Monday 26 July 2021

Look after your brain - these three foods can help!

Three Best Foods For Brain Health

There’s not one part of the human body that could possibly take on the responsibilities of the brain from day-to-day. It governs almost everything, from our thoughts and sleep cycles to the kinds of foods we like (and ultimately how this impacts our health). But unfortunately, as we age, some of life’s stressors can get the better of it; think chronic health, mental health, and even something as simple as food and lifestyle choices. But just as some foods can be detrimental for brain health, some too can be the best thing for ultimate cognitive longevity. Here are three of the best foods for brain health.

1. Wild Caught Salmon
For those who include small portions of ethically sourced fish in their diet, wild-caught salmon is top of the list for brain-loving foods. According to leading brain researcher and NYT bestselling author David Perlmutter, MD., “Salmon is rich in healthy fats called omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been associated with decreased risk of depression and cognitive impairment.”

“Vitamin B12 is another essential nutrient found in wild-caught salmon,” he suggests. “It is thought to play a fundamental role in brain function, helping prevent neurological and developmental disorders, mood disorders and dementias including Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia.”

2. Blueberries
Many of us are blueberry lovers, perhaps partly because of their rich, vibrant colouring and delicious taste, but also because of their incredible antioxidant benefits. Plus, they’re so incredibly easy to pop in a daily smoothie. And it turns out that these antioxidants are one of the reasons they’re a powerful brain food. “These unique antioxidants often referred to as flavonoids, have been shown to reduce the risk of cognitive decline by preventing age-related degenerative processes in the brain,” Dr Perlmutter says.

“Research also indicates that increased blueberry intake may have beneficial effects on spatial learning and memory abilities. Other studies have shown that eating blueberries can even reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, which is known to be a major risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.”

3. Avocado
Brunch lovers rejoice! Everyone’s favourite fruit is officially on the menu, thanks to the important compound folate. “Folate is necessary for making neurotransmitters, promoting cellular detoxification, and ensuring proper nervous system development,” Dr Perlmutter shares. In recent studies, folate has also been shown to decrease the risk of depression.”

“Avocados also contain high levels of lutein, which is a dietary carotenoid associated with improved cognition. Research has shown that increased levels of lutein in the brain following avocado consumption improved spatial working memory and problem-solving skills,” he goes on to add. “Finally, avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats, which have been shown in research to facilitate healthy blood flow throughout the body and to the brain.”
Words above taken from article here

Related Posts
Foods To Boost Your Brain and Memory - see here
Natural Ways to Improve Your Memory - see here
Looking for Brain-Boosting Foods, plus a brain-boosting smoothie - see here

You will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. These foods are some of my favorites.

  2. ...I'll need to work on this.

  3. I love salmon and blueberries, but not avocados. I always have salmon and blueberries in the freezer for quick meals that are good for us. Have a wonderful last week of July!

  4. Me gusta el aguacate y los arándanos. Genial entrada. Te mando un beso.

  5. I hope just one will work! I have blueberries every day in my smoothies. It's all but impossible to find wild caught salmon, and avocado makes me ill now unfortunately, I used to love it.

  6. I eat an avocado a day and now that blueberries are in season, I'll get some.

  7. Oh dear, one out of three isn't too good. I don't like salmon or avocado but I love blueberries.

  8. They are all delicious foods! Valerie

  9. Yes to all three - especially the blueberries. Love them.

    God bless.

  10. Hello,
    I love all 3 of these foods.
    I should have them more often.
    Take care, have a great new week!

  11. Hello Jan,
    These foods looks great. The Salmon and the blueberries I like very much.
    Very special to see the way how you photograph all this lovely food.
    I think my brains will be better now.

    Many greetings,

  12. As always very interesting and instructive friend Jan, the three I like but only the salmon I have more assiduous, we will have to rethink the diet.
    Happy week.
    Best regards.

  13. I love all these thanks for the info.

  14. I love all three and eat them regularly. Nice!

  15. Not partial to avocado. Two out of three isn't bad

  16. A brilliant post, thank you so much!😊😊
    This, I definitely needed so much...lack of sleep these past few months has left my brain extremely slow and lacking in concentration! Even simple things like spelling and recalling things has significantly slowed down. It is really frustrating.😬🙄
    These fabulous tips have given me some much needed hope, which I appreciate so very much!
    Have a super week, dear friends!

    Hugs xxx

  17. I love all three. I had some blueberries in my oatmeal this morning. Have a beautiful day.

  18. My mouth does not like blueberry's plain, but sometimes I do have a strawberry, blueberry, and banana milkshake. Yum. Thanks for saying these!

  19. Hi Jan,
    Salmon I eat very often, but avocados and blueberries only occasionally, I will increase consumption.
    Excellent post, thanks for sharing.
    Hugs and all the best

  20. I love wild salmon...and I'm lucky to have blueberry bushes here on the property! Avocado though...deathly allergic sadly!

  21. Hay que tener en cuenta, estos buenos alimentos. Me encanta mucho el salmón.

  22. Our brains can all use a little extra help since life can take a toll on them! I should start eating more blueberries.

  23. How wonderful to read this, as I enjoy all these foods! We try to eat fish once a week, I eat blueberries and avocado every day! This was encouraging to read, I'll keep eating these foods!

  24. A great post and educational one thx

  25. Ooh I'd definitely take the blueberries! Have a great week, Sue xx

  26. Eating more blueberries will be easy!!

  27. These are all so tasty. Glad they are more than just good for your basic nutrition.

  28. I feel quite smug! These three items are all regular foods for us. In fact an avocado in the salad is on the menu for lunch today.

  29. I've eaten all three of these this week! In fact, all three are pretty regular in my life (especially when we get a good deal on salmon!)

  30. Todos me gustan, especialmente el aguacate y arándanos. Besos.

  31. So pleased to be growing blueberries, I do wish my home grown avocado trees would fruit but sadly we don't have the

  32. I can eat 2 out of the 3 and love those 2. I don't eat meat or fish. Avocados are not only the friend of the low carber but also everyone. Love them. And blueberries yes please!

  33. i love blueberries and avocado, but just don't like the flavor of salmon. i really love most fishes, just not salmon!!

  34. fantastic post dear Jan !!!!!!!!!!!!

    i liked all you shared here
    i don't know we have salmon here or not but i am certain avocado is not from around .we have berries too but which particular goes for it i don't know ,internet does not help about it much

    thank you for the wonderful sharing my friend


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