Sunday, 30 May 2021

Tips To Keep Your Feet Healthy

Healthy feet are important for feeling good and staying active. So if you neglect your feet, that can lead to unnecessary pain and other foot problems.

Fortunately, it’s easy to keep your feet healthy. Use these tips to keep yourself active and your feet pain-free.

1. Keep your feet clean and dry.
Healthy feet start with good hygiene. Thoroughly clean and scrub your feet with soap and water when you bathe. Afterward, dry them well. Fungal organisms love moisture, so depriving them of any wetness will make it more difficult for them to thrive. “Be sure to dry well between each individual toe.”  “Any excess moisture between the toes can create a great environment for a fungal infection to begin.”

2. Examine your feet for problems.
Perform a foot self-exam once a week when you take a bath or shower. As you’re drying off your feet, take a good look on the soles for any scaling and between your toes for peeling areas. That could signal athlete’s foot. Also look for discolouration of the nails, which could indicate a nail fungus. If you have diabetes, you should inspect your feet every day since diabetes leads to higher risk of foot sores and infections.

3. Cut toenails properly.
Cut nails straight across and avoid trimming too close to the skin or drastically rounding the corners of the nails, which can cause painful, ingrown toenails.

4. Don’t hide “ugly” toenails with polish.
A discoloured, thick, cracked, or crumbling nail could signal a nail fungus. Applying nail polish to an infected nail could make the problem worse.

5. Protect your feet in public areas.
Be sure to wear shower shoes at the gym, in locker rooms, and at public pools. These places tend to be breeding grounds for fungi that can lead to infections.

6. Avoid sharing footgear.
“You can get fungal infections by wearing other people’s shoes, as well as socks worn by another person. Always wear your own footgear to help keep your feet healthy.

7. Head off sweaty feet.
Your feet have sweat glands galore — 250,000 in each foot! Perspiration creates the perfect environment for bacteria to set up shop. Wearing socks that keep feet dry will help your feet stay healthy. “Socks made of synthetic fibres tend to wick away moisture faster than cotton or wool socks.” Also avoid wearing excessively tight pantyhose, which trap moisture.

8. Choose breathable footwear.
To help keep your feet dry and healthy, wear shoes made of leather to allow air to circulate. If you’re prone to excessively sweaty feet, look for shoes made of mesh fabrics for maximum breathability.

9. Wear shoes that fit properly.
Shoes that are too tight can cause long-term foot problems. Shop for shoes at the end of the day to compensate for foot swelling that occurs later in the day, and wear the same type of socks or hosiery you’ll be wearing with the shoes. Choose a broad, rounded shoe with plenty of room for your toes and a wide, stable heel. Avoid pointy shoes, which can cramp your toes and cause ingrown toenails and calluses.

10. Know when to see a doctor.
Don’t attempt to self-treat painful foot woes as it can often make the problem worse. Any pain, redness, swelling, or discolouration that persists should be checked out by a podiatric physician. Usually the problem can be cleared up with prescription medicine or a minor in-office procedure. Allowing a doctor to take a look will help prevent minor problems from becoming major ones.

By following these ten easy tips, you can help keep your feet healthy and pain-free.
Words above, with full links, can be seen here

In the UK a podiatrist (chiropodist) can help you with a variety of foot problems, read more here

It is especially important for diabetics to look after their feet, and you may be interested in reading this post 'Look After Your Feet : Diabetic Foot' find it here

All the best Jan 


  1. Very important tips thank you!

  2. Como diabetica cuido mucho mis pies. Gracias por los consejos te mando un beso

  3. They deserve all the care...

  4. ...I go to a podiatrist every couple of months!

  5. Thank you. And how I wish doctors and podiatrists had a solution for my swollen feet.

  6. These are all great helpful hints. I have problems with heel cracking. Luckily there is Heel Balm which usually does the trick.

  7. Good advice there.
    I wear sandals winter, spring, summer and autumn as my feet are always hot.

  8. Good tips, we need our feet! Enjoy your weekend, Valerie

  9. Hello,

    Good tips, thanks for sharing!
    Take care, enjoy your day! I wish you a happy new week!

  10. thank you for informative and helpful post once again dear Jan

    we have lots of sun here so keeping feet dry is not problem thankfully

    when i see ladies wearing really high heels i feel dizzy and pain in my feet and i wonder why and how they be so unkind to their feet

  11. I once came back home from a podiatrist with a nasty infection, Since then, I try to deal with my feet at home. Even the best, expensive place can hardly buy you the needed hygiene.

  12. Very good advice. thank you!

  13. Good advice. I've always disliked my feet so I don't treat them very well. I should change that. Especially since they serve me so well. That article really made me think about that. thanks.

  14. Lot of people don't think much of their feet, until they get older.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  15. Wow...incredible info on foot care. The number of glands in each foot is mind numbing.

  16. Very good post! Thank you! I'm one of those people that cut their nails wrong! I have to stop rounding the corners!!! Big Hugs!

  17. Fantastic information about feet! Thank you.

  18. All great tips for healthy feet. Thanks.

  19. Great tips! My feet have been so much happier since being self employed and rarely wear footwear. I wonder if being barefoot as nature intended is best. Of course that is impossible for most people so we need good self care!

  20. Great article, one of my all-time best decisions was to pay for regular visits podiatrist!

  21. awesome tips!! i always have trouble with dried, cracked skin on my heels. i lotion them everyday, that helps some!!

  22. I've had horrible feet forever. All of these are wonderful tips and most of them I've tried and are effective.


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