Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Summer and Winter Soups

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere you may like this summer soup
It's just right for warmer days, with a combination of
avocado, cucumber and green onion, your soup bowl will be packed full of good nutrients
Avocado and Cucumber Soup

Serves Four
12 oz. (English) cucumber, peeled, cut into 4 pieces
2 Fresh California / Hass Avocados, peeled, seeded, quartered
(Large avocados are recommended for this recipe. A large avocado averages 8 ounces.
If using smaller or larger avocados, adjust the quantity accordingly.)
1 oz. green onion, cut into large pieces
2 cloves garlic, peeled
2 Tbsp. cilantro leaves, plus extra for garnish
4 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 cup plain yogurt, plus extra for garnish
1 cup cold water or cold vegetable stock
1 cup ice cubes
Recipe instructions can be seen here

For those who live in the Southern Hemisphere you may like this winter soup.
It's just right for the cooler winter months, so lovely and warming
Parsnip and Cauliflower Soup

Serves Four
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 leek, sliced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp fennel seeds
1 tsp ground cumin
2 parsnips, chopped
1-2 cups vegetable stock/broth
1 medium or ½ large cauliflower head
For the Roasted Parsnip Toppers
1-2 parsnips, thinly sliced
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper, to taste
Recipe instructions can be seen here

We bring a variety of recipe ideas to this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. I am more accustomed to warm soups.

  2. Gracias por las recetas de las sopas se ven muy ricas y saludables. Te mando un beso

  3. That warm soup sounds tasty. Thank you.

  4. oh yes, that parsnip soup would be just perfect for my family in Australia who say it's cold there at the moment! I especially like the idea of the parsnip crisps!

  5. I never fancy a summer soup, though I'm not a huge lover of soups. I eat winter soups the whole year round though.

  6. The soups sound great, thanks for sharing! Valerie

  7. What a fun post for soup. I like how you gave one cold and one hot soup. It is always soup season in my mind!

  8. looks great. Can we replace Avocado by something else?

  9. Oh these both sound delicious. The cold soup would be our choice right now!

  10. I love soup any time of year. These look so good.

  11. Okay- this sounds amazing. AMZAZING! I need to try this soup. What a combination! Thanks for sharing. :)

  12. And I should have said- this goes for both soups. Both are ones I need to try! Wow!

  13. I want to taste both soups. That means I need to make them. Thank you for sharing. I’m hungry.

  14. I"m sure I'd like the second soup. Sounds delicious.

  15. These are days for cold soups here. I made a gazpacho a couple of days ago that was just the thing for the heat. Avocado and cucumber are so cooling - that one's next!

  16. I tend to eat more soup in the winter months.
    These soups do look delicious.
    Take care, have a great day!

  17. These sound good. I haven't tried a cold soup. I really must. Been very warm the last few days up here in Scotland!

  18. Oh gosh, that looks great. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Haddock said...
    looks great. Can we replace Avocado by something else?

    Hello there and many thanks for your comment and question.

    The mix of cucumber and avocado work very well in this recipe.
    However, there are substitutes for avocado as can be seen in this article:

    15 Avocado Substitutes To Try That Offer Similar Texture & Nutrition

    You may find one of these would work well ...

    However you may also like to try this recipe

    Cucumber, Pea and Lettuce Soup

    I do hope these suggestions will help.
    Enjoy your soup :)

    All the best Jan

  20. Hi,
    I have never had a summer soup, I need to try one. ;-)

  21. I have never had cold soup before, I do tend to have more salads in the summer

  22. I'm not a fan of avocado, but the parsnip and cauliflower sounds delicious! xx

  23. That avocado and cucumber soup looks really delicious. I rather like cold soups. Not Rick's favorites but I'll take 'em any day. This is especially nice because we won't really have awesome tomatoes till later next month so no red gazpacho for a bit!

  24. Tus recetas muy buenas como siempre. Besos.

  25. I always appreciate a good soup!

  26. I will be making these soups!! Thank you Jan! Big Hugs!


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