Thursday, 24 November 2022

Thanksgiving 2022

Here in the UK the Countdown to Christmas continues. Christmas Cards are being written; Christmas Present Wish Lists sent to Santa, Christmas Gifts being bought … and possibly you've got some food in the cupboard or freezer waiting to be consumed over the Christmas festivities.

Have you written your Christmas Present Wish List?
The grandchildren have 😊

Of course, if like us you have American friends and bloggers, they have been getting ready for Thanksgiving Day which is today, Thursday 24th November, … for our blogging friends in Canada they have already celebrated theirs!

Wishing all our readers who may be celebrating Thanksgiving a Happy Day
Good luck and good health to you all

Jan and Eddie


  1. ...always have thankful days.

  2. My son's girlfriend is American so Thanksgiving has been brought into our family. It's actually also her birthday today so double celebrations.

  3. Thank you for the Thanksgiving Day wishes! I wish a beautiful Advent and Christmas season to follow for all those who celebrate it.

  4. Thanks for the holiday wishes. And Christmas sadly seems to overpower so much of Thanksgiving.

  5. 🍀🍀🍀love from me and Leaf 💗🐾

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating!

  7. Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes. I am thankful for every day.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  8. Feliz día para todos los que celebran el Día de Acción de Gracias.

  9. We are straight into Christmas the day after Halloween. Or soon after depending. Hope you're having a wonderful cuppa and enjoying the cards. So fun.

  10. I just ce!ebrate a little, we all need to be thankful for so much! Valerie

  11. Heartfelt Happy thanksgiving day dear!
    Gratefulness is highest quality a human being can have I believe because a grateful heart brings joys in lives around him :)

  12. Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes, Jan. I put off Christmas until after this very important holiday where we have SO MUCH to be thankful for.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating it, and a happy healthy day to the world.

  14. I have started on my Christmas cards!

  15. Una dieta aburrida no es para mi besos

  16. Happy Start to the Holidays!
    Turkey broth on the stove, a garland up, one vase done, and little faux tree awaits decoration.

  17. Today is Thanksgiving here in the US. Christmas started in the stores in Sept. Bahhh humm bugg. LOL Have a nice day.

  18. Thank you. We should make every day one of thanks, but NOT all the cooking. :)

  19. Feliz día de acción de Gracias. Te mando un beso.

  20. Not that many people send Christmas cards down here these days unfortunately. I still send some.

  21. I like your image of an abundant cornucopia!

  22. We had a good Thanksgiving. Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes.

  23. As I was driving to my daughter's house yesterday I remembered last yr. on that same hour and 15 drive, getting caught in traffic. I sat for 30 minutes waiting on an accident to be moved, but it seems like it was just recently and not a yr ago. Time flies by and Christmas will be here before we know it.

  24. Thanks! Have a good weekend.

  25. Thank you . We celebrate Thanksgiving big time with a large crowd of extended family as well as our family. It's a wonderful celebration of amazing food and family time. Thanks

  26. Christmas is a bad time of year for me. I just need to get through it.

  27. We did enjoy a lovely Thanksgiving, so happy when we can be with family :)

  28. Belated thanks,Jan! It was lovely.


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