Saturday, 26 November 2022

It's starting to look and feel Christmassy!

In the UK many cities, towns and villages are busy preparing for Christmas, and the shop windows are looking nice and Christmassy 🎄 🎅 🎄

Have you started your Christmas preparations? I have started to write Christmas Cards and we have some 'Christmas' food in the freezer ready for the Christmas festivities. 

I do enjoy writing Christmas cards and often put little notes in with them so family and friends can read and catch up with snippets of news.

"Firstchristmascard". Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Did you know that the custom of sending Christmas cards didn't start until there was a postal service to deliver them! The first were sent in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole, boss of the Victoria and Albert Museum. He was far too busy to write letters so had an artist design 1,000 cards, illustrated with a festive family scene on the front and printed with the greeting, "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You". Horrified at being caught out, all his friends sent him one back the next year. In 1880 cards had become so popular that the public were warned for the first time to post early for Christmas. 

Fast forward to 2022 and we are still being warned to post early for Christmas as here in the UK our post may be delayed this year as Royal Mail have strike days planned! Oh dear, this is sure to slow up deliveries!

You can read more about the history of Christmas Cards here

And how about this!
Fruit Cake A Low Carb Alternative
"Please come into my kitchen and discover this 'low carb fruit cake which is a great alternative to a traditional fruit cake.' It can be enjoyed at any time of year but could prove a popular low carb Christmas alternative."

To learn more please use this link here

Finally, in the midst of all the Christmas preparations, please take time to sit down and enjoy a refreshing cuppa - will it be tea or coffee?

Is it starting to look and feel Christmassy where you live?

Readers - you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas, within this blog. It is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use a reliable meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. Very Christmassy here up in Scotland. It is everywhere. Been getting my daughter's stuff and it is her birthday on Tuesday too :-O Probably put my tree up next week too!

  2. ...I amazed that so many people have had their lights on for several weeks.

  3. I have started sending email greetings to a bunch of people instead of cards, seems to work.

  4. But I do mail most of my cards still

  5. Gracias por la receta . Te mando un beso.

  6. It is starting to look Christmassy in my city and my country. Not here, though. Not yet.

  7. Not many down here send Christmas Cards these days.
    Interesting to read about them Jan.

  8. Jan - it is certainly looking a lot like Christmas in our neck of the woods! The snow sure helps to add to the festive mood. I will start writing Christmas cards this week, and I always start with my international ones to make sure they arrive in time! And my preferred hot beverage is coffee - this time of year, it is nice to add some Kahlua or other liqueur!

  9. I will be making my cranberry sauce later today. I'm easing myself in gently this year :)

  10. Enjoy your Christmas preparations! Valerie

  11. What a nice cup !! Grandma !💗🍀 I only decorate some small things for Christmas in my home no tree I never had one 🙈 it is not my thing..but I enjoy by other people or in all the garden centers and flower shops…love happy sunday Ria and Leaf 🍀💗🐾🍀🎄

  12. A very enjoyable read about Christmas cards. We wait until after Thanksgiving to begin our Christmas decorating so now it all begins. I'll join you with a cuppa tea please. Have a happy week!

  13. I've just started some Christmas preparations, I want to be early this year. I love Christmas cake, though I only discovered I like it a couple of years ago, it was something I turned my nose up as a child and never tried again.

  14. We do not celebrate Christmas - or any other holiday for that matter - so I am perfectly happy to be free of all this stuff!

  15. I didn't know that about Christmas cards, and so this post was really fascinating. But a postal strike at the holidays is kind of scary. Here in the US it might be a rail freight strike. Something to upset the holidays I guess. Thanks for this post.

  16. No decorations up yet, or lights outside the house. Is it OK to start eating mince pies now? I've already had chestnuts and other nuts. People say I'm nuts to start now.

    God bless.

  17. Very interesting post, I was delighted with the presented cup. Shop windows have been decorated for Christmas quite a long time ago. My city lacks Christmas decorations.

    On the first Sunday of Advent, accept warm wishes. May the coming weeks be special for you.
    Hugs and greetings from autumn Poland:)

  18. Love hearing about the tradition of sending Christmas Cards again!! I have to write mine out as soon as I locate where I put them!! LOL! Thanks so much for stopping by!! I really appreciate you taking the time to do so!!

  19. Thank you for the wonderful recipe and I hope your mail isn't so slow!
    It's Christmas time for me too and I'm looking forward to this beautiful time!
    Happy Advent!
    Greetings Elke

  20. I like the story of how the sending of cards originated in Britain.

  21. Wow, had no idea about the cards. My card is painted, not printed, not addressed, not even in the envelopes!! Tree is up and decorative. Debating on getting other stuff out...or not! Some gifts in bags and some wrapped. Loving the music playing, loving the lights, loving the decor out and about, hating the prices, hating the actual shopping......and this will all change.

  22. it is starting to look like christmas in our area and our home!! and we have started working on my christmas bucket list!!

  23. I enjoy writing out Christmas cards too.
    Interesting reading about the cards.
    No, haven't started Christmas decorating yet.

  24. Our Christmas cards are ready to go.

  25. Instead of cards, we do a newsletter which we send out to those who do not email. Therefore we send half our newsletters by email and half by snail mail. We also write notes on each one.
    I don't eat fruitcake, but my husband, mom and some friends LOVE it so I make it for them. However, this year I can't seem to find candied fruit. I think I might just drop in dried fruit instead.

  26. Aquí en España todas las ciudades tienen sus luces y adornos navideños. En la casa todavía no los hemos puestos, es un poco pronto. Besos.

  27. Now that Thanksgiving is over, I can start my handmade Christmas cards, It IS starting to feel like Christmas.

  28. I am not sure I have all my Christmas cards done yet, need to check my list, and think of a sentiment I want to put inside. Neat to see the first Christmas card!

  29. I have somehow gotten through life without eating Christmas fruitcake.

  30. It is looking a lot like Christmas around here. There are lights and decorations everywhere!

  31. We've done our decorating and begun listening to seasonal music. I don't make my own fruitcake, but I do enjoy eating it.

  32. Oh goodness.. more postal troubles. We just struggled shipping a package to our son who is deployed to Africa.

    I enjoy mailing Christmas cards and I will continue to do so.. even if stamps get pricey. So many loved ones enjoy receiving them.


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