Saturday, 28 May 2022

Take three low carb omelettes

Take three low carb omelettes, which one may you choose?
I think I may try all three 😋
perhaps not all at once though!

Open omelette with ham and cheese
(For a vegetarian omelette, swap out spinach or mushrooms for ham)

Serves One
2 large eggs
salt and pepper
½ tbsp butter
¼ cup (1⁄10 oz.) fresh dill, parsley, or coriander, roughly chopped
3½ oz. smoked deli ham or deli turkey, roughly chopped
¾ oz. (3 tbsp) cheddar cheese, shredded
¼ tsp hot sauce or a pinch of chilli flakes (optional)
can be seen here

Caprese Omelette
A piece of Italy in a bite!
 This omelette gives you all the flavours from a Caprese salad in a filling, but low-carb, omelette.

Serves Two
2 tablespoons olive oil
6 eggs
100 g cherry tomatoes cut in halves or tomato cut in slices
1 tablespoon fresh basil or dried basil
150 g fresh mozzarella cheese
salt and pepper
can be seen here

Herb Omelette
so simple, so tasty, so low carb

Serves One
3 medium free-range eggs
1 tsp unsalted butter
1 tbsp chopped fresh herbs (such as fresh chives, dill and flat-leaf parsley)
can be seen here

Related Post
Health Benefits of Eating Eggs - read it here

Dear reader; you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health it is always advisable to consult your Doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. These all look really delicious. I have to admit, eggs are my favorite food group. Well, eggs and seafood! And shortbread.

  2. Geniales tortillas, Gracias por las recetas. Te mando un beso.

  3. It been ages since I had an omelette.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. these all sound and look delicious-I have been making us omelets a couple days week for us Happy weekend

  5. These all sound delicious, I'll take the Open omelette with ham and cheese. Then, I'll take the next one. And lastly, I'll take the third one. LOLL (: Thank you for sharing this deliciousness.

    Wishing you a wonderful Memorial Day!

  6. I'm not into omelettes at all however they do look nice.

  7. Lecker, alle drei Rezepte !
    Liebe Grüße

  8. Eggs are always good - quick, heath, delicious! Valerie

  9. Omelettes are the way to go so quick and easy and they taste so good too. Have a lovely Sunday.

  10. Hello,
    The omelettes look delicious. Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

  11. That's a great egg recipe, Jan! I love those omelettes with ham or mozzarella. I also make omelettes with asparagus.

    Have a nice Sunday :-)

  12. The tomato and fresh mozzarella omelette looks fabulous. Too bad I used up the fresh mozzarella we had last night on a pizza or I would go make one now. Happy Sunday and start to the new week.

  13. Omelets are always an easy option. We eat them for supper sometimes.

  14. Boa tarde. As três receitas são muito gostosas.

  15. These all look appetizing! Omelets are great for a quick meal with salad on the side.

  16. The Caprese Omelette looks so very good!!!

  17. They all look delicious! I hope you had a lovely weekend.

  18. Cute little egg faces!! Love a good omelette.

  19. Omelettes are such a perfect breakfast, brunch, or even for lunch. I love all the combination choices you offered.

  20. Oh my gosh Jan, must I choose??? If so...the open omelet, that looks so good! ☺☺

  21. Ottime tutte e 3 queste frittate, indubbiamente da provare.
    Io se non l'hai mai fatta ti consiglio quella con il tonno e la cipolla.

  22. We often make omelets and frittatas for breakfast and sometimes dinner. Always a delicious quick meal to prepare. I will have to try the Caprese one when my tomatoes grow red this summer.

  23. Hubs would devour all three!xxx

  24. I love eggs but by themselves, never have cared for omelettes


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The best of health to you and yours.
