Saturday 26 March 2022

Say Hello to British Summer Time this weekend, plus you may enjoy this Saturday supper dish suggestion

Do the clocks go forward or backwards this weekend? Are we losing an hour? Here's everything you need to know about the clock change as the UK prepares for a new season.

Each year in the UK we change our clocks twice to ensure we're making the most of our daylight hours, and as the weather gets warmer and summer 2022 approaches, we prepare to move from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to British Summer Time (BST).

As we come to the end of March, and spring is finally upon us, the UK will be putting the clocks forward so we can experience lighter evenings, perfect if there's some lovely sunshine to enjoy.

So when exactly do the clocks go forward? And are we about to lose an hour of sleep? Here's everything you need to know about the clock change and exactly why we do it.

When do the clocks go forward?
The first clock change of the year will happen on Mothering Sunday, March 27, marking the start of British Summer Time. The clocks will go forward at 1am on the Sunday, meaning we lose an hour of sleep.

Most phones and digital devices will jump from 1am to 2am automatically, however, be sure to change any watches and house clocks.

When do the clocks go back in 2022?
Clock changes always happen on the last Sunday of the month, to ensure as little disruption as possible. This year, clocks are due to go back an hour, back to Greenwich Mean Time, on October 30.

Why does the UK change their clocks twice a year?
The reason behind why we change the clocks is a contentious issue with the idea first arising in 1784 when inventor Benjamin Franklin suggested it.

A scientist in 1895 was the next person recorded speaking about it, and after that, a builder called William Willett (who happens to be Coldplay Chris Martin's great-great-grandfather) really pushed things as he wanted more light in the evenings. William campaigned for the clocks to change until his death in 1915, and it was 1916, during World War On, the clocks officially began to change.
BST was introduced via the Summer Time Act 1916 as a way to save fuel and money.
Above words from here

Why not celebrate the arrival of BST and enjoy this Saturday Supper Dish 😋

Sausages with tomato, leek and butter bean mash
more details here

This blog brings a variety of articles and recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. I didn't realize you guys change your clocks at a different time. We went forward 1 hour last weekend. There is talk of putting an end to the clock changing here that would go into effect in 2024. I am curious to see if this is going to happen! Having extra daylight at the end of the day is a treat.

  2. Gracias por la receta, en mi país no hay cambios de horarios ni por invierno ni verano. Te mando un beso.

  3. ...they want to make our Daylight Savings time all year long. It will be dark until 9:00 am in December!

  4. Delicious dish! We already had our spring time change.

  5. Next weekend our clocks go back an hour. I will be very happy about that.

  6. I wish they would live the clock alone.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. We've change our clocks already. I hate the time change. My students always got off-kilter when the clock changed. California voted to boot it out about 3 years ago, but like always California forgot about the promises. Grr.

  8. Our clocks go back one hour early April I believe. When that happens it seems to be winter here, even though it's not.

  9. I hate it when the clock changes! Valerie

  10. I wish we would go and STAY in summer time. This is so unnecessary, this back and forth, especially for families with young kids, also for animals, argh for anyone. With today´s electricity we don´t need this anymore.

  11. enjoy your splendid summer days dear Jan :)

    more shower of blessings upon you and loved ones!

  12. I'm always pleased to get an extra hour of daylight when the clocks go forward, not so happy about losing an hours sleep though.

  13. Now you and the US will be on DST. Savings time is a bit of a misnomer, in my opinion.

  14. Hello,
    I do enjoy the extra hour of sunlight. The meal looks yummy!
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  15. We changed clocks a few weeks back and I am only finally getting adjusted to it. I wonder if it is easier to do at the end of March. And your butter bean mash looks delicious. Enjoy your weekend.

  16. Bom dia. Desejo um ótimo sábado com muita paz e saúde.

  17. We have changed our clocks early this month in the US. This issue is in congress to keep it at one time and not change it. It is a stupid idea. There are already several states that don't change the time here. Love the sound of the meal.

  18. We call it daylight saving time and I love it -- it's my very favorite. I shut down when it gets dark and that extra hour of light is so helpful. I don't care about the morning. It saves a lot of light for the time we can really use it and those who feel they "lose" an hour of sleep will regulate in 48 hours. (Unfortunately, Lizzie did, too...) They are hoping to pass a permanent Daylight Saving Time bill so we don't have to go back and forth every year.

  19. Ours sprang forward two weeks ago...I hate it. I have a friend who has health issues that the time change even effects.

  20. Disfrutaremos de más horas de luz. También dentro de unas horas, en toda España cambiaremos de hora.
    Feliz fin de semana.

  21. Interesting information about the Summer Time Act 1916
    Have a nice weekend!

  22. Nunca ne gustó este cambio y espero que pronto desaparezca. buena receta
    Buen fin de semana para Todos. Y también Feliz primavera, que nos llegó preciosa.
    Un abrazo.

  23. There is talk of legislation to pass permanent Daylight Savings time. I seem to recall it was tried in the 1970s and people didn't like it. They didn't like kids walking or going to the bus stops while it was still pitch black at dawn. I wonder if it will pass now?

  24. We recently had our time change.
    Enjoy your weekend and take good care.

  25. We changed our clocks ahead a few weeks ago. Talk about ending the changing of clocks. I for one would welcome it.

  26. I would prefer to remain on standard time.

  27. No me gusta el cambio de horario. Besos.

  28. I love the extra light in the afternoons and evenings- but I do not like changing the clocks back and forth. It throws me off for a period of time each time.

  29. I would like permanent GMT then the sundial would be right every day!
    The sausage, leek and bean mash was very tasty. I bought cannellini beans by accident but they were okay in it. I do enjoy different recipe ideas - Thank you!

  30. Jean said...
    I would like permanent GMT then the sundial would be right every day!
    The sausage, leek and bean mash was very tasty. I bought cannellini beans by accident but they were okay in it. I do enjoy different recipe ideas - Thank you

    Hello Jean
    Many thanks for our comment.
    Pleased you enjoyed the sausage, leek and bean mash recipe.

    Enjoy the remainder of Sunday and have a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  31. Greetings from down the road in the UK where we are now enjoying the extra hour of daylight and having the car clock reading the right time! A great looking supper dish here. Have a lovely week
    Wren x

  32. I would be quite happy to have the clocks on standard time the whole year. Thus business of changing to daylight savings time is surely a relic from the past when it might have had benefits.

  33. Delish recipe ~ time change in USA was a few weeks ago ~ always an adjustment ~ Xo

    Wishing you peace and love in all your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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