Monday, 7 November 2022

Breakfast without eggs!

Do you like eggs? I do and I must admit I do like starting the day (breakfast) with an egg, and sometimes more than one ... However, this does not suit everyone. Some readers have an aversion to eggs, or an allergy, or perhaps are just looking for a new way to start the day. Today, I am sharing two low-carb breakfast options that are egg-free you may wish to try.

Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl
A light, fresh vegetarian breakfast that you can make in less than 5 minutes!
this recipe uses
cottage cheese, Greek yogurt
chia seeds, almonds, walnuts
fresh strawberries, fresh blueberries
ground cinnamon and vanilla extract (both optional)
Further details are here

Mexican Breakfast Scramble
This savoury breakfast is loaded with ground (minced) turkey and plant protein, 
Mexican flavours, and fresh veggies.
It's an egg-free and dairy-free way to start your day.
Further details are here

~ will it be tea or coffee with your breakfast? ~

Dear reader, you will find a variety of recipes and articles within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. ...every morning, eggs are part of my breakfast.

  2. It will be tea for me, please. I must admit to liking something different than eggs everyday. Thank you for the new to me choices.

  3. Love eggs -christine

  4. Anonymous said...
    Love eggs -christine

    Thanks for your comment Christine,
    I don't think you meant 'blogapot' so I've put the correct link to your blog below :)

    All the best Jan

  5. Buenas opciones para desayunar. Te mando un beso.

  6. Breakfast food are the best, not only for breakfast. These look so yummy!

  7. I seldom eat eggs for breakfast, sometimes on a Sunday morning. Cottage cheese isn't something I really like, especially the texture. But yogurt is fine, with fresh fruit and some granola it's even better!

  8. The first one is a favourite of mine!
    Like the second breakfast as well.

  9. The breakfast bowl sounds great. Thank you.

  10. I'm not a big fan of eggs. I'm addicted to my morning oatmeal porridge, especially on cooler mornings, and like playing with the trimmings.

  11. I love eggs, though I don't often eat them for breakfast, I eat them more for lunch.

  12. I LOVE cottage cheese! Reminds me I need to make some soon. I'll have some decaf coffee please! ☺

  13. Hello,

    Both look yummy!
    I just had something similar to the first, I was missing the cottage cheese.

    Take care, enjoy your day!

  14. So delicious! That breakfast bowl looks very filling.

  15. Hello Jan :=)

    I'm a Weetabix girl! I have been eating the same breakfast for years, and never tire of it, but I'm making an omelette for lunch.
    All the best.

  16. Cottage cheese breakfast bowl sounds good.

  17. The breakfast bowl looks like my breakfast without the cottage cheese. I use yogurt in mine, but cottage cheese is an idea and I will add some to mine. I eat eggs for lunch, for some reason I never feel like having eggs for breakfast, much as I like them.

  18. Going to try the way of veggies for breakfast after seeing eggs on sweet potatoes.

  19. Yo siempre desayuno café. Besos.

  20. Have you ever heard of an acai bowl? We found those in Hawaii - love them.

  21. Breakfast bowl looks yummy! Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your day,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  22. Desayuno café con leche sin azucar y una tostada de pan con aceite de oliva.
    Un abrazo.

  23. It looks so good! I just ordered a loaf pan so I'm going to be searching for good recipes for pumpkin bread...or something like that! Thanks for sharing so many great ideas!

  24. I wish I liked cottage cheese -- it has so many good benefits!

  25. I'm not a fan of cottage cheese but it might be ok with all the other things.

  26. While I eat eggs for breakfast when out (in a restaurant) I seldom eat them at home for breakfast. Instead, I'm more likely to have "breakfast" for dinner and eat an omelet then. My breakfast at home is almost always fruit, granola, and yogurt. And since I make the granola and yogurt, I know it's healthy!

  27. Google Translate

    J.P. Alexander said...
    Buenas opciones para desayunar. Te mando un beso

    Good options for breakfast. I send you a kiss

    Teresa said...
    Yo siempre desayuno café. Besos

    I always have coffee breakfast. Kisses

    Laura. M said...
    Desayuno café con leche sin azucar y una tostada de pan con aceite de oliva.
    Un abrazo.

    Breakfast coffee with milk without sugar and a toast of bread with olive oil.
    A hug.

  28. Chatty Crone said...
    Have you ever heard of an acai bowl? We found those in Hawaii - love them.

    Hello there, I have heard of them but never had one.

    Lots to read about them on this link here

    All the best Jan

  29. The Mexican Breakfast Scramble sounds really good, I'll have to give it a try.

  30. It's always nice to have some ideas for alternative to eggs.Your recipes look delicious.

  31. Thank you for sharing delicious recipes. I am trying to add eggs in my breakfast once in a while so wish me luck: )

  32. Those both look nice! I like eggs, but don't like to eat too many. I visited communist East Germany once and found that every vegetarian dish consisted of eggs and more eggs which put me off eggs entirely for a few years.

  33. I had to laugh the first sounds really good but not all mixed together.
    I drink water in the mornings.

  34. I keep promising myself I will get more creative about breakfast, but I never do! I have had the same bowl of cereal virtually every morning for at least twenty years. The only time I have a cooked breakfast is when we travel.


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The best of health to you and yours.
