Wednesday 18 May 2022

The Ducks Seem To Enjoy It !

Recently in Southern England we've had a mixed bag of weather, sunshine, rain and thunderstorms. I'm not one for going out in thunderstorms but a shower of rain provided you're dressed appropriately can be quite enjoyable, and it always makes me smile to see young ones out in their wellie boots splashing in puddles, they have such fun it almost makes me join in !

Of course when we do go out and 'brave the weather' to enjoy a walk around a local town, it's sometimes nice to pop into a tea or coffee shop for a warm break. So just recently with walking shoes and waterproofs on off we went. In fact we enjoyed a nice walk and some friendly hello's with people we met en-route. What struck me was the number of people who said 'it's lovely weather for ducks' which made me think where did this saying originate ... and I wonder if ducks do like rain?

these two didn't seem to mind

although shouldn't a duck like this be in babies bath ?
it looks a happy duck though 😊

Apparently the expression, lovely weather for ducks, (or one similar), has been in use from the first half of the 19th century. Given its humorous usage it may just be derived from a common reference to the common sight of ducks at ease in the rain... but there could be another explanation, if you should know of one do please share your thoughts in the comments.

I wonder, what's the weather been doing where you live?
Would you be like us enjoying a warming cuppa or would it be a cooling lemonade?

All the best Jan


  1. ...they have their waterproof swim suits on.

  2. Here: hot last week, cool and rainy today. No ducks around here, but I see bright red cardinals.

  3. It was summery last week now a bit cooler this week.

  4. Rain isn't a bad thing, especially since so many places aren't getting enough. But I agree, I thinks ducks enjoy it the most. Hope your week is going well.

  5. Temperatures skyrocketing to Summer for the weekend. Warming cuppa first thing in the morning and cooling lemonade for the afternoon.

  6. Jan - I asked my hubby, a Brit, about the source of the saying, and his response was "My Dad." Well, that was not particularly helpful! We arrived in Grand Cayman today, and the temperatures are 30 Celsius. Perfect break from our cold weather in Montana!

  7. I've watched ducks in the rain and they seem to enjoy it.

  8. Me encanto la primera imagen. Te mando un beso.

  9. Weather seems to be out sink all over world. usual by now we have temp in 70's
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  10. Cute little rubber duckie there...spring weather for sure.

  11. I grew up hearing that phrase often - and hope that they do enjoy the rain. Lots of other birds obviously don't.

  12. The temperature is good, warm even.
    But thunder and rain are forecast for the next few days.
    We need water, it is very dry here at the moment.

    Nice hot coffee and cold lemonade, I enjoy it.

    Greetings from the Netherlands,

  13. I had never heard that expression, but it's quite funny :)
    We are almost at the end of Autumn, and apart from the cool mornings and evenings we are still getting temperatures in the early 20's C. We've had quite a bit of rain, but it's the time for it.

  14. Por aqui fazia falta uma chuvinha.
    Gostei das fotos.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  15. Hello,
    I have heard the saying, I think the ducks do love the rainy weather and puddles.
    Cute photos. Take care, have a great day!

  16. I'm always amused to see our geese and ducks swimming along happily in the rain on the pond. I wonder if they're safer in the water than on land when there's lightning? I did read that the rain is actually not good for ducks as it washes out some of the natural oil that helps them float but nobody seems to have told the ones here that! I did once write a short story called Nice Weather for Ducks so I think I need to get it out and change it to Lovely Weather for Ducks after reading your post! It's about to get very hot here in Nashville.

  17. A delightful post, Jan, and you have set me pondering about the duck expression!

  18. I never really thought about this. Ducks don't seem to mind the rain like humans. Now I kind of want to take a walk in the rain! It is getting hot here. We are going to an outdoor concert tonight and the temperature will be around 91f (33c)! We are not acclimated to the season yet.

  19. We've had a lot of rain..Five inches two weekends go..Love the rubber ducky..I don't mind the rain..Either does Mollie thank goodness..

  20. Makes perfect sense, whomever coined the phrase! Love the rubber duck in the puddle! Plenty of rain here in WA state, but sunshine is forecast for the weekend, finally. Hope you get some, too! xx K

  21. We've had very changeable weather recently though plenty of sunshine over the past few days. I don't mind walking in the rain by myself or with my partner or friends, but I don't like leading a guided walk in the rain or doing wildlife surveys in the rain! I think ducks are just so used to being wet and their feathers are waterproof so they don't mind the rain at all.

  22. I've heard that before, but not frequently. But it's pretty true! (And the ducks at the lake don't seem to mind!) What a good detective you are, checking this out -- because now I know!

  23. I don't mind the rain. We've had some in recent days, but we needed it.

  24. twice my eldest son sent me images while living in Germany in which i felt that ducks were enjoying the rain dear Jan :)

    i think tis this is true with your posting today :)

    enjoy the lovely weather

  25. I've often wondered where that expression came from. Lovely post, the little plastic duck had me

  26. We have beautiful spring weather and tomorrow they said there is a lot of sun I hope so….have a beautiful Sunday….and are you going to Chelsea flower show this week? ..I follow it on tv ..I really like it …Iove Ria and Leaf 🍀💗🐾

  27. Hello Ria
    So pleased you are enjoying some good weather.
    The Chelsea Flower Show is lovely, I too like to watch it on TV. I've never been but some of my friends have and they've thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  28. It's been absolutely tipping it down in Thailand, not that I've seen any ducks around enjoying the rain, just this little Wren.
    Hope it dries up soon
    Wren x

  29. Por aquí calor, ya parece verano. Besos.


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