Tuesday, 1 November 2022

November - Time for the first of the month quiz - plus - Carrot Cake a low carb recipe

November’s birth flower is the chrysanthemum.
Generally, chrysanthemums represent cheerfulness.

As we welcome November, the eleventh month of the year, it's time for the first of the month quiz. I'm only asking seven questions; I hope you may have a go at answering them.

Which are the two Birthstones for November?

Emerald or Topaz or Citrine

If you are born before November 23rd then you have the zodiac sign of what?

Leo or Scorpio

If you are born on November 23rd or later, you have which zodiac sign?

Sagittarius or Cancer

Which famous actor of the film “Titanic” was born in November?

Ryan Gosling or Leonardo DiCaprio

Which tragedy of William Shakespeare’s was presented for the first time on November 1, 1604?

Othello or Hamlet

Which artwork, painted by Michelangelo, was shown for the first time on November 1, 1512?

Doni Tondo (also known as The Holy Family) or The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

November is a month of late spring in which Hemisphere?

the Southern Hemisphere or the Northern Hemisphere

How did you do? Do write down your answers at home and come back tomorrow when the answers will be revealed. 😊

~ and now for a delicious recipe suggestion ~

Carrot Cake
A low carb carrot cake can make a fabulous treat with your morning tea or coffee, 
and also works well as a dessert, see more details here

This blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes! However, not all the recipes' ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. Thanks for the multiple choice quiz. I suspect I did better (but will check).

  2. Happy November!
    Another great quiz. I know from my trusty Shakespeare ruler, I missed one, so far. :)
    A carrot cake recipe is a good start for breakfast muffins.

  3. Lindas flores e receita ótima desse bolo de cenoura! Feliz dia de todos os santos e que NOVEMBRO seja lindo! beijos, chica

  4. Your carrot cake looks delicious. Chrysanthemum flowers look beautiful.
    I am sending hugs and greetings from autumn Poland.

  5. Hello, Happy November!
    The carrot cake looks delicious, my hubby's favorite.
    Pretty flowers! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  6. Hello Jan,
    Nice picture of the flowers. It's a wonderful time of the year with good temperatures.
    And what a lovely cake. Enjoy of it after a long walk in the autumn colored nature.

    Greetings, Marco

  7. Carrot caked is one of my faves!

  8. ...#3 is the only one that I know.

  9. I think I know five, I'd have to guess at the other two.

  10. Happy November. Love carrot cake

  11. Oh! I did poorly. The last I got it right... I'm certain of that! I need a piece of that cake right now!!

  12. Boa tarde meu querido amigo. Confesso que não gosto muito de bolo de cenoura. Gosto mais de cenoura crua ou ralada. Desejo um excelente mês de novembro com muita paz e saúde.

  13. Love the carrot cake!!Nam nam nam!

  14. Sono negata, non so rispondere a nessuna domanda, tranne a quelle dell'oroscopo 😂😂😂

    Io adoro la torta di carote 😀

  15. Our daughter is an end-of-November baby so I knew quite a few answers. We celebrate Thanksgiving in the US on the fourth Thursday in November and we always celebrated her birthday on that day which made her feel extra special. Your carrot cake looks delicious! I often made that as her birthday cake

  16. I'm pretty sure I got 4 correct and the rest are guesses. That carrot cake looks good!

  17. I think I know 4 and guessed at the others.
    The carrot cake looks delicious.

  18. I have never been successful with carrot cake. I end up with carrot bricks. Even the birds turn them down when I crumble them on the bird table.

    God bless.

  19. My brain is full. We're still doing fall chores!

  20. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  21. That quiz was fun to read through. Some I knew and some I didn't and all were fun to read. And oh my yum on the carrot cake!

  22. Looks a lovely cake.
    November! Knew some answers.

  23. I love Carrot Cake and Morning Glory Muffins

  24. Your carrot cake looks delicious. I just made a lemon cake. But Carrot cake sounds really good.

  25. Fun stuff! I know some of the answers this time around. Happy November!

  26. Carrot cake is one of my favorite cakes :)

  27. I know three for sure, but the rest would be a guess. I always asked for and got carrot cake on my birthday.

  28. I think I'm pretty good on the answers - but we'll see next time!

  29. It's been awhile since i had carrot cake. Only two for these, I think.


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