Wednesday, 19 May 2021

When Is An Avocado Bad : Signs That May Tell

When Is An Avocado Bad - Ways To Tell

Marsha McCulloch, MS, RD writes:
"An avocado doesn’t start to ripen until picked from the tree, but the process happens rather quickly afterward. Once ripe, you have a narrow window of time — generally a few days — before the fruit starts to spoil. You may wonder how to determine when an avocado is rotten and no longer good to eat... well here are five signs that an avocado has gone bad.

Overly soft with dented skin
If you gently squeeze an avocado in the palm of your hand and it retains a large indentation where you pressed, the fruit is overripe and likely spoiled.

Blackened skin
Hass, the most common avocado variety, develops blackened skin when overripe and rotten. However, other varieties retain their green colour when overripe.

Dark, stringy flesh
The flesh of a rotten avocado has dark spots and a stringy texture that tastes bad. However, an isolated discoloured area may be due to bruising.

Off flavour or odour
A sour taste or smell, as well as a rancid aroma and chemical flavour, mean that an avocado is spoiled and you should discard it.

Mold is a clear sign that an avocado is spoiled. You should discard the entire fruit, as the mold can spread through the soft flesh but may not be entirely visible.

Safety of overripe avocados
If they taste fine, you can eat overripe avocados, but be sure to avoid spoiled ones. The more an avocado has deteriorated, the more likely it will be rancid or moldy — both of which could potentially make you sick.

The bottom line
Avocados are rotten if they’re mushy when squeezed, brown or moldy inside, and have developed rancidity or a sour smell. You may be able to salvage part of the fruit if it’s just starting to brown inside and the rest of the fruit looks, smells, and tastes fine. Inspect avocados carefully at the store and monitor them closely at home so you can avoid the need to discard them."

The above words are just a snippet from Marsha's post, please read it in full here

You may also like to read the post 'Reasons To Love Avocados' see it here

If you don't like avocados (and not everyone does) how about these avocado substitutes see here

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues please take these into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. This is one I don't have to worry about. I got horribly ill after eating a perfectly delicious avocado with my last pregnancy many years ago. Unfortunately I've never been able to eat avocado since then.

  2. Adoro los aguacates buena entrada. A veces lo dificil es encontrar como madurar los aguacates cuando los compras muy verdes. Te mando un beso

  3. Not fond of Avocados but when I have bought them never yet comes across a bad one - yet!

  4. ...I rarely have an avocado.

  5. We love avocados! We enjoyed picking our own avocados when we lived in South America - such a luxury considering how much they cost here in Canada.

  6. Fresh is always better! Valerie

  7. i never saw it around though in beginning i thought it is pear but it is not dear Jan

    pear are common in northern areas but this one is unfamiliar to me

    blessings to you and family!

  8. I don't look too closely at avocados, I'm not a lover at all.

  9. I love avocados but don't eat that many these days because they often seem to be bad and also not good from a sustainability point of view.

  10. Thanks for the info, I usually only have avocados when eating out.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. Good to know...I love avocados....🍀💚🍀 love Ria

  12. Hi Jan! Great info. There are piles of avocados at the grocery store here. I fear many go to waste.

  13. That is one food I just don't like!

  14. I've cut out some dark spots in my time.

  15. Nothing worse than a bad avocado. Well I guess there are worse things but this is one of the top 10 LOL

  16. Very important information. You can only buy unripe avocados in stores. After two weeks, I am forced to throw away the fruit.

  17. I allowed an avocado to go bad about a month ago. When I opened it, it was stringy, but smelled OK and looked OK. However, I decided not to take any chances, and froze the skin and seed to cut up later for dyeing fabric.

  18. Too bad they don't come with little windows to see what's going on inside! Very annoying to cup open one and find it black and mushy inside.

  19. They're all bad, of course -- but mold -- that's a dead giveaway!

  20. Yeah unless they are a night bright green color and soft, I don't eat them. I don't like them when they get the dark spots on them.

  21. Me encantan los aguacates, tengo tres árboles de ellos. Besos.

  22. I always wonder how to tell when an avocado is beyond eating. Now I know. Thanks.

  23. Good to know. We love avocados but they are not east to buy based on its brief ripe time. We started buying more guacamole so we can get our avocado fix without worrying about the ripeness. Lazy, i know!

  24. There's no such thing as a good avocado lol x

  25. Good to know.. you are right, avocado can ripen very fast once you bring them home from the market.

  26. Great information. I'm always struggling with avocados. They are delicious but tricky to keep from going bad.

  27. Good to know! I always seem to have a hard time getting that perfect avocado.

  28. Great post! Thank you Jan! I love avocados, but find it hard to get good ones and keep them good! Big Hugs!

  29. Avocado season is over here in Hawaii now, but it sure was nice while it lasted.

  30. this is so helpful to me. i still ask other shoppers for help when i want to buy an avocado. maybe i can do it on my own now!!


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