Saturday 29 May 2021

Pork - with a creamy mushroom sauce

Pork makes a tasty dish, and is usually reasonably priced. If you've had a busy day you may not want to spend too long in the kitchen cooking dinner, so this recipe suggestion - ready in about 30 minutes - may be just what you are looking for! It uses pork medallion and makes a good alternative to chicken.

Serves One
2 tsp oil
1 very small onion (50g/1¾oz peeled weight), finely chopped
100g/3½oz lean pork medallion, roughly chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed (optional)
100g/3½oz mushrooms, roughly chopped
100ml/3½fl oz chicken stock
3 level tbsp half-fat crème fraîche
1 tbsp chopped fresh chives (optional)
salt and freshly ground black pepper
To Serve
150g/5½oz courgetti (or alternative butternut squash noodles)
Recipe Tip
Courgetti, also known as courgette spaghetti or zoodles, refers to courgette that has been cut into ribbons using a spiralizer, julienne peeler or sharp knife. Offering a similar texture to spaghetti, it provides a healthy alternative to pasta with significantly fewer calories. You can buy courgetti already prepared from most supermarkets, but if you have a spiraliser you can make your own – one large courgette/zucchini (about 175g/6oz) should give you around 150g/5½oz courgetti. If you don’t have a spiraliser, you can use a vegetable peeler to cut thin ribbons, about 3mm thick, from a courgette, then use a sharp knife to slice them into long, thin strips. Sprinkle the courgetti with a little salt and place in a colander for 10 minutes to allow some of the liquid to drain. Either cook the courgetti in a microwave on high for 2 minutes or steam over a pan of boiling water.
1. Heat the oil in small frying pan. Add the onion and cook for 3–4 minutes.
2. Add the pork, garlic (if using) and mushrooms and cook for 2–3 minutes.
3. Pour in the stock, cover with a lid and cook over a low heat for 5–10 minutes, or until the pork is cooked through.
4. Remove from the heat, stir in the crème fraîche and chives, if using, and season to taste.
5. Cook the courgetti in a microwave on high for 2 minutes. Leave to stand for 1 minute.
6. Serve the pork and sauce with the courgetti.
Nutrition Per Serving
29g protein, 8.5g carbohydrate, 18g fat, 3.5g fibre and 0.3g salt.
From original idea here

As regular readers know:
We bring a variety of articles, studies etc. plus recent news/views and recipe ideas to this blog, we hope something for everyone to read and enjoy.

Please note, not all may be suitable for you.

If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. This looks so good. Have a nice evening.

  2. ...pork, the other white meat.

  3. The vegie noodles and the sauce (using vegetable stock) would be more than enough for me. Thank you.

  4. Gracias por la receta se ve muy rica. Te mando un beso

  5. This is a wonderful recipe that I have used many times, so tasty and filling. All is well with Gerard and I and thank you so much for your concern. It is a joy to be part of the blogging community that care so much about each other.

  6. Sounds good! Have a great weekend, Valerie

  7. Pork and mushroom, yum. Interesting that this recipe serves one, that's just right for me as Mick won't eat anything with mushroom in it. It makes a change not to have to split a recipe in half or even quarters.

  8. Hello,
    Pork with the mushroom sauce sounds delicious.
    I will be trying this recipe, thanks for sharing.
    Have a great weekend!

  9. This looks and sounds delicious.

  10. Sounds delicious, I choose pork over beef these days as beef is expensive.

  11. I agree with EC. I would prefer the veggie noodles and mushrooms to that pork.

  12. Hi Jan, I see several interesting posts since my last visit on Saturday, 22 May 2021, when the topic was mint and you mentioned your mint salad recipe from your Wednesday, 10 August 2016, post. My thought was ... How could I have missed such a wonderful recipe I could have been enjoying for the last five years! :-) What a great treat and thank you again for sharing. From more recent posts, the Honey Roast Chicken looks wonderful. Thanks for suggestions on preventing Migraine and Cluster Headaches. 37 Types of Flour and Their Nutritional Values ... amazing! Lastly, today's post ... Pork - with a creamy mushroom sauce ... sounds great and I've got to give it a try! Thanks for sharing all. A very good weekend to you and Eddie. Best regards from Seattle. John

  13. Hi Jan. This recipe sounds so good. I do love pork..Happy Spring..xxoJudy

  14. I love pork. It looks good!

  15. We just had some pork two days ago, it was quite tasty :)

  16. Muy buena receta. Buena tarde de domingo para ti.

  17. I'm showing this to Mike - it looks delicious.

  18. So good! Thankyou Jan! Big Hugs!


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