Tuesday, 8 February 2022

A Roast Pork Dish ... but it's only Tuesday !

Herb-studded roast loin of pork with apple & cider gravy

Yes, I know it's only Tuesday. But looking and planning ahead - this dish makes a most wonderful Sunday lunch, and you may just wish to keep it in mind! It's boneless rolled pork with a scored skin that will give you lots of delicious crackling - just great for Sunday lunch. You can serve it with Roast Potatoes or how about a lower carb alternative Roast Celeriac ... that's what would be on my plate!

Serves 6
1.8kg piece of rolled and tied pork loin with the skin scored
2 garlic clove, sliced into thin slivers
small bunch rosemary, broken into small sprigs
3 bay leaf, torn
1 onion, roughly chopped
1 large carrot, chopped
1 Bramley apple, peeled, quartered, cored and roughly sliced
1 tbsp oil
2 tbsp plain flour
100ml good quality cider
500ml vegetable or chicken stock

1. If you have time, rub salt in the pork skin 2 hours before cooking and leave it uncovered in the fridge. Heat the oven to 230C/210C fan/gas 8. Turn the pork rind-side down and with a small knife make about 6 deep incisions along the meat. Poke a sliver of garlic, a piece of rosemary and bay in each incision and turn the pork the right way up. If you didn’t salt the pork earlier salt the skin now.
2. Mix the carrot, onion and apple and scatter along the middle of a shallow roasting tray to make a bed for the pork to sit on. Sit the pork on the vegetables and rub the skin with the oil. Place the pork in the oven and leave for 15 mins then turn the heat down to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and continue to roast for 1hr 30 mins. If after this time you don’t have brilliant crackling turn the heat up again and check every 5 mins until the skin has crackled.
3. Remove the pork from the roasting tray to a board to rest and pour off all but about 2 tbsp of fat from the tray. If your tray is robust enough to go on the heat then do so, if not scrape the contents into a shallow saucepan and place on the heat. Stir the flour in with the veg and cook until you have a mushy, dark amber paste then splash in the cider and bubble down to a thick paste again. Pour in the stock and simmer everything for 8-10 mins until you have thickened gravy. Strain the sauce into another saucepan pushing as much puréed apple as you can through the sieve. Simmer again and season to taste.
4. Carve the pork loin with crackling attached into slices using a serrated knife and serve with your favourite vegetables and the apple and cider gravy.
From original idea here

For those readers who do not eat meat, how about this Vegetarian and Vegan recipe choice
Nut Roast with pomegranate garnish - see the recipe here

Dear reader, a variety of recipe ideas and articles are found within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a
diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. 

All the best Jan


  1. Ohh I'm making pork roast tomorrow. Thanks for the recipe.

  2. Gracias por las recetas, ambas se ve muy ricas. Te mando un beso

  3. We had pork chops last night.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Himself and the cat both love roast pork. Neither eat crackling though...

  5. Just looking at the photos is making my mouth water.

  6. Hell Jan, :=) This looks good, and something I know I would enjoy. Apple and Pork go together so well.

  7. We eat more pork than we used to and we love crackling.

  8. The pork roast looks delicious.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  9. I used to love roast pork. I learned to cook it stuffed with garlic from my cuban friend who traditionally had that at Christmas instead of turkey. At our home, we no longer eat meat, except fish, but I can dream about that taste just looking at that photo. ;) Thanks Jan, for your blog visit.

  10. It may be Tuesday but oh, it does make lovely leftovers -- good sandwiches or minced in stir fry! Love it with apples.

  11. The pork looks delicious, and the nut roast looks so pretty! I don't eat crackling, my teeth are far too precious lol. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

  12. My goodness this roast looks so good. Yellow rice and chicken here tonight. Hugs and blessings Cindy

  13. This looks soooo good.

    We do a pork roast on the grill...first rub the outside with garlic powder and black pepper...and sage and the grill till done. It is soooo yummy.

  14. I can practically taste this right now! It looks so delicious. Thank you for sharing - hope you are staying safe and warm while we wait for spring! Also, thank you for your always kind visits, dear Jan. xx K

  15. this sounds so good and those potatoes look amazing!!

  16. that looks good. My guy is making pork carnitas tacos for Superbowl sunday . of which I won't be watching and instead will be out doing something interesting but for sure i'll be home for dinner. We're going to my son's house so they will be watching together.

  17. Seguro que está buenísimo. Besos.

  18. Any day is pork day to me especially if it looks like this, which we don't have very often...x


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