabble.

  33. I really enjoy scrabble but I would enjoy the cookies more.

  34. I remember playing scrabble once on a train, with my mom. Would love to play again! Big Hugs!


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