Thursday, 7 April 2022

April the 7th is 'No Housework Day' - Enjoy some low carb ginger cake

Did you know that apparently today the 7th of April is 'No Housework Day'! I'm really not sure who thinks these days up but if you are not a fan of housework, today is the day that you don’t have to feel guilty when you convince yourself that the giant pile of clothes on your floor can wait another day, or perhaps you have a pile of ironing waiting to be done ... just leave it and do it another day!

Now the question I'm asking is, could you leave a giant pile of clothes on the floor or would you have to tidy them up now? Similarly could you leave the ironing, or dusting for another day?

Some of us don't mind housework whereas others prefer to use time on a favourite hobby or perhaps enjoy a walk ... especially if the weather is nice ... ironing, dusting etc can be done tomorrow, the next day, sometime soon etc.

My plans today are no dusting or ironing but I've done a shopping list and I will be off to the supermarket later today.

Will you be celebrating and embracing 'no housework day'?

Related post you may like to read - Take Five Household Tips - read it here

I've a nice slice of ginger cake and a cup of tea or coffee to offer you (virtually of course) if you'd like to take some time off to enjoy a day of no housework 😊

Ginger Cake : The Low Carb Way
This is a low carb ginger cake that is light in texture and is made using coconut flour, coconut milk
and a wonderful mix of spices. See more details here

A variety of recipe ideas are within this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. ...yep, I didn't do any housework today!

  2. wow who knew we had a No housework day-I did allot today so I am good for a holiday tomorrow-smiles
    Your ginger cake sounds delicious, except for me I don't like to use that many eggs in a recipe-one could change up some of those eggs for something else like flax or applesauce-I will pin your recipe to my keto-gf board thanks Kathy

  3. Let's celebrate no housework! The cake looks so good.

  4. I can def get behind a no house work day, I clean as I go so it's pretty easy, love the cake recipe...

  5. Uy no es tan facil dejar de hacer cosas en el hogar. Gracias por la receta del pastel.

  6. Jan - I am IN! And I will gladly take a slice of that cake!

  7. I think I have a lot of April 7th-days! LOL.

  8. Some jobs need to be done and others (like dusting) I leave much longer than I should...

  9. Ginger cake instead of housework perfect! Hugs, Valerie

  10. I wish I'd read this post sooner, I've just done a pile of ironing. The ginger cake looks delicious.

  11. That gingerbread looks delicious!

    Happy Thursday,

  12. Have a nice 'no housework day' :-))) ... tiding and ironing can be done tomorrow.
    I agree on this!

  13. First of all - the gingerbread looks delicious. Thank you for sharing recipe.
    Oh housework - what a blessing to have a home to do it in. And to have a pause and enjoy the work and a clean home is not bad at all. Thank you for pointing that out!! Wish you a lovely day off with your gingerbread❣️ All the best from Lone

  14. Nearly everyday is a no housework day for me haha, I can always find something better to do, that cake looks amazing, pinned to try later.

  15. Hello,
    Housework is not my favorite thing to do.
    Your cake look delicious.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  16. This is a holiday I can get behind. The ginger cake sounds yummy

  17. No housework day works for me! And that gingerbread looks really delicious!

  18. El pastel se ve sabroso, me comería un trozo. Besos.

  19. I'd love cake and tea and especially love the idea of NO housework.

  20. Now, that's a holiday I can get behind!

  21. I love the sound of no housework day. I'd leave the washing, ironing and dusting but would have to have surfaces tidy and the dishes

  22. That ginger cake looks scrumptious!

  23. I would have to pick up the pile of clothes. However, ironing and dusting can't wait until I am ready. LOL

  24. My husband and I share clean-up chores. It is finished faster that way and we keep each other company as we work together.

  25. i kind of do that often - no housework. With just Mike and I it doesn't require much around here unless we are "detailing" everything, which i already did a few weeks back.

    Anyway, I hadn't heard about that.

  26. I did not know it was NO HOusework day...they should have one of those days every week! I could not leave a pile of clothing in the floor...but I could leave the rest for another day. I used to vacuum every day when the kids were it is two or three, sometimes four times a week.

  27. HAHA....everyday seems to be house cleaning day at my house!! I can start out thinking it will be a good cleaning day but then I end up doing nothing...

  28. The one part of housework I seem to procrastinate about is folding laundry.

  29. I didn't over do things today...whew! heeheehee! The cake sure sounds good. I'll have to save the recipe. Hugs, Diane

  30. I had no idea. I’ll have to celebrate it next week because I have a guest coming and I need to finish cleaning.

  31. I am not a fan of chores but keep up with them. Being a neat freak, I will not leave a pile of clothes around though! If the weather is beautiful and we take off for a couple of nights, certain weekly chores get skipped and then I have to pay the following week dealing with extra dirtiness. That ginger cake sounds lovely with a cup of tea or coffee!

  32. Oh I missed out on this day, guess I can always make it up, right :)


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