Saturday, 11 December 2021

Happy Weekend Wishes

The Christmas Cards have been written and posted.
Some Christmas gifts already wrapped.
Some food goodies for the holiday season already in the freezer.

Yes, still some more things to do,
all in all everything seems to be in hand.

So, I think I may find some time to relax a while.

and perhaps enjoy a low carb mince pie
read more about mince pies here

Have you any plans for the weekend?
~ However you spend your weekend, I wish you a good one ~

Dear reader, you will find a variety of recipe ideas are within this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. I sent my Christmas cards last week. I received one from a good friend...we've been friends since primary school days... in yesterday's mail delivery. I do have some e-cards, but I will send those later this coming week, or early in the following week.

    I'm having a lazy Saturday...doing cryptic crosswords. Enjoy your weekend whichever way you choose to enjoy it! :)

  2. Sounds like you are ready for the busy season! I do like mince pies.

  3. Nothing planned specifically for the weekend Jan. Have done the Christmas cards and posted them yesterday. Just a relaxing weekend as the grandchildren are not staying this weekend, their weekend off, next weeked they come as in every second.

  4. I put the last cards in the box today...I plan to gave a low key weekend.

  5. Te mando un beso y buen fin de semana

  6. Going to a memorial service and work on putting up decorations over the weekend.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. You are well ahead of me.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  8. You sound far more organised than I am. I am going to write my cards today, then I might sit a while and make my door wreath - I find it very relaxing. X

  9. I've mailed most of my Christmas cards, then realized I needed to make a few more. I'll be doing that today. Sounds like you are actually ready for the silly season. BTW, I miss my grandmother's mince pies. Enjoy yours.

  10. Hope your weekend is great. What a fabulous post. xx

  11. It sounds like you've got everything in hand. I'm going to brave the crowds in Ikea today, not my favourite shop if truth be told. Never mind.

  12. My weekend? My son is testing for COVID now. He was a week in his room, with Covid and is hoping it is over now. Little bit tired is he.

    We were "negative" tested. All thank to God. But is was a long week at home. Also good to me together in it. Now it is misty. I go for a walk.

  13. Hello,

    My cards are in the mail and I have one gift wrapped so far for my grandson.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  14. This weekend: cleaning the studio because I misplaced a tax document, work on some more Christmas cards, kitty litter needs to be changed, decorations need to be put on the Christmas tree (we'll see how long the tree lasts with the kitties)...

  15. You are VERY together! I hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend. I'll think of you enjoying tea or cocoa!

  16. I have no plans for this weekend. Have a nice weekend !

  17. Gracias por las recetas 🍰☕🙋
    Buen fin de semana Para Todos.
    Un abrazo

  18. Have a good weekend :-D

    I am off to work tonight and Sunday night. Looking like we might be going into Lockdown over the festive period up here :-|

  19. Plans for today? Going to the patisserie and buy one... or two... of those tarts.

  20. Enjoy your weekend, far too many mince pies have been eaten here already haha.

  21. My first half of the weekend has been largely indoors. It's miserable weather here.

  22. I'm never sure whether to be impressed or slightly irritated by people who have nothing else to do but get organised in good time for Christmas. I am, of course, envious. I love Christmas, but it's always very last-minute. Just in casse I don't get there - Merry Christmas for 2022.

  23. You are so organized, Jan. Now you can enjoy the holiday without worry. Mince pie is something I would really love to make this year. Thank you for the low carb version. Merry Christmas!

  24. I still have a few more cards I need to get out in the mail, But luckily making them throughout the year has helped a lot. We had tornadoes go through the area but we are ok, we had an Amazon warehouse about 20 miles away get hit and 6 people have died.

  25. All the cards have gone. Just the wrapping of presents now, a job I'm hopeless at. But I'm pretty good at holding the wrapping for the piece of sellotape. It's a man thing LOL.

  26. Me alegra que todo lo tengas listo, yo espero adornar el árbol. Besos.

  27. Hope you had a happy weekend ~ Xo

    Happy Week to you,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (Creative Harbor)

  28. I have never made mince pie. It's a good feeling when you feel that you've got a lot accomplished for the holiday season. I am honestly through with gifts but still have a few to wrap. I seem to be doing things along and along but with still working PT and keeping up with family and church I do good to do what I do. LOL! Enjoy relaxing friend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  29. i can only imagine the thrill and excitement of you and other blogger friends for Christmas and holidays dear Jan ,festive season of joy may bring you and loved ones all the happiness in the world ! hugs and blessings!

  30. Beautiful Jan! I hope you had a great weekend! Big Hugs!


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