Thursday 27 May 2021

Migraine and Cluster Headaches : Try higher fat keto to prevent them

'Try higher fat keto to prevent migraines and cluster headaches'

Which low-carb diet is right for you — a higher protein version or a higher fat version? The answer depends on your health conditions and your health goals.

Recently, Diet Doctor site has been promoting higher protein, low-carb options to help maximize weight loss, prevent stalls, and improve body composition by reducing body fat.

But some people might want to stick to a low-carb keto diet that focuses on higher fat and moderate protein.

Is that you?

If you suffer from frequent migraines or cluster headaches, for example, you might want to keep eating a traditional higher fat keto diet to keep your headaches at bay.

Diet Doctor site has a guide on ketogenic diets for migraines and cluster headaches which explains, that their causes are not completely known. But it is thought that, like epilepsy, inflammation, chemical imbalance, and brain energy deficits may be at play.

Strong evidence has existed for more than a century that high-fat keto diets can help reduce the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures.

Recently, keto diets are being researched to see whether they can have similar results with migraines and cluster headaches. Anecdotal evidence is also growing that a high-fat keto diet can reduce headache frequency.

So if headache treatment or neurological improvements are at the top of your health goal list, you may want to read the migraine and cluster headache guide to determine if a low-carb, higher-fat keto approach is right for you.
Words above from article here

Have you any thoughts on the above? Do you, or someone you know, 'suffer' with migraine or cluster headaches. Please share any thoughts or tips you may have in the comments.

Dear reader, a variety of articles, and recipe ideas, are within this blog, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Migraines have never been an issue for me.

  2. Suelo tener muchas migrañas tal vez pruebe esa dieta gracias por el consejo. Te mando un beso

  3. Interesting. My migraines have largely been a thing of the past since I gave up meat. I suspect it isn't the meat itself, but the things we do to it.

  4. What we eat affects so many things but with a bit of trial and error we can find out what suits us best.

  5. Good advice, thanks for sharing, Valerie

  6. Thank you for sharing the info.
    I used to have migraines, luckily they have stopped.
    I do get headaches when the weather changes dramatically.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  7. It is amazing that diet can help with migraines and headaches.

  8. My headaches are all sinus but I do know a migraine sufferer who just shuts down when he has them, occasionally goes to the ER for meds. They'er awful.

  9. That's interesting Jan. I used to suffer from headaches but seem to have grown out of them

  10. I am thankful that I haven't had problems with bad headaches

  11. i have left migraine behind long ago but i am after healthy diet

    i want to reduce carbs in my diet ,thank you so much for link and great posting always dear friend!

  12. Thanks for sharing this!! Big Hugs!

  13. i have tried diet's that did not work. i use medication now!!


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The best of health to you and yours.
